Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Vivo Iterum

Making a Promise

by Always_A_Legend 5 reviews

Jay won't accept it so easily. He will do anything in his power to bring her back. Even if it will cost his life. Sequel to With my Last Breath. MAJOR J/T, minor A/A.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-01-28 - Updated: 2007-01-29 - 1247 words

It's been a while since I updated this series so I'm going to do it now. Since nobody had gotten the riddle of the last chapter, no one was able to read this chapter early. But that doesn't matter. I know I should be studying for my exams which are on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday but the exam I have first is English so I'm going to count this as practice. I think there might be two or three more chapters after this one, and then I'm done with this series which would be the first series to be completed. I'm sure by now you guys are tired of hearing me babbling on and on so I'll shut up and start writing.

Disclaimer: IDNOCOTT. (I Do Not Own Class Of The Titans) [I went through my recent chapters and noticed that I didn't add the disclaimer. Now that I think of it, I don't think anyone did. Ok I'll shut up for real this time...]
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Jay and Theresa sat side by side on a rock, looking up to the starry night sky. (A/N: ok I know there's no possibility of having a sky in the Underworld since it's under the earth, but let's assume they have this magical sky like in the Harry Potter books)

'It's such a beautiful night,' said Jay. 'It's so clear; I can already identify some constellations.' Theresa said nothing. She was too busy, looking at Jay, fantasizing the moment. Jay turned to face her.

'Are you alright? You didn't say anything since we've been here,' he said with a hint of concern in his voice. Theresa smiled and shook her head, her hair floating along the light breeze.

'She's so beautiful. Why did she have to die? I would give anything to switch places with her. She deserves to be in the sun, light reflecting her beauty not in this darkness. She looks so pale,' thought Jay. He longed to hold Theresa in his arms, telling her how much he wanted her to be his. But for now, his main priority is to get Theresa back to the land of the livings.

'Theresa?' he asked.

'Hm?' came her reply.

'What if we ran out of time? What if you got tired of waiting for us and decide to accept your death? What if...' Jay didn't get any further. Theresa had kissed him to silence him. Jay was taken aback but still returned her kiss. They slowly pulled away. Theresa laid her head on Jay's shoulders and closed her eyes.

'I will wait for you no matter how long it will take to bring me back,' she whispered. Jay smiled. He pulled away from her.

'Promise?' he asked.

'Promise. But you also have promise that you will never give up no matter how hard it is to find an answer to your many questions,' replied Theresa. Jay lifted his head high in pride and smiled.

'It's a deal then,' he said then he pulled her towards him and kissed her tenderly.
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'Have a safe trip!'

'Make sure to come back and visit us!'

'Divide and conquer; that's the key point!'

'You go and get them girl! Show them what we girls are made of!'

'DUDE! Remember to use that hair gel I told you about!'

'Next time I'll definitely beat you in Winds of War!'

Theresa and the ancient heroes stood and waved at their friends. Dawn was only minutes away and they were returning to the land of living, with newly found hope and faith. Jay led the way, followed by Odie, Herry, Archie and Atlanta. Neil was falling behind because he was stopping every five steps to check on his face.

'Neil, hurry up. We need to get started on our research,' said Jay, turning around.

'Don't rush me! Beauty takes time!' whined Neil. They went through the secret entrance and found themselves in Persephone's solarium. Hera was waiting for them.

'Ahh! Children! You are back. How was the visit?' she asked.

'Wonderful,' said Jay.

'Yah. We really got along with our ancestors and spend lots of time bonding,' said Archie. The others nodded in approval.

'Good. Classes start in a few minutes. You better hurry along,' dismissed Hera. They all nodded and rushed to the secret entrance that divided the school and the secret wing of the gods' lair.
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The high pitched sound of the bell echoed through the hallways and students poured out of the classrooms. Six teenagers hurried to the cafeteria.

'Come on guys. Let's finish our lunch early and head to the library,' said a boy with his signature yellow and purple sweater. The other five nodded, grabbed a tray and quickly pilled it with foods. They gobbled it down in a few minutes and rushed out, heading towards the library. The boy assigned them each a section and told them that time was short and that they needed to use time wisely. They each rushed to their assigned department and silently flipped through books, hoping to find an answer to their desperate objective. Minutes went by with no sign of success. Lunch time draw to a close and each of them all silently promised to come back and resume their search.
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Theresa sat by the rock where she spent the night with Jay. She looked up to the sky and wished her teammates the best in finding the cure.

'I wonder how they are doing right now. Is Jay pushing himself over the limit again?' she pondered as she recalled last night conversation with Atlanta. The fiery red haired tomboy had told her how Jay was beating himself up by skipping lunch and sleep to find a cure. Theresa was in tears when she found out how they all beat themselves for her to return to them. This time, she hoped that the hope they had gain during their visit would make them less determinate and more hopeful.

'I wish all the best guys' though Theresa and she wished upon a bright star in the starry starry night.
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Somewhat short but oh well. I would have gone longer but it's like 10 pm now and my exam is at 9 am. (Curse the people who scheduled the exams that early). Today's riddle would be quite a simple one.

When dawn came and the descendants, six people said something to them. Who were they and what did they say to whom? (Some of them said something specifically referring to someone while others spoke to them in general)


'Good luck on you search guys!'- Theresa to all of them

'Have fun on you hunting trip!' - Atalanta to Atlanta.

Hope this example made some sense to my explanation in the paragraph above. First 5 people with their given email address will receive the second last chapter to this series. (Note: the bolded part is for those people who wants to read the next chapter. Some people just answer the question for fun or they want the next chapter but they didn't put their email and I couldn't send it to them. So if you are one of those people who complains that they answered the question but they didn't get the chapter, ask yourself why I wasn't able to send it to you. OH and for the millionth time, if you give me your address you can cross off hacking into email off the list because i am not going to hack into your email. i'm not THAT bored.)
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