Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Never in a million years

Grass by the lake

by thebroken 1 review

read and find out :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-12-24 - Updated: 2008-08-05 - 1805 words

It was hard to take in what just happened, had Frank Iero, The Frank Iero my biggest idol just kissed me? I had dreamt of this moment, but never imagine it to be this fantastic. Frank took a step back.

“Oh. I’m sorry I don’t know what got into me,” I smiled and took a step forward; I touched Frank’s cheek with my hand a kissed him back.

“It’s alright I feel the same,” Frank kissed my cheek after I had spoken my words.

“Good, because I really, really like you. But we have just met,” Frank said. “Why don’t we take it slow and se what happened?”

“Yeah, it would be for the best,” I said and I kissed him once more it was a long and wonderful kiss which left me all shaky.

“Eh, to hell with that!” Frank said a draw me closer and we started kissing again. He dragged me down in the grass by the lake. The grass was still wet but we couldn’t care less. I felt Franks tongue against my bottom lip and I opened my mouth carefully. His hand went through my hair and he started to kiss my neck.

“You’re beautiful,” He whispered in my ear.

“God, you’re sweet and such a cliché but yeah alright!” I said smiling; everything was just feeling so right. I enjoyed every single moment, because this was just too good to be true. I knew soon something would come in our way. I was prepared to take a risk, but we had to stop right now, because this wasn’t the time or place. “I think we should get back now. The sun is almost up and well this is not the right place,” Frank nodded and pulled me up from the grass.

“I know,” Frank said and took my hand. “Let’s just go back!”

When we got to the parking lot I pulled away my hand from Franks.

“I just have to understand this myself, before I let anyone else know,” I explained and Frank understood.

“You’re right!” he said and walked into the bus.

[Frank pov]
In the bus it was almost as dessert as it hand been when I had left. Bob, Gerard and Ray were still sleeping but Mikey was sitting in the couch doing nothing. He looked up and looked glad when he saw me.

“Finally, some company,” he said. “I’m almost bored to death. Where have you been? You left like an hour ago.”

“I took a walk with Ebba,” I said honest.

“You really like her, don’t you?” Mikey said

“Yes, I guess I do,” I said and I sat down.

“Well, it quite obvious. So what happened?”

“Happened?” I asked

“On your walk, idiot.”

“You know you’re exactly like your brother! Always coming with these questions,” I said. “No I’m just kidding well no, nothing happened really we just walked and talked.”

“Ebb, finally where have you been? I haven’t seen you like since yesterday afternoon. Thought we might had forgotten you somewhere back,” Julia said looking at me. She was sitting in our red minivan with her big red sunglasses on. She looked really happy, but really looked like she had been sleeping in a van, her hair was a completely mess, but it sill looked good like always. She had that thing with her hair and it always looked good whatever she did to it. Something my hair didn’t it was just a complete mess. “Why do you have grass in you hair?” she continued.

“Well I’ve been in the bus all night,” I said. “and this morning Frank and I went for a walk and I slipped and fell into the grass,” I lied sitting down in the van. “You know how I am.”

“Yes I know. You are so clumsy. So you have been walking with Frank again. Oh!” She said smiling. “Is there anything between you?” Julia and I had been best friends since like first grade. We were always together and we would never get sick of each others. I told her everything.

“Yes I’ve been walking with Frank again so what?” I lied like I never did, but I didn’t know what to tell her I wasn’t sure myself how I felt. I liked Frank a lot so much I knew. “We have fun together.”

“Think you have been doing much more then just enjoying each others company,” Julia someway always read my mind, she knew when something was wrong and she knew how I felt.

“He kissed me! So are you happy now?” I said getting a bit annoyed by her.


“What do you mean by and?” I said

“And did you kiss him back?” she taking of her sunglasses and staring me right into my eyes.

“Yes I did,” I started to get read.

“You really like him, I can tell,” she said and laughed.

“Yeah, I think so too,” I started to laugh. “I guess I do.”

“That’s cool and by the way we’re getting our own bus tonight,”

That night after getting our own red bus. Our bus and the bands bus drove to the lake and found a quiet nice privet place to speed our night. The whole idea was Gerard’s; he said he felt like having the night privet, away from all the crazy fans and media. So he had found a perfect place and now we were staying there. Our bus was really nice, and I had been given my own bunk. The one closest to the floor in case that I would fall out of it, because I’m always moving when I’m sleeping. After a nice dinner and hanging out with the band we all when to bed by twelve. But I couldn’t sleep I just had too many things in my brain all at once. I crawled out my bunk and found my guitar in the kitchen so I took it and walked out of the bus. The sun was going down and the sky had a beautiful pink colure. I walked down to the water and felt that it was still really warm. The lake had no movements what so ever. I sat down on the cliffs and started to play. I started to play one of my favourite songs as a child, Otherside by Red Hot Chili Peppers.

“How long how long will I slide, Separate my side I don’t…” I sang quiet. When I got to the half of it I realised I had an audience. Frank was standing behind me. I stopped to play.

“No don’t stop. It sounded really good,” he said coming closer and sitting down next to me. “Couldn’t sleep either, huh?” he said looking at the lake.

“No, too many thoughts in my head,” I said.

“Yeah me too. Odd, I usually fall right to sleep but today it was harder. And so I heard someone play so I thought I would go out and see who it was,” he said still looking away.

“Okay, that’s nice.”

“You got a really nice voice you know!” he said and looked me into my eyes. I smiled and he bent forward and his lips meet mine. We broke apart and he took my guitar. He started to play. I heard at once that it was desert song.

“I love this song,” I said

“Yeah, it’s nice to play,” he smiled and looked down at the ground.

“Yeah, but you know what?”

“No?” he said.

“Let’s swim!” I said standing up and pulling my tee-shirt of and showing my black bra, took of my shoes and my pants and ran into the warm water. “Come on, it really warm!” he laughed at me and the started to take off his tee-shirt. I putted my head under the water and came up again. Frank was now in the water.

“You call this warm?” he said walking ageist me. “It’s freezing!”

“No it’s not! Don’t be silly. Just dip your head and I will feel much warmer!” he did what I told him and he came up next to me. He started to splash water on me and me on him. It ended with him taking a grab around waist and pulling me down in the water. We both come up laughing.

“God, you’re silly,” I said putting my arms around his shoulders and kissing him.

After the swimming Frank and I got some blankets and lay down on the cliffs. We lay close together and watched the last of the sun go down. But it wasn’t gone long. I woke up early next morning by Frank, who tickled my neck, I smiled happy when I say him laying there next to me and I grabbed his hand.

“Hallo!” I said still smiling. I felt so happy in this moment. I would lay there on the cliff forever if I could. My head on Franks chest, his hand in my. Nothing else felt so right.

“Hello, sleep any?”

“Yes I did. It’s nice sleeping next too you,” Frank kissed me again, longer that before. I enjoyed every second of that kiss.

[Frank pov]
Could life be any better? I was doing what I loved, being out on tour and I had meet Ebba. She was really just like me. And a new day had just started with new opportunities; a day which had started really well. I hoped it would continue the same way as it started.

“Good morning sleepy head!” I said happy as I entered the bus and found a half-dead man sitting by the tables. It was Mikey. He had dark rings around his eyes and holding a cop of coffee in his hand.

“A morning it is, but I haven’t decided if it’s a good one yet,” he said looking up at me. “You look happy.”

“Well I am?” I said sitting down next to him. “Bad night? you look like you haven’t been sleeping at all.”

“Well, I didn’t,” he said. “I had this repenting nightmare all night and I couldn’t sleep at all.”

“That doesn’t sound nice.”

“No, but how was yours and Ebba’s night then?” he asked.

“Ebba’s?” I lied.

“Don’t you lie to me I heard you,” Mikey said he looked like he was slowly begun to wake up.

“Oh, okey. Well we just slept on the cliffs watching the sun go down,” I said.

“Whatever…” he said and walked away and left me a bit confused.

Well Merry Christmas everyone! :) Don't forget to review!
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