Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Falling Hard


by Crimsonsorrow 0 reviews

Myka and Mikey are iterrogated by their families abotu each other

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-01-01 - Updated: 2007-01-01 - 1421 words


Chapter 4

Myka's office phone was ringing, she really wished she could ignore it but she knew that she couldn't.

"Hello this is Myka Storing from Crimson Decay record label speaking, how may I help you?" she asked politely.

"Hi, I'm Gerard Way and I just wanted to talk with the person who my brother has taken an interest in." he said happily.

"That's nice, I'm guessing Mikey called and told you where I worked?" she asked him.

"Of course, Mikey tells me everything." he said over exaggeratedly.

Myka shook her head, "You know what I think."

"no what?" he asked her.

"I think you're insane." she said to him.

"Is that an insult or a compliment?" he asked not quite sure.

"Coming from me you can take that as a compliment but from anyone else I'm not too sure." she told him.

He laughed, "I like you, you're not afraid to tell the truth to people. We gotta keep you around." he said to her.

She cocked an eyebrow, "Uh thanks I think, look no offence but I have to get back to working, so nice talking to you but good-bye." she said and hung up, she shook her head at him and continued to listen to Demo's.

When she got home later that afternoon looking through her mail she noticed one from her old high school, tons of fun what a five year reunion or something like that. Like she wanted to go back to that school and see all of the snobs that she grew up with.

"Go figure Courtney Walters is the person head of the reunion." Myka said shaking her head.

She's going to go, but it isn't for another two months, she's just gonna go so she can show them that she made something of herself even if she wasn't popular at school. Besides she hasn't seen Becky her best friend from high school in so long, they sort of drifted apart when they found their own group of things and friends that had the same interests as them.

She answered her ringing cell phone, "Hello."

"My brother likes you." it was Mikey.

She laughed, "Yeah I figured that after he was amazed that I called him insane and meant it." she answered him.

"He wants to meet you now, he usually doesn't do that right away, but he really wants to meet you." he said amazed.

"I'm surprised you like me let alone anyone of your other friends do. Not many people like my oddness." she told him.

"Well I find it amusing, and I think that's what makes you unique so don't change it or else I will brainwash you into being like you were before." he threatened her in a joking manner.

She laughed, "Good thing I don't plan on changing then."

"I'm leaving for home tomorrow." he told her suddenly.

Myka got a little depressed at that new information, "I was hoping you wouldn't have to leave so soon already. I spose that you miss being home though after traveling across the country for so long." she said to him.

"I know but hey maybe you can come and visit me in New Jersey once you're not so busy with your business." he said to her.

"Yeah I'd like that, I can see what its like out in the big real world." she said.

Mikey laughed, "Well I guess I'll talk to you sometime through out the next week then?" he asked her curiously.

"Yeah most definitely, you'll hear from me so much that you wont know what to do." she said teasingly to him.

"You know now that Gerard is going to be calling you right? Once he meets someone that he likes he wont leave them alone, he seriously needs a girlfriend." Mikey said to no one in particular.

Myka sighed, "Well I guess I'll talk to you later then. I hope you have a nice flight." she told him.

"Thanks. Well bye Myka." he said to her.

"Bye." she said back and hung up.

Myka laid back on her couch and sighed, she really liked Mikey. He wasn't loud or obnoxious like all of the other guys that she had met before. She hoped that she would get to see him again, or maybe even talk to him again. He's one of the nicest people she has ever met before.

Myka turned on her DVD player and watched the movie that was in the DVD player already, which was 10 things I hate about you. She loved how Kat was in the movie, evil heinous bitch as they put it in the movie, she thought it was amusing. She fell asleep on the couch, the next morning she woke up to her cousin's yelling at her through her front door.

She lazily got up and off the couch and went to answer the door, she opened it and looked tiredly at her cousin's who decided to bother her from some unknown reason.

"Hey Myka how's it going?" her cousin Nate asked her.

She shrugged, "Well I was sleeping until certain cousins of mine decided to wake me up." she said glaring at her cousins.

Nate shrugged, "Sorry but we missed you and wanted to talk to you since we didn't get to when you came to the 'Edge' so we decided to stop by." he answered her as he looked through some of her magazines that were on the coffee table.

"What's this?" Chris asked picking up a scrap of paper that had a phone number and an e-mail address on it. "Your boyfriends?" he asked her smirking.

Myka grabbed it from Chris, "No its my friends e-mail and number." she said to him giving him an odd look.

"Who is this 'friend'?" he said using air quotes with his hands.

"Mikey." she told him.


Myka sighed, "Mikey Way if you must know his full name." she said to him.

Nate stared at her in shock, "You know Mikey Way?" he asked doubtful.

Myka nodded, "Yes I do and no I'm not gonna give anything to him of your music to listen to." she told him sternly.

The two of them looked disappointed but didn't say anything about that, Chris looked at Myka curiously. "So how did you meet him?"

Myka smirked at that, "We both have the same cell phone and we bumped into each other at his concert I went to and we grabbed the wrong phones." she explained.

Nate shook his head at her, "Go figure you meet a famous person in that way." he said to her.

She shrugged, "I don't know what to say, I just have and aura that people seem to be attracted to." she said to them laughing.

Mikey was finally home in New Jersey, his brother and friends were making fun of him because of his friendship with Myka. They all wanted to meet her quite obviously with how much they are bugging him about it.

"Oh come didn't you take any pictures of her whatsoever?" Ray asked in a whiney voice.

"No, sorry but I didn't." Mikey said to him.

They were all in Mikey's house hanging out and doing nothing in particular but they decided to make Mikey's life a hell and keep on questioning him about her. He's never really made an interest in girls that he just met so they think this is amazing.

"Come on Mikey you got to tell us something about her." Frank complained to his friend.

"She works at Crimson Decay record label and she also owns an online clothing store I believe. She has a older sister and she's lived in Minnesota her whole life and she has a lot of family." he told them shrugging.

"How old is she?" Gerard asked him.

"Twenty-three I think, I'm not sure." he said.

Bob smirked, "We're going to have to meet this new girl of yours." he said.

Mikey sighed for the ten millionth time, it seemed his friends were going to keep on ragging on him until they get to meet Myka.

"Will you guys ever leave me alone, or are you going to keep on pestering me until you meet her?" he asked them glaring.

Gerard smiled innocently at him, "Of course."

Mikey just shook his head, the rest of the night they just hung out, played video games and things like that. Nothing too complicated thankfully or else they might have hurt themselves.
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