Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Is It Love or Is it

Overdose and Cutting Wrist wont help?

by MCRlover08 0 reviews

Jessi goes back to the hospital. Will she make it or not?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-12-27 - Updated: 2006-12-28 - 2285 words

I woke up with my brother tell me to get the fuck up. I got up. He said that me(Jess) and gerard were going over the used bus for awhile. I asked him what time it was. He said umm 4pm. I said hole fuck. I slept in that late. He said yea now go with Gee.
I was walking when Bert came running out. He threw his arms around me and said hey, i missed you. I said yea bertie i miss you too. now move so hell i dont know why we are here. Bert said umm to hang out. duh. I said yea whatever and walked up in the bus. I seen Quinn and Jeph trying to put something away. I seen it was white powder. I was thinking was they druggie up. Well they day went by fast and they left the bus for me for a minute they wanted to talk to Gerard outside. So I decided to look for that thing I seen when I came in. I seen it and I put it in my pocket cuz I heard the door open. Bert said umm what were you doing. I said umm sorry I was looking for a glass but I never open in cabinet cuz you guys came back in. Then Gee said umm lets go. I said umm bye see ya.I told everybody I was going back to the bunk and not to bother me. I went back there. Hell I was risky, so I tried it. I was thinking what the hell. I mean what the worst that could happen. I mean if I die, no one would have to worry about me and i would be happy.

Bert POV

Quinn, where the hell did you put? Quinn said I put it right here. Holy shit where is it? Bert said omg Jessi had her hand on that knob when we walked in here. You dont think she took it. I ran out of the bus and to the MCR bus. I banged on the door. Gee answered. I said Where's Jessi. Where's Jessi. Gee said umm in the bunks why. I said she find it and she took it. I ran back in the bunk and found Jessi laying her bunk passed out. I seen the bag there open. I yelled OMG Gee get in here. Its Jessi. Gee ran in and he looked at the bag and said how the fuck did she get it. I said at my bus. I hid it, but didnt think she would took it. Gee reached down, to see if she had a pulse. He got white in the face and said we got to get her to hospital now and fast. I was so scared and pissed. I was scared of what Bob was going to do to me. We got to the hospital and Gee said yea Im going to go call the rest.

Frank POV

I wonder where Gee and Jessi is. Ring Ring Ring-- Hello this is frank. Hey Frank umm can you get the rest and tell them to get to the hospital its Jessi. I said umm what happen to Jessi. Gee said ummm she had an overdose. I yelled into the phone and said she had a overdose. I didnt know she did drugs. I said that a little to loud cuz Bob and Mikey ran in here. I said umm okay Gee we will be there in a little bit. As soon as I got off the phone Bob pushed me up against the wall and said what the fuck happen. was that about Jessi. I shook my head and he said thats it. how the fuck did she get it in the first place. I said I dont know lets get to the hospital. I looked at Mikey and he was white as a ghost.
I said Mikey are you okay. He said no my girlfriend is dying and i dont im just scared. I gave him and hug and said everything is fine. Jessi is a very strong girl. She'll make it. Trust me. I couldnt believe in myself of what I have just said. We got to the hospital and to my surprise Bert was there. I was thinking of it was Bert who let her have it. I went to him and said so you gave it to her. He looked at me and said no fucking way. I hid it and she find it and she took it. I swear. I didnt let her have it. Im not stupid to let her have it. I said whatever. We were sitting in the waiting room, when the door came in. The doctor said umm we got bad news. Its seeems that Jessi took alot of it and well it really screwing up her brain. If she wakes up, she'll have short term memory lost and maybe can only remember certain things from the past. If she has a boyfriend now she wont rembember him, but if she had one like a year ago then she'll think she is still with him, But she will remember her family memeber and might get you mixed up and stuff, but thats an if she wakes up. She really did take alot. I couldnt believe what I heard. I mean Mikey is going to be so hurt. Cuz umm let see they just started going out and now he gets this thrown in his face. That his girlfriend as feeling for Gee, cuz of the shit she took. Gee was talking to Mikey about something. or hell she might not wake up. How fucking brutal is that, to tell all her love ones that. I mean in love ones the one who care about and have been there for her.


OMFG. I dont know what to do. I cant help but cry. I mean for Jesus sakes she is my fucking sister and she is the only thing I have left. She cant leave me. I dont know what I would do without here. And Mikey, oh Mikey this is so tough for him.


Mikey, when she wakes and she still think we are together Im not going to do anything. I promise you that. I know you love her. Mikey looked up at me and said no Gee I think its over between else. I dont want somebody who does drugs. I said OMG Mikey she didnt mean to do them. She just wanted to tried them. I know Jessi wouldnt do that. Mikey said yea Gee you would know her. You guys are met for each other. I said whatever Mikey, i dont like her anymore and if I did I wont do anything cuz she dont like me like that. I fucked up. So Mikey stop acting like its my fault and she is a druggie. Cuz she isnt.
I yelled that last few parts and had everybody look at me.
I cant believe Mikey of all people think that. The doctor came in and said that we could see her. But we could see her two at a time.

Jessi POV

OMG what the fuck happen. I open my eyes and seen I was in the hospital. Then I closed them, cuz somebody was comming in. Jessi, OMG what happen. I know you cant hear me or anything. I just want you to know I love you little sister. I heard him crying. He puts his hand in mine. He went to pull away, but I squeezed it and open my eyes. He said OMG she you are awake. do you know who I am. I siad umm yea your my brother Bob. duh. Bob I love you so much. I fell really fucking stupid for doing this. But I was curious so I tried. Gee and Bert had nothing to do with it. I promise you that. He said I love you too and I glad your fine and I wasnt even thinking they were a part of this. He went to walk away. I said Bob dont tell them Im awake. please. and pleae send in my boyfriend.


I dont if she thinks her and Mikey are together or he and Gee. So I just sent Gee in.

Jessi POV
I closed my eyes. I heard the door open. I open my eyes and seen Gee. I was thinking WTF. He said umm hey umm Gee where's Mikey. He looked at me and said you remember you guys are together. I said umm idk why. He said the doctor thought you might not remember you and mikey together but remember well me and you together. I said oh hun but I was just asking where Mikey's was cuz his my friend not my boyfriend. I mean Frank's my boyfriend right. I love to pull Gee leg. Serve him right. I told him about the time outside when I kiss Frank. He got that look on him. He ran out. Come to think of it. I shouldnt of told Gee about what happen between Frank and I.

Frank POV

Gee came running out saying that she remember we were just friends and Mikey was just her friend and she remember Frank being her boyfriend. Whoa what a fucking minute. Mikey looked at me and said what the fuck. Why would she think. Gee said well she told me that right after her and Mikey got together you and her went outside and she kissed you and you got happy, if you know what I mean and she laughed at it and she went to walk away but you grabbed her arm and spun her around and kissed her. Mikey jumped on me and said you mother fucker. How could you. I thought you were my friend. Bob and Ray got him off of me and Bob pushed me up against the wall and said what the fuck is going on. I said umm nothing happen. I swear. I dont what is going on. Bob said well you better be finding out and he pushes me toward her room. I walked in and she had her eyes closed.

Jessi POV

I had my eyes closed when somebody walked in. I open them and it was Frank. I smiled and said umm hey Frank. He didnt look at me. I straighing up in bed and said Frank I love you like a brother and I know that Im with Mikey. I was pulling Gee leg, but I didnt think he would run out. I swear and I fell bad now. He looked at me and said I almost got my ass kicked my both your brother and Mikey and how could you tell Gee what happen that night. But you know I forgive you. Mikey busted through the door and said Jessi do you know who I am. I said umm yea your my boyfriend. Mikey said no your not Fran-- wait what did you say. I said I said yea your my boyfriend. I was pulling Gee leg and I didnt think he would ran out on me. Im sorry but Gee pissed me off. Mikey said wtf whatever. I hate you. its over. I said Mikey it was a joke. c'mon. He said No how could you do that and he runs out. Frank was still in there. Then he left. I thought to myself and said OMG I fucked up. I lost everybody that really cares.

2 days later....
Bob, i said from the bathroom getting ready to go to bed. he siad umm wtf do you want. I said umm Im really sorry. He siad whatever now go to bed. I said umm Im going to walk around if that alright. I had slip the razor in my bag that I carry around. He saidd yea dont to long. I said ok. bye. I walked out. I went to the stage and went to get the razor. I put it to my skin and cut, again, again, again and until my arm was numb. I looked at the blood and passed out.


Jeez I wonder who is going to the hospital, I asked Mikey. Mikey said Umm looks like a girl. Hmm probably got over heated. I seen Bert run up to our bus and I open the door. I walked in and said umm guys get the rest of the guys, I gotta tell you all together. I got everybody and we all stood around. Bert said umm sit down its going to shock you. Umm Do you know where Jessi is. Bob got up and walked back to the bunk and while walking back there he was saying yea she is right... OMG Bert where the fuck is my sister. Bert had tears in his eyes. He said umm you guys she dead.... Im sorry. Bob threw Bert up against the wall and said what the fuck do you mean DEAD. Bert said umm she cut herself and she cut too many times. The peramedics said she not going to live, she has been out on the stage all night. I couldnt help but cry. I went got to the hospital and the doctor said she had lost alot of blood and they are doing the best they can. I hope she is fine. I mean Bert is overdramitic about it. She isnt dead. The doctor told us to just sleep and he let us all know whats going on. I fell asleep but woke up every once in a while.
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