Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Is It Love or Is it

Jessi Confession what lead to more cuts?

by MCRlover08 0 reviews

Will Jessi tell Bob want they're mom boyfriend did to her?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-12-30 - Updated: 2006-12-31 - 1087 words

2 months later....

Hey are you going to wake up or not? Gee asked me. I said umm nope i want to sleep forever. He said well i cant let you do that. I said why cant you? He said I would miss you too much. I said oh yea i forgot. i will miss you too much too I guess. He said oh you guess. jeez. I said im joking. Now leave so i can change. He said ok but i got something plan for us to do today. Okay. Hope you didnt plan anything us with your other boyfriends. I said oh shit me and Frank are going out. Sorry lol. Jokking. He said yea i know. He left. I got dressed and went out in the living room.
Oh shit Frank what happen to your eye? He said umm i was with a girl and she said she didnt have a boyfriend and we were making out and her boyfriend find us and punished me. no biggy. I said oh shit did it hurt. He said yea a little bit. Not too much though. I said If I was there near you. I would of beat the fuck out of that girl. Fucking whore. He just laughed and said yea we all know you are Bob's sister. You'll kick anybody ass if they piss you off. That why I dont get your bad side. I said Frank Iero you will never get on my bad side. None of your guys would.

2 hours later.... At IHOP

Hey Gee do you know why Bob is still pissed at me? I mean jeez its be two months. He needs to lay up on it. I mean I cant go anywhere by myself. He said umm i guess he really scared he going to lose you again and so am I. I said yea thanks for the boost of Confedence. I guess. I need to tell you something. But promise you cant tell Bob he will kill him. Gee said wht the fuck if Bob will kill i would too. tell me. I said umm my mom's boyfriend,well actually fiance will he came over one time and mom wasnt home and he ask me where she was and I said i didnt know and he got really pissed off and i went to my room and locked, cuz hell i was fucking scared of him. Well anyways he came up to my room and knocked down my door and ask me again where she was and i yelled back and i said i dont fucking know? Then he yelled at me and said never talk to me like that young lady. you understand me and he hit me. My mom asked me what happen and just lied and said that I wasnt watching were i was going and then that was a couple of days before you called me. Gee promise you wont tell Bob. Gee said Jessi I would love to make that a promise but I not making it. Cuz I dont want to hurt you and if i didnt say something. I just want you to realize I love you and I dont want it to happen and that if i did tell Bob, you wont get mad. I siad umm i guess i understand. Just remember I get pissed off easly. he said yea i know.
We headed back to the bus. Bob said Jessi can we talk. I said umm sure.

Outside the bus with Bob.....
Umm Jessi Mom called me and i think maybe you should go back and live with her for awhile. I mean Jessi you need a really home and not this shit of touring. Im sorry Jess but you have no decision in this. Your bags are packed and your leaving tomorrow. I yelled NO I DONT WANT TO GO BACK THEY"LL JUST BEAT ME. BOTH OF THEM WILL. BOB DONT PLEASE. DONT MAKE ME GO BACK THERE. I'LL GET BEAT UP BY BOTH OF THEM. Bob said wht the fuck is that suppose to mean? I said umm shit i didnt know what to say so i just ran. I ran to much. Bob ran after me but couldnt caught up. I was thinking I fucked up and Bob is given more pissed off at me. Damn It.

Gerard POV

GERARD GET OUT? WE NEED TO TALK? I heard. I walked out and I seen Bob. He was pissed. He said so did you know. Did Jessi tell you that she got beat up by mom and her boyfriend. I said umm she just told me today. She told me not to tell but I was going too. Wait wheres Jessi? Bob said who cares i just want to know. I said look bob i know your pissed but we got to find Jessi before she y'know. Bob said oh shit I forgot lets go.

Jessi POV

I have no reason to live. Do I. Hey Jessi what are you doing a voice said. I said umm nothing I was looking down at my wrist with the razor in my hand. Oh no you dont. your not cutting yourself again are you? I looked up and I seen Bert. I said umm no I was thinking it, but you got in my way of doing it. He said oh ok and leaves. I was thinking fucking douche bag. So I did it. I cut again, again, again. I looked around and seen that Bob and gee were running toward me then my eyes got blurr and then black out.


OMFG SHIT CUT HERSELF AGAIN? DAMN IT. I seen Bert walking back to the busses. Hey Bert come here? He said came over and siad holy shit she said she wasnt going to do it. I said you were here and you didnt take the razor away? Bert what the fuck is wrong with you. He said I dont fucking know. He was crying. Bob was actually calm. He called the ambulance and they came and once again we were in the hospital. Frank and Ray and Mikey and Quinn and Jeph and for some reason Matt (M Shadows) was here. They were showing some support. Matt said that the rest of the guys would be comming. I have no slue why but they are. Everybody fell asleep. I did and Bob did too. Dream of loving her until the day i die. Fell Asleep.
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