Categories > Anime/Manga > Full Metal Alchemist > A Christmas Wish


by WinryRockbell16 1 review

At last Ed and Al arrive in Resembool! Ed is conflicting ovr telling Winry his feelings, and is going mad from the constant fight! what will happen?

Category: Full Metal Alchemist - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric, Pinako Rockbell, Winry Rockbell - Published: 2006-12-20 - Updated: 2006-12-21 - 530 words

A Christmas Wish
Chpt. 3

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Alphonse looked at the snow covered ground as it passed quickly under the train. Ed and Al had departed from Central, and were now heading towards their hometown, Resembool. Ed, of course, wasn't as happy to go home as Al was. Once they boarded the train Ed mumbled such things as, "stupid auto-mail had to break now, didn't it?! and "Damn that stupid door...." under his breath. Al sighed as he looked at the seat across from him that his brother was currently sleeping on. 'I wonder why he didn't want to go home?' He thought. "Next stop, Resembool! A mans voice called out over the intercom. Al gave one last sigh, and then set to work on waking up his brother.

Al stepped off the train followed by a very grouchy, and sleepy Edward. After they gatherd their luggage, they set off on the walk to the Rockbell home. 'I wonder if brother really doesn't like Winry..' Al thought to himself. ' but then again, maybe he does and he's denying it.. I have to find out!' Alphonse cleared his throat and got his brothers attention. "So brother," Al started. " Are you excited to see everyone?" Ed glanced at Al and gave a small shrug. "I don't know, I guess.." He replied. Al decided to see if he could push Ed into telling him more. "Are you excited about seeing.....Winry?" Al said cautiosly. Ed suddenly became very interested in looking at his shoes. He coughed a couple of times before he pointed ahead of them. "Look." Ed said. "there's the house..." Al sighed and decided to give up for the moment. He'll just have to try again later.

The moment Ed looked at the house, his thoughts were stuck on Winry, again. He wanted to tell her how much she meant to him, how much he wanted to be with her. But the fear of telling her and loosing interest in he and Al's journey, and the fear of her rejecting him, clouded his thought. He soon became very dizzy. He wanted to tell Winry, but he couldn't risk jepordizing his search for the stone, or his friendship with her. Panic arose as he thought these things. His heart thumped wildly in his chest, and his legs got weak and tired. before he knew it, he was on the ground. The last thing he heard was Winry's voice, then he blacked out.

~ Owari


A/N// kind of a rushed chapter, I'm so sorry! Forgive me! But I am trying desperatly to finish last minute Chistmas shopping!! There will be more action in the next chappie though! I promise! But what I really need to know is if anyone is enjoying this story, because I am so busy with school work, and I am going to Japan this coming summer(which means I need to brush up on the language) and am debating deleting this story. But please tell me if you are enjoying it, because I would hate to delete it if someone is still interested! I will try to have the next chapter up by tomorrow! Thank you again for reading!
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