Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Adamo

Chapter 5: Hot Tub's and A's

by lalalene 5 reviews


Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2006-12-16 - Updated: 2006-12-17 - 741 words

Chapter 5:
Hot Tubs and A's

"I Got an A!" Neil screamed as he ran over to his friends sitting down in the cafeteria. " Beat that!"

"Good job Neil." Theresa was sitting next to Jay, Her boyfriend.

"Atlanta was sitting on Archie. " Hmf. What did you get it in-Smiling?"

"No - Jeese - It was Fashion." Neil pushed his nose into the air as he replied. He went and Sat down between Jay and Theresa, splitting them apart. He turned to Theresa. " So Theresa, I found an Amazing Salon down on 7th street and I made appointments to go get a couple of massages, pedicures, facials, you know the works." Jay rolled his eyes. He knew where this was going. Before he knew it Neil and Theresa would be down at the new salon, get everything from facials to nose hairs waxed.

It had been a couple of weeks since Theresa had come home. And Stuff had gone back to normal. Well as normal as it can get when you're a teen.

"Come on Guys- Lets get going, I want to go wash my truck before it gets to late." Herry said. They nodded and grabbed their Various bags that had been laying at there feet. The group of Teenagers moved out of the school, passing Mr. Suez, The school's Janitor.

"He Ze- I mean Mr. Suez. Jay said as hey passed him, holding onto Theresa's Hand, as she continued to listen to Neil talk about the new salon.

"And Jennifer Lopez's Sister's Brother's Cousin's Wife's Brother's Girlfriend's Daughter went there! I men like practically a celebrity!" Neil continued as the Teens hoped into the fire engine red truck.

Finally Atlanta, Who was sitting next to Theresa, with Archie on her other side put a stop to it. "SHUT UP NEIL, PLEASE!"

Neil stopped. "Sorry, What did you say Atlanta?"

Atlanta Screamed.

Back at home after Neil had gone to the salon again, He and Theresa had just gotten back, From the place, Jay suggested that they go out back. And they lay there.

"erg- I need a, a, massage or something Theresa said. "I'm still sore from Crouns."
A general murmur or agreements came from the group. " Didn't you get one at the Spa?"

"ARCHIE!" Atlanta said as she punched his shoulder.

"Hey, oww Atlanta that hurt."

"Sorry, but still, you need to learn some manners!"

A cell phone rang and Theresa quietly grabbed her purse and took out her phone, She quietly walked away from Atlanta and Archie who were still bickering.


"Hi Theresa!


"How's my Daughter?"

"Daddy! Hi, How are you? I'm Great! I haven't Talked to you in such a long time!"

"I'm great Terri, Great! I just invested in a Hot-Tub company, Great Folks- Their Stocks are going to go thought the roof when they hit the market with there new model- anyways, Princess-They gave a few of these Hut Tub Thingies and I was wondering if you and your Crew over there in New Olympus might like one."

Theresa didn't have to think. "Yes Daddy, Yes!"

"Great Pumpkin, It'll be there momentarily- you see, I thought you would want it so go it a couple of days," Theresa heard the door bell ring as her dad keep speaking, she turned, still holding the phone to her ear to see jay get up to answer it. "So It'll Be there soon."

"What!?!" It was Jay from the front Door. " We didn't get a, a Hot Tub!"

"Um Dad, It looks like it's Here, Got to go, Love ya, Bye" Theresa snapped the phone shut as she ran to the front door.

"Hey, Hey! Theresa called, Running past Jay who was standing at the front door to see a pair of Guys walking back to the truck with a large, not to mention expensive looking, Hot Tub on the back. " Hey!" They turned to look at Theresa " ah that's our Hot Tub."

Hey Guys,

How are you? My dog got a cone on her head-(my dog is 8 mths old) and it's quite funny to see her walking around. And I was wondering something. How many of you Believe that Atlanta like Archie, And if so/ or not give me reasons. Maybe this will inspire me to write more about the A/A pairing in my stories. My only problem with the couple is that I don't believe that Atlanta has feelings for Archie. Anyways Read&Review.

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