Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Is It Love or Is it

Gerard Realize Something that could change something forever?

by MCRlover08 0 reviews

Gerard Tell Jessi to break?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-12-20 - Updated: 2006-12-20 - 1437 words

Gerard POV

I woke up with a really bad fucking headache. I remember the night before. Me and Jessi had are first fight. I dont remember her comming back in. I went to her bunk, but she wasnt there, so I went to Frank's. He wasnt there either. Then I went to Ray he was there. I went to Bob he was there. Then I went to Mikey he wasnt there. As a matter of fact I remember Frank and Mikey going outside and that's the last time I remember seeing them. I went to the kitchen to get me some water and some headache medicine. I drank the water and took the pills. Then I just went and sat on the floor, since Bob was on the couch.

Jessi POV

I remember last night. I woke up in the hospital with Frank and Mikey here by my bedside. I dont remember anything. I was looking around the room I was in and I seen Frank and Mikey in a stair sleeping. Then I seen Frank rolling around and then waking up. He seen me awake and ran to me. He said OMG Jessi how are you feeling? I said Im good, just confused as why the hell Im in here. Where Bob and Gerard. Frank said umm they hadnt came. They have hangovers and Bob said just to be there for her for him. So I am and thats the same with Gerard. He said he really loves you. The doctors walks in. He says I got some good news. Frank went and woke up Mikey. He said what the heck am I getting woken up. Frank said dude shut up and open your eyes. He open his eyes and looked straight at me. Then he ran to me and hugged me. Then the doctor said aww how cute, but Mikey and Jessi, I got good news. I was thinking to myself, Mikey and Jessi, WTF. The doctor said Jessi we thought you had cancer last night, but we got it mixed up with somebody else, so you are cancer free. I looked shocked. I was thinking what the fuck. Mikey kissed me on the cheek and said omg Im so happy then whisper in my ear and he said just play like we are together okay. I said okay. He was holding my hand. The doctor left and Frank said okay hold on Im going to call the REST and tell them. Okay.I said Frank.. Frank said yeah. I said thanks for being here and can you seen when I get out? Frank said yea sure. bye bye and then walked around the corner. Mikey said OMG Im so glad you are okay. I said yea but it's a shocker that they thought I had cnacer. What kind of fucking hospital is this. Mikey laughed and said I dont know. What happen last night. I said umm Me and Gerard got in a fight and I ran off and this guy came up to me drunk and called me a emo whore and I couldnt do anything cuz when he called me a emo whore it brought back memories of that Mark guy. Then you and Frank came and knocked his ass out and then I end up here. Mikey said oh yeah. Im just glad you are fine. I said yea me too

Gerard POV

Ring Ring. Oh shit my phone. I got it out of my pocket. I seen it was Frank. I answered it. FRANK WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU AND MIKEY AND JESSI? Frank said Im at the hospital. I said what the fuck is everybody okay. Frank said yea yea now everybody is. I said what the fuck happen. Frank said when you and Jessi got in a fight and she went on that walk and some guy tryed to rape her and we(me and Mikey) knocked his ass out and she fainted and now we are at the hospital. But everything is fine. She is comming to the bus right now. I gotta go. Before I could say anything he hung up. I was freaking out. I woke up everybody else. Bob and Ray was pissed off for waking them. But then I told Bob and he was freaking out. Ray was still pissed off but was worried. We tryied to call them back but no one answered.

Frank POV

Im so glad everything is okay with her. I went back to the room she was in. I went in and she was looking at Mikey talking. I said umm you get out right now. well just got to wait on the doc... nevermind here he is. The doctor looked at her and said yep yep, everything is fine. you can leave. Thank you. Well Jessi was on some medicine and she said yea Im never comming here again. Cuz you get information mixed up. We hurried up and left.

Back at the bus. Gerard said Bob Im worried about Jessi. Bob said me too man, me too. Just then the door opens and in walks Mikey, Jessi, Frank. Bob ran to Jessi. He pushed Mikey out of the way. He hugged her and said omg are you okay. She laughed and said yea im fine. Bob said to Mikey OMG sorry man I didnt mean too. I just very pretective of my little sister. She said smiling umm not so little anymore and grab her stomache. Bob this look on his face and then said WTF GERARD IM GOING TO KILL YOU. Gerard was like WTF. WE HAVENT DONE ANYTHING. She was laugh really hard. She said Bob I was joking. Bob said oh yea you think thats funny. Haha im not fucking laughing. He picked her up over his shoulder and then put her on the couch and started to tickle her. She was having fun.

Frank POV

Jessi pulled a good one on Bob. It was funny. Now they are on the couch and Bob is tickling her. She is having fun. I could tell now. Then Bob stopped and then hugged her and said OMG Im just glad you are fine. She said yea im fine, just that those stupid fucks got the information wrong and they thought I had Cancer, with I dont. Im glad too. Bob said How the fuck can they get that kind of information mixed up. Thats a fucked up hospital. Bob looked at Gerard. Then Bob said I think maybe you and Gerard should talk. Jessi said yea sure. I can talk, as long as he wont bitch at me. Gerard said I promise I wont. Jessi said okay then. Me and Mikey and bob and Ray went outside. We were walking around and having fun.

Jessi POV

So whats up, I asked him. He just looked at me with worry in his eyes. I said Babe, im fine no need to worry about that anymore. Its over with that. Okay. He then said Jessi, maybe I think we need to umm... before he could say anything I just started crying and then I said maybe we need to breakup. Is that it. Gerard was crying and he shook his head and said yea but I still love you, but Im no fun anymore, you always like hanging out with Mikey and Frank. I said yea but you never ask to hang out and you never ask me to go with you. I thought you hated me until Mikey convinced me you didnt and that you were having a rough time. Oh by the way my mom called me and she wants me back. With that I ran out the door.

Spring break is over and back at school.
Its been 2 weeks since me and Gerard broke up. We are still friends. I had decide to go back to my mom. I hate being here. See Gerard getting all the girls. Hanging all over him. So I was leaving in a week.Bob said that I could come back anytime. I said yea I probably will. But prmoise me you will come visit me. Bob said I promise and I'll drag the guys too. I said of course that the only reason why I want you to come so you can bring the guys, so I can hang out with them. Bob said not funny. I said I was joking Bob Bryar. My big Bro and drummer for My Chemcial Romance. How sweet. Bob said thats pretty Sweet. I went to bed that night and fell asleep.
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