Categories > Anime/Manga > Fruits Basket > Cat of The Zodiac: Kyou Sohma

Chapter 7: What Kind of Love?

by spiralred 0 reviews

"And Kyou, allow me to return the favor."

Category: Fruits Basket - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Kyo, Yuki - Published: 2005-08-05 - Updated: 2005-08-05 - 6752 words

Disclaimer, I do not own fruitsbasket.

Chapter 7: What Kind of Love?

As it turned out, Kyou's ankle had healed properly (Once Hatori could finally go and check on it) and Hatori permitted him to go to school on the condition that he not get in any fights, climb any roofs, or jump from any windows.

In addition to Yuki and he being on good terms, the news of his ankle having healed brightened Kyou's mood immensely. Kyou was quickly back to his fiery self.

"Hey Kyon!" Uo shouted to Kyou in the class room. "Is the poor little cat-lover well enough to be in school."

"Well enough to beat you, Yankee."

"Oh really?"

"Any day of the week, any time, I bet I could even beat you in any dimension."

"He's gotten cocky while he was away hasn't he?"

"Not cocky, honest."

"I'll take you right now."

"Sure, but hand-to-hand, no lead pipes."

"I got you, I'm no bully, I know how to fight fair."

"Alright, you're on."

Both of them took battle stances, Uo regally towering over Kyou, arms tensed before her, placed crossing her chest, ready to hit. Kyou stood in a position complimentary to Uo's, crouching, hands already curled into fists, body prepared to pounce at his prey.

Already the other students were circling around them, buzzing with excitement.

Slowly a spark lit in each of their eyes and they exchanged knowing smiles.

"Chill out, Tiger(#1), we'd better calm down, we wouldn't want to worry our little Tohru now, would we?"

"No, I don't think we would. Tohru, don't work yourself up over us."

"Oh! . . . well . . . no, I'm fine really . . ."

"It's good to have you back, Kyon."


Everything went pretty much back to normal, Kyou went back to school (happily even), and put all his energy back into research and his job (thankfully his boss took him back after all that time off, although that might have been the influence of the Sohma name). Yuki even weaseled his way out of some of his student council duties to help Kyou with his research.

Yuki and Kyou would spend hours together in the library at school doing web searches, even longer when they would go to the city library and sift though ancient books on folklore. Kyou had already done most of the research himself in the previous two months, much to Yuki's surprise.

Kyou had systematically researched ancient myths of Chinese and Japanese origin, starting with the Cosmic Egg of China and the Floating World of the Japanese Ainu. As he continued his search he found that the thread that seemed to lead to the right direction was following the four chinese spiritual animals, the turtle, the unicorn/white tiger, the dragon, and the phoenix.

Kyou zeroed in on the spiritual animals and the stones of the zodiac animals. That lead him to two locations;

The first was Kitora tomb in the Nara Prefecture of Japan, which was said to hold the first image of the zodiac and have images of each of the legendary creatures in the four directions, north, south, east, and west. The part of that location which really intrigued Kyou, although, was the picture of the zodiac calendar he found, there was something about it that drew him in. Across the deep red brown of the circular calendar was an arc of the purest orange, Kyou was pretty sure it was exactly the color of his fur in his cat form, and there was a wispy quality that suggested that it held some sort of secret, a word or symbol, something; it's odd, striking contrast reminded him so much of the spirit in side him, the glaring anomaly of the zodiac.

The second was the tomb of Prince Zanghuai in the Quanling tomb of Xian, China. This location held little about the legendary animals, only the Phoenix was directly indicated. The one thing that had drawn Kyou to it was the story of Prince Zanghuai, a prodigy, the most talented of his siblings, who was hated by his mother. The prince's name was Li Xian, and he had revealed a secret of the Han dynasty that Wu Zetian, the empress, saw as a challenge to her power. She had him exiled, and he died at 31. The story reminded him of Yuki, the privileged one, who was hated. Kyou felt that there was a lot more to the story, that he needed to find out.

Earlier Kyou had tried simple genealogy records to connect him to either of the sites, but the Sohma records, were well hidden. The records library was unable to show him the oldest records, as the Sohma family records were privileged files that could only be viewed by presenting a document signed by, guess who, the family head. What's more, when he asked the records library for this information and was refused, the secretary alerted him that she had to take time out of her day (what a tragedy) to call to proprietor of the Sohma records and tell him that someone had attempted to access the records. Well, Kyou wasn't going to have that, because without a doubt Akito would find out if that chain of events occurred. Before Kyou could flee, the secretary demanded his name for her records, and of course, Kyou shouted, "Hell no!" He started running, but it was too late, she had already pressed the call button for security, Kyou ran straight into a pair of security guards. Unfortunately he was caught and forced to give a name, he thought of giving a fake name, but he knew Akito would find out, and someone in the family would pay, guilty or innocent, so he didn't lie.

Akito was yet to confront Kyou about the records, and Kyou was in no hurry for him to.

Since he couldn't research a genetic link to the Prince or a relative from the Nara Prefecture, he looked for a connection between the current zodiac curse and the history of the two locations.

This is where Kyou had Yuki help him.

Yuki had spend many years previous educating himself about the junishi, and his research had reflected his hatred for Kyou. He had been focused on the exclusion of the cat from the zodiac and was extremely knowledgeable on the four palaces and the cat's exclusion from all of them.

Kyou had decided to take a very simplistic view on the zodiac, devoid of the legend of the cat and mouse.

The two of them first looked among the current family to see which of them resembled the four legendary animals to consider if they would serve a purpose in removing the curse.

Since in some cases the unicorn took the form of the white tiger they considered it to resemble Kisa the most. Hatori was obviously the dragon, Kureno the phoenix (being the only bird in the zodiac), but who was the turtle?

The first thought of course for the turtle was Tohru, she had become an extremely important to them and it seemed that she would play a key element in removal of the curse. There was also a legend of a lake where a turtle was the keeper of the sword, the sword could symbolize destruction, but it could also symbolize a revolution for the Sohma.

The second was Ayame, the turtle's legends were so inextricably mixed with the snake that he couldn't be discounted as the turtle however unlikely it seemed.

The third was Akito, the more modern visions of the turtle included descriptions such as; dark lord, with wild unruly dark hair, dressed in primitive clothing (Akito's vintage kimono), capable of powerful punishments and redemptive deliverance(that part sounded like Tohru).

They had a second theory for the relationship between the family and the legends.

That related to the story of the Cosmic Egg, deciding the roles of P'an-ku and the Yin and Yang of the egg.

One version was that Akito was P'an-ku and that Kureno, Hatori, Ayame, and Kisa were the guardians that accompanied him.

Next that Akito was the Yin of the egg and Tohru the Yang, The two of them accompanying parts of the world created for the junishi.

After that, the same version, but with P'an-ku not representing the living world, but a being that connected the two halves, represented by Kyou.

The final version, the most frightening and repugnant of them all to Yuki and Kyou, even more so than the previous two was that Kyou and Akito were the two halves of the egg and Tohru was P'an-ku, the leader for the rest of the junishi.

In the end, all their theories weren't much to go on, but it was some sort of conclusion and something to go on when they journeyed to the two sites.


"So Tohru, how did it go?"

"Yeah we're just dying to know."

"You mean, what you said about the flirting?"


"Well I did what you guys said with lowering my voice, evening my inflections, batting my eyelashes, and wearing the makeup you guys gave me."

"So what happened."

"Nothing much. He smiled at me, but when I gave him that line he made this funny face."

Uo laughed," Oh ho, so you scared the Prince, huh."

"Scared him?Oh no." Tohru's face fell.

"It's all right Tohru, you surprised him is all. What did I tell you Uo, utterly clueless, we're going to need to work from both sides if we want this to go smoothly."

"Well, to do that Tohru would have to choose one of her suitors."

"Yes Tohru, have you made your decision?"

Tohru paused a moment, closed her eyes and took a deep breath,"Yes, I've chosen Yuki."

"Guess denpa didn't win out over good old woman's intuition this time, huh? But I am surprised I didn't expect her to choose so quickly."

"Hold on, we we're betting on on Tohru's final decision weren't we?"

"Agreed." Uo replied indulgently.

"So Tohru, you're sure, Yuki's the one?"

"Uh huh, Yuki is my choice. I think, although, Kyou is very handsome, and it's really cute when he gets excited about something. Oh, and he has an amazing smile . . . " Tohru gazed off into the distance while her face took on a spaced-out, dreamy look.

Hana sighed, "Still undecided."

"Yeah, it was too good to be true."

"Tohru this might help you decide, I know you do so much for Yuki and Kyou, but what do each of them do for you?"

Tohru took a moment to think about it.

"Yuki is always so sweet to me, he's most always thoughtful, and he gives me the nicest compliments, even though it's embarrassing sometimes. Kyou, he has so much energy and he always inspires me and encourages me to be more bold and stand up for myself."

"She's really got it bad."

"And with two guys."

"Well, should we continue with the plan anyway?"

"Might as well, no use in arresting progress."

"Alright Tohru, so here's what you do . . . "


"So how are we doing financially Kyou?"

"Well so far from what I've earned at my job I have enough for the train tickets and lodging for Kitora, and nearly enough for the plane tickets to Xian. So I should be able to come up with the rest by spring, and whatever I don't I suppose I could borrow from Shishou or Shigure, and If that doesn't work I'll figure something out."

"Have you bought the tickets for Kitora yet?"


"Well when are you going to do it?!"

Kyou looked at Yuki gravely.

"I have to talk to Kagura first."

"Oh . . ."

They both were silent.

"I'd forgotten about that." Yuki said solemnly. (#2)

"Yeah, I guess I'll go by her place tomorrow."

"Are you insane? . . . She'll kill you."

"Well, I don't have a choice."

"I'll go with you."

"No . . ." Kyou started hesitantly, " . . .you don't have to come."

Yuki stared at Kyou in disbelief, "You want to face Kagura on your own? Do you want to die? Of course I'm going, who'll lead this expedition if you get killed this early in the game?"

"No, really, it's alright."

"Kyou? What's wrong? Are you angry with me or something?"

"Of course not! Damnit! But I can't just let you bail me out of everything!"

"I won't be there to 'bail you out,' I'll just be there for support, if you need it; besides, it's been a while since I've seen Kagura."

Kyou remained quiet for a moment, seeming satisfied.

"It's weird, you being so nice to me."

Yuki couldn't think of a response.

"It's okay you don't have to worry about it, it's just strange."

Yuki took a moment to consider it, true, the whole situation was strange for them. Kyou and Yuki were in his room, Yuki's room being a bit more lived in and comfortable, and they were laying on the bed. Yuki's head was perched precariously on the edge of the bed, one forearm dangling over the edge, his fingers drawing patterns on the floor. Kyou lay a foot away next to him, hands resting calmly on his rising and falling abdomen while he stared at the ceiling.

Perpetually opposite, Yuki mused,

"I understand what you mean.

"So, we'll go up to Kagura's tomorrow, the sooner the better right?"

"Yeah, together." Kyou replied.

"It's new for us." Yuki said slowly, in a low voice, exhaling at the end.

"Mmmhmm.' Kyou affirmed softly, matching Yuki's tone, his eyelids drooping.

Yuki pushed himself back and turned to look at Kyou. Kyou's red irises gleamed beneath heavy tanned eyelids with delicate orange eyelashes, searching the mark less ceiling. Yuki admitted to himself that Kyou was handsome. but the rest of his cousins were equally attractive , there was something special about Kyou that no one else had. Yuki could begin to see Kyou through Tohru and Kagura's eyes, why they were so enamored by him, it wasn't even his looks or his boundless energy, it was his presence.

I couldn't even see it that day because I was soo angry, but that first day he came to school he drew such a crowd, such curiosity and intrigue. Haru and Momiji didn't even draw the same kind of attention that he had. I used to be so jealous of that, it was something I thought made him more normal, but it's really something that makes him unique, that's helped him to survive.

Kyou was busy thinking and worrying about the task he was to face the next day. How would he talk to Kagura?

Maybe if I called before I went Kagura wouldn't have time to calm herself down, unless that made her more excited. O.K. maybe if I told her about the plan first over the phone, or, even better, if I sent someone else there in my place, but then she'd probably get mad at me for not telling her in person. Maybe if I get her a gift, like a stuffed animal, maybe she'd spent all her destructive energy on it instead of me. Nah, she'd never run outta energy. Eureka! What if I did something really romantic, like . . . make-out with her when she opened the door, then she'd be too shocked to beat me. But then she'd probably expect me to do that all the time . . .

Yuki saw a frown cross Kyou's face, "What are you thinking about?"

Kyou said, blatantly honest as usual, "Making out with Kagura."

"What did you say?!" Yuki sat up abruptly, staring at Kyou incredulously.

Kyou went red-faced and sat up too.

"Why the hell were you thinking about making out with Kagura?!"

"Why the hell are you yelling at me?! I can think about making out with Kagura if I damn well please! Besides, what wrong with me resigning to my fate and accepting the only person I might have a future with? I thought you'd be happy, you make it pretty damn obvious that I've got no chance with Tohru, when she's could choose you!"


"Where did that come from?"

"You tell me." Kyou took a deep breath,

"I was thinking about kissing Kagura to keep her from going into her insane love/attack mode as soon as she sees me tomorrow."

"Oh." Yuki replied,

"I'm sorry,

"I shouldn't have taken that tone.

"It's just that I don't think I'm interested in Tohru, and after that day Momiji came I didn't think you were interested in Kagura or Tohru either."

"Well," Kyou started cautiously,

"I guess, I'm not really interested in Tohru anymore, I think I wanted Tohru because I thought that's what I was suppose to do after she had done so much for me."

Yuki snickered, "Kyou, you're so dumb. I've known that since that day, and I've known that I'm in love with you."

Yuki immediately pressed his lips to Kyou's and reached his hands up to stroke his fingers through Kyou's hair, he pressed on and took one slow sweep of Kyou's mouth with his tongue before pulling away. He faced Kyou with an anxious smile, waiting fro Kyou to return his affections.

Kyou sat in a sate of statue-like frozen shock, his eyes wider than they had ever been and his mouth hanging slightly open from his saliva exchange with Yuki. He didn't move for a whole minute.

SMACK echoed through the house.

Kyou's open hand had connected with the side of Yuki's face, sending his whole body directly to the mattress. Yuki's cheek was already reddening from the bruise Kyou's blow would leave behind.

Kyou sat a moment longer, still awestruck, before dashing from the room. Kyou went to his room before he realized he was desperately in need of a toothbrush. In the bathroom he brushed frantically, trying to rid himself of any weird 'Yuki cooties' he may have contracted from the kiss. He used a whole bottle of mouthwash rinsing out the corrupted orifice.

In the meantime, Yuki had recovered from the slap and was furiously marching out of his room, he headed toward the bathroom beckoned by the sounds of frantic gargling.

"What was that slap for?!" Yuki shouted, hurling his words at the closed door.

"You kissed me! You sick freak nezumi!"

"What about you coming to my room and snugging up next to me in my bed . . ."


Shigure and Tohru had heard the sounds of Yuki and Kyou shouting during the first round in Yuki's room and had relocated themselves to the staircase for the second round. Shigure had made popcorn for the show and had the phone to his ear, relaying the whole situation to Ha'ri and Aya via a three-way call.

"Are you sure we should be watching this?" Tohru asked.

"Of course Tohru, don't worry, if they didn't want anyone to hear, they'd do their arguing in private, speaking in hushed tones. Besides, this is the fundamental domestic entertainment, we are simply paying homage to our ancient forefathers who had no other entertainment than to watch lovers' squabbles in their own homes. It would be a crime to ignore this phenomenal reincarnation of ancient entertainment. We must celebrate by giving them our undivided attention."

Ayame's voice could be heard through the receiver, "Shigure, what's happening?"

"Well apparently, while they were in Yuki's room, Yuki kissed Kyou and Kyou responded by slapping him."


"The kiss or the slap?"


"I don't know, hang on, Yuki's saying something about Kyou being in his bed."


" . . . and what about all those naps you asked me to take with you in your bed. But ignoring all that, what about when you kissed me on the cheek!!"

"I was just being friendly!"

"If that's you being 'friendly', what do you do with people you don't know, hold hands with strangers?!"

"I don't have to take this shit from you!"
Kyou, having cleansed his mouth as thoroughly as humanly possible, burst out of the bathroom, hands balled in to fists. He glared at Yuki.

"Yes, you do have to take this from me! So you'd better shut-up and listen. I don't care if you're attracted to me, or homophobic, or what, but if you don't want to be with me, stop fucking flirting around!"

"You've got some nerve! I was an idiot for ever thinking I could trust you."

Kyou exited to the roof while he still had the last word, a small victory among all the losses. Yuki retreated to his room solemnly.


" . . . now Kyou has run off to the roof and Yuki's gone to his room."

"I guess that proves our suspicions correct, eh Hatori?" Aya started, "Ha'ri?"

" . . . Oh . . . yes . . . I'm here, sorry, I was lulled to sleep by all the mindless chatter."

Ayame scolded Hatori while explaining the story to him, laughing through the whole thing. Shigure would have joined in if he hadn't seen the look of worry on Tohru's face.

"Tohru? Are you alright? You don't have to worry about those two, Tohru they'll be okay. Tohru?"

"I . . . but they looked so hurt. I have to make sure that they're alright.

"Kyou . . ." Tohru looked toward the window as if she were about to follow him, but then stopped herself, "Yuki . . ." she said turning towards his bedroom door.

Shigure placed a hand on her arms to stop her, "Of all the things you've been able to help them with, this is one thing that they need to solve for themselves, in no time they'll be the happy couple they always were."

For the first time, Shigure's use of the word 'couple' bothered her.

Tohru nodded and went downstairs to the kitchen and Shigure returned to his phone call.

"Oh our poor little flower, she gets too worried about all of us, especially those two."


Kyou had left the roof, deciding it was far too close to Yuki's room. He had relocated to a tree in the wood behind the house.


Damnit Damnit Damnit Damnit Damnit

Damn it all to hell.

. . .

How the fuck did this happen? How did I get in this fucking situation?

"I know how it happened. I went to far . . . Yuki's right, why did I do those things if I didn't want it to happen, . . .

No! No way in hell! I was just being nice, I just wanted to show him how much he, No, what he did meant to me. I wasn't inviting him to fuck me!

Kyou frowned in disgust at the thought.

"God damnit! Why does every guy in this family have to be fucking straight as a rainbow and every girl fucking sane as a loon."


Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!

Double Shit!

"Yes I know, 'What the hell is 'doubleshit'? Who the fuck says 'doubleshit'? I say doubleshit!


"Damn Yuki, damn him being a faggot just as I started liking him, just when I started to give a damn about the stupid rat . . .

"What do I do now?"

Kyou felt used, so utterly damaged and worthless. And numb, like his heart had been abused so many times that it stopped working. He desperately wanted to feel something.

He gripped the branched of the tree so hard that his knuckles turned white and his palms burned. When that sensation wasn't enough he jumped down from the tree and balled his hands into fists.

Kyou punched into the tree trunk, first with just the right fist, experimenting to see how it would feel. The stimulation of the punch was enough to rid him of the numbness, so he went at the tree as if it were a punching bag. Punching nonstop, as if it would save his life, Kyou continued, until his knuckles were sore and bleeding and the bark was chipping off the tree. He would have continued, but decided he didn't want to pick a king size splinter out of his knuckles later.

He went back into the house and cleaned the blood off his hands in the bathroom,. Then he quietly went to his room to get a blanket and a pillow and he set up a pallet to sleep on the back porch, not caring that it was winter.


Yuki was angry, not his normal, I'm-so-pissed-I'm-just-going-to-smile angry,but I've-never- been-this-angry-in-my-life angry. Not only was he not going to get any, but he had officially fucked up his relationship with Kyou.

And it definitely was not his fault.

Kuso Baka Neko! To imagine that I changed myself, my whole mindset for that stupid redheaded jerk! I gave him everything I could give! I comforted him when he was having those nightmares about Akito, I took care of him when he sprained his ankle. I endured the candy striper ridicule for him, I gave him space when he needed it, I went to him when he needed me. We worked together, we napped together, we dreamed together. We had two weeks of bliss together. I thought I was in, I thought I was his, I thought he and I were a 'we.'

I thought he loved me.

And I was rejected.

I, the prized one, the rat, the prince, was rejected by the stupid, forsaken, despised, cursed, beautiful, lovable, energetic, ecstacy-to-be-around, cat.

This was not how it was supposed to happen.

It wasn't supposed to be this way.

We were supposed to fall in love and steal kisses when no one is watching and get teased by Ayame and Shigure and wake up next to each other in the morning and not want to get out of bed because it it just feels soo good having him in my arms and remember stupid little things about each other like what his favorite ice cream is and whether he likes it in a milkshake or a cone or in a bowl with a spoon, and whether he likes it straight from the freezer or half melted into a puddle and celebrate one week anniversaries, and one month anniversaries, and special anniversaries that no one else knows about just because I want to do something special for him and even grow old together and still love him and think he's the most beautiful and charming thing on earth even though he's wrinkled and senile.

But it won't be that way,

I was rejected.

How the hell did this happen?

"What do I do now?"

Tears rolled rapidly down Yuki's cheeks, running together under his chin . He felt too defeated to take the effort to wipe away the tears. It got hard for Yuki to breathe as the tears fell more rapidly. When his breathing was quickened to just short gasps, his exhaling became sobbing, something Yuki hadn't done since he was a kid. Yuki dove into his blankets and buried his face into his pillow to stifle the sound of his sobs, unable to control his breathing, so that no one would hear him. It was uncomfortable, and the blankets over his head made it difficult to fill his lungs with fresh air, but he didn't move, it didn't matter if he stopped breathing, he didn't have anything left to live for.


Tohru was in the kitchen, sitting on the floor with her back against the wall. Her knees were drawn to her chest and there were tears trailing down her face.


What is peace?

Peace is a full stomach satisfied by the finest home cooked meal you have ever eaten.

Peace is a quiet evening devoid of fighting and home depreciating damage.

Peace is a juicy piece of gossip to share with your two best friends.

Peace is a night filled with pleasant dreams of passionate make-up sex.

Peace is waking up slowly and luxuriously from a restful nights sleep.

Yeah, a little bit of peace was nice every once in a while.

Shigure mused while he awoke the next morning, dreading having to climb out of his bed and end his peace.

Of course, a bit of chaos was always fun.


Tohru had risen bright and early, as usual to prepare breakfast.

How could I have been so blind not to realize?

Maybe I really am that clueless like Hana and Uo said.

I really should have been ready for it, with all those comments that Shigure makes about them.

I should have noticed how close the were getting after I asked Kyou to go to Yuki.

I mean I really thought Kyou or Yuki would be the one for me, I could never really picture it, but in my mind it was the logical progression . . .

In my dreams, I wished that I would never have to make that decision, that we could live forever in this spring adolescence, young and innocent, three best friends, close in a way that I never could have with Hana and Uo.

In a more, sentimental, sweet and lasting way, in a kind of perfectly satisfying forever.

Like, those last three candies in a tin that are hopelessly stuck to the bottom, they're there forever together no matter how hard you try to pull them out, and every time you open the tin to look at them solemnly and make another attempt at pulling them apart, they shine in the light, forever a testament to their steadfastness.

They are happy, the three of them, even in the times when no one else wants them and they are in the dark, and are a brilliant example to all those who might desire them.

I guess it's silly to think that way, it's stupid to be sentimental like that, to imagine that three people could be together forever.

It's only twos that win, right?

Two's company, three's a crowd.

Tear's started falling again from Tohru's eyes

"I guess they never," Tohru gulped down a breath of air, "needed me, the way that I," another hiccup of an inhale, "needed them." The last word tore from Tohru's lips accompanied a sob that surprised Tohru.

The next two sobs came in rapid succession before Tohru could hold them back, the she tensed herself willing them away.

"This is no time to cry," she scolded herself in a shaking, barely controlled voice," I'm sure Mom had it much worse," Another sob burst from Tohru's throat, "I've had it much worse before." She added, coercing her lungs into taking slow, deep breaths without hiccuping.

Tohru leaned against the fridge for support still needing great effort to control her breathing.

"I can get through this."

She had to repeat it two more times before she could calm herself down enough to resume making breakfast.


Yuki was still extremely, frustrated, annoyed, etc. (there aren't enough words to describe it) from yesterday, but he had come to a conclusion;

The mission was of utmost importance,

He couldn't allow what had happened between them to impede Kyou's plan, someone had to keep hope alive for a cure for the Sohma.

So Yuki would continue to help, even if Kyou didn't want him to.

Starting today, with the trip to Kagura's house.

And Yuki would pretend that his subconscious didn't have an ulterior motive of helping out just so Yuki could be near Kyou.

So that morning Yuki made a phone call to the main house.


Hatori came to Shigure's house shortly after breakfast that morning.

Breakfast, like dinner the night before had been unusually quiet, which still, for Shigure at least, was a welcome deviation from the norm, so he ate his breakfast (which was perhaps more scrumptious than the night before) happily, only occasionally poking fun at Yuki and Kyou.

When Hatori arrived Yuki went out to meet him in the driveway.

"Kyou!" Yuki called, and when Kyou didn't answer, "Baka Neko!"

Shortly after that an irritated Kyou appeared.

"Are you coming with us?" Yuki asked in an annoyed tone, "Or are you going to walk to Kagura's house?"

Kyou glared at Yuki and then averted his eyes in thought.

He brought his eyes back to meet Yuki's and then slowly walked around and climbed in the opposite side of the car.

Yuki got in the car as well, and Hatori sighed to himself before getting in the driver's seat.

They started off.

Kyou made the first move, his strategy: be one step ahead keep the upper hand, eclipse Yuki, make him less than nonexistent,

"So Hatori, how have you been lately? Work hasn't been too busy, has it?

"No." Why is Kyou suddenly taking an interest in my work?

"Yes, Hatori you haven't had too many patients lately, have you?"


Kyou hits the ball again,

"But you're sure to be swamped soon with the winter coming."

Yuki cut in quickly before Hatori had the chance to reply this time,

"Of course, with flu season coming and all the viruses and infections that thrive during winter it must be difficult."

Now as enjoyable it was to watch Yuki and Kyou's relationship from afar (and it was despite Hatori's stoic behavior), Hatori really didn't want to be thrust right into the middle of their fight, the battle got old real quick.

Kyou's hit,

"Akito's health must be especially poor in the winter as well, was it a bad season for you last year?"

" To the contrary . . ."

Yuki's hit,

"I'm sure the summer months are much worse with all the allergy problems that come up."

"No, it has to be the harsh winter, that hides the viruses, it's truly evil nature."

"The summer! Luring you into thinking it's a happy season with it's bright flowers who's pollen cause horrible sympt- . . ."

"Enough, If you two want to argue, leave me out of it, or else I'm leaving you here."

The rest of the car ride was silent.


When they arrived at Kagura's house Hatori gave them instructions to call the main house when they needed a ride home and then headed back.

Kyou made his way to Kagura's front door, Yuki followed, keeping a wary two paces behind.

Kyou knocked on the door, and the two waited for Kagura to answer, then came the sound of footsteps, the door creaking open and . . .

"KYOUUU . . ."

"Well, are you going to do it?" Yuki challenged with a grin.

Kyou returned it with a smirk of his own, "Of course."

"Hello Kagura." Kyou swiftly stepped closer to Kagura and pressed his lips gently to hers while his hand came to rest on her waist, curling possessively around toward to small of her back. As swiftly as he has approached he pulled back, ending the kiss after a few precious seconds.

Kyou turned back to Yuki with a grin, seeking approval.

Yuki smiled back,

"You didn't say kiss, you said make-out, a make-out entails something significantly longer and more intense than that."


Both boys broke into a long bout of laughter, leaving Kagura staring on in utter confusion. As their laughter died down the boys entered the house,

"It's good to see you Kagura." Kyou said as he passed, the mirth still audible in his tone.

"Yes, it's a pleasure to be in your company again." Yuki added stepping over the threshold.

Kagura followed, still slightly dumbfounded by the encounter.

"What's going on guys?"

"Well, I just wanted to visit, and Kyou wanted to ask you something."

"It's nice to have you over Yun-chan, it has been a while," Kagura said, embracing Yuki in a friendly hug, "And I'm always happy to see my Kyou-kun," That frightening gleam flashed in Kagura's eyes as she looked in his direction, "Especially when he greets me in such a sweet way." She began closing in on Kyou.

Yuki started laughing again, "Ano, Kagura-chan, that was my fault, I dared him to do it."

Kagura looked bewildered again for a moment, but then encircled Kyou in a crushing hug, "Aww, thank you Yun-chan that's so sweet of you when you know my Kyou would be too bashful to initiate something like that."

Kagura smiled sweetly at Yuki while continuing to crush Kyou, and Kyou half-glared at Yuki, he was in too much pain to give the full effect.

"Kagura, would you happen to have any snacks we could eat while we talked?"

"Of course!" Kagura dashed off to the kitchen. Snacks for Kyou-kun, my Kyou-kun and Yun-chan

"Well, I guess that wasn't as bad as usual, she hasn't thrown me around the room yet."

"And it only cost you a kiss," Yuki said in a bitter tone, "yariman."

"What the hell did you just call me?" Kyou started in a warning voice.

They're argument was halted when Kagura returned, "It's so good to see you two getting along." Kagura had brought a tray of tea and cookies, the cookies, of course, were shaped like cat faces, and several of them had been crushed, no doubt by the force of Kagura lovingly placing them on the plate.

"So what were you guys laughing about earlier?"

Yuki and Kyou glanced at each other before Kyou answered, "It was nothing Kagura."

"Okay, okay, keep your joke to yourselves.' Kagura said jovially, punctuating it with a pout.

"So, Kyou what did you want to ask me?"

"Do you remember when I told you that I never knew what I was meant to be? That I didn't know the reason I was alive because I just seemed like a burden to everyone?

"I want to prove that I can be of service to the family, that I am worth more than something for them to hate.

"I'm going to find a cure for the curse, and I wanted to ask if you would help me.

"Will you go on a journey with me, Tohru, and Yuki this spring to find a cure for the curse?"

"Kyouuu!" Kagura crushed him in another hug, "Of course I will Kyou, you know I'd do anything for you. Oh I'm soo proud of you Kyou-kun, you're so smart and cute and . . . wait, when did you think of this plan?"

" . . . Last . . . summer." Kyou choked out.

"Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?!" Kagura's rage had finally surfaced, she bent Kyou backwards into a full bridge before he could blink an eye. The punishment didn't last too long only about thirty seconds of agonizing pain before Kagura could control herself.

"I'm sorry Kyou, I just wish you had told me sooner so that I could have been of more help." Kagura apologized sheepishly.

"Yeah right." Kyou mumbled.

"So that's why you and Yun-chan came over." Kagura smiled, "What good news to hear, and I was thinking this was going to be a dull Sunday.

"So, where will we be going on this journey?"

Kyou and Yuki spent the rest of the afternoon filling in Kagura on the details of the plan. They left her house in a much better mood than when they arrived.

"Goodbye Yuki,

"And Kyou, allow me to return the favor."

Kagura stepped within an inch of Kyou's face and raised her lips slightly to touch Kyou's, she snaked an arm around his neck to pull him further into the kiss, her kiss was a deal more passionate than Kyou's, melding their lips together with her fire. Kyou remained still through the whole ordeal not struggling at all.

Yuki stared on while jealousy creeped into his mind, fleetingly giving him the idea of thrusting Kagura out of the way and taking her place.

Kagura pulled away and happily said goodbye to Kyou, holding Yuki back as Kyou walked to the car.

"Thanks you soo much for taking care of Kyou when I can't be there," Kagura whispered in Yuki's ear as she hugged him goodbye, "I can see that he really is starting to put his faith in you."

Yeah right, Yuki thought to himself, Kyou doesn't trust me as far as Tohru could through me.

Then she sent Yuki on his way and waved to three of them as they drove off.

That's not the way Kyou used to respond when I kiss him . . .



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#1 Spiderman fans will recognize this allusion, the name that Mary Jane often called Peter Parker by the original comic series.

#2 This is where I wanted Yuki to say, "God luck Kyou, don't worry, you're a strong guy, you'll recover." but Yuki never gets to say funny, snippy stuff like that.

Well, that's it, I was going to include a discussion between Tohru and Kyou back at the house, but I'll save that for next chapter.

Don't forget, festival season is coming, maybe Kyou will wear that dress . . .

So is NewYear's . . .

Tell me how ya like that chapter, or hate the chapter, flame, review, threaten, whatev.
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