Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Letters To Lanta

Chapter 1: Say Bye-Bye

by Bookaholic 4 reviews

It's been 2 years since they defeated Cronus, so the gang is great. Until Christmas! Everyone except Atlanta goes home forever, so Lanta is lonely, and she misses her family more than ever! Guess w...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-12-20 - Updated: 2006-12-20 - 498 words

Hi! Me again. I don't own CotT, just a fan. Hope you like!!

New Olympia, British Columbia

"Y-you, you guys are really leaving?" Atlanta was sitting on a couch, Theresa on one side, Archie on the other. Jay was sitting in a smaller couch, Herry was beside him. Odie and Neil were sitting in comfortable chairs. Archie hugged his sad friend and said,

"Atlanta, don't cry. You're stronger than this, and we don't want to leave you but..."
"But we have to go back to our families. We miss them, and they miss us. Don't take this the wrong way, we'll miss you too, but they need us." Theresa finished of for him and Archie quietly thanked her.

"Atlanta, why can't you go to your home?" Everyone stared at Neil. For once he actually had a point! Then everyone looked at Atlanta.

"Because, there are only flights every five years or so, and the only other way is to drive, and I need Herry's truck to carry all my stuff, but Herry is going back to Texas! Oh and are you saying that I don't need my friends, Theresa?"

"Atlanta, she didn't mean that, she meant that we grew up with our families, and they have no clue where we are! We are related to those people, we love them, and they love us. They are part of us." Jay looked at Atlanta with sorrow.

"Sorry, it's just that I didn't want you to leave, and that is a very selfish thing to do, you need your family. C'mon, let's get ready to go." With that, Theresa winked at Jay and the guys sitting next to him. They nodded their heads and left Archie and Atlanta alone.

"Atlanta, I just wanted to say that I'm really going to miss you, and I didn't want to leave you, but I really need to spend time with my family. These past three years have amazing, and..." Archie gulped. "And I love you!"

Atlanta gasped. She didn't expect this at all! "Arch, really? I've always liked you, but I thought you only liked me as a friend!" Archie kissed Atlanta and told her that he wouldn't settle for anyone else.

"Well, c'mon, let's go! We have to get moving before we miss our flight! We have to get Granny too, y'know!" Herry called out.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

An eleven-year old girl sat in her living room, sitting at the computer. She was on the web, at, reading about John Cena. She was twirling her light-blonde hair around her finger when she heard a bell. "Cool, the cookies are ready." She got up and bit into one of the cookies. She remembered making cookies with her older sister, and went back to the computer, and clicked on 'Outlook Express'. She clicked on 'Send Message' and began to type.

Dear Lanta,
Trish here. What's up?...........

She continued to type.
Only 492 words? It felt like a million and three! Please R&R
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