Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Silver and Cold

I Will Wrap You In Cold

by Cerediwen 3 reviews

Frank works stuff out for once as things start to get weirder...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-01-03 - Updated: 2007-01-03 - 1136 words

A/N: Hey guys I hope you are enjoying my little story and I don't think you've read this one Silvana hopes

Disclaimer: ...yeah I think I've said enough already

Chapter 4
I will wrap you in cold

Ray rolled over, knocking several pillows off his bed as he yawned and sat up. His room was still pitch black and running a hand through his afro he wondered what time it was. Even though it was winter it had still got to be pretty early and sighing tiredly he rolled back over and grabbed his phone from where it sat on the side of the little table by the bed. Rubbing sleep out of his eyes he held down a couple of buttons until it flashed into life, the small amount of light it shed illuminating the room. To his amazement and confusion he found it was already nine o'clock in the morning.
"Huh?" Ray muttered, "There's no way that's right..."
But checking the settings on his phone he found it seemed to be, nothing was wrong with the phone so logically it would have to be nine...Ray shrugged and yawning widely stood up, it must just be really foggy, was his explanation as he grabbed his dressing grown off the back of the door and went to see if anyone else was up.
Stepping out into the darkened corridor only filled Ray with more doubt in his solution - everyone else was still asleep. Sighing he knocked on the door opposite his own which happened to be Frank's and got no reply. Ray chewed his bottom lip for a minute as he tried to work out what to do next; he could go and wake up the rest of them or he could go downstairs and make himself some coffee, but looking down the stairs into the darkness of the hall that seemed to be creeping up to meet him he reckoned that waking the others would be a better idea - after all they needed to start work on the new record as soon as possible.
Walking over to the door next to his Ray knocked quickly then opened the door, seeing Frank lying asleep on his side, facing the door.
"Frank?" Ray called "Frank it's like nine am and we all need to get up."
Frank stirred slightly in reply and slowly opened his eyes "Huh?" He asked, blinking at Ray in the half light "What...?"
"It's like nine, we all need to get up, I'm gonna get the others up but I swear if you go to sleep again I'll tip a bucket of water over your head." Ray muttered as he wandered back out of the door to wake the others.
Frank yawned as he watched Ray walk out, he kinda doubted he was joking about the water so stretching he sat up, and checked the time on the glowing clock next to the bed, amazingly Ray was was nine. Frank yawned in confusion and stood up, his feet sinking in the carpet as he tried to find his slippers, then wandered over to the window and threw open the curtains, figuring they were the reason it was so dark. Outside a thick blanket of fog was consuming the land, reaching up in tendrils of spectre smoke to Frank's window. His breath misted the glass immediately, covering its frozen surface with yet more steam. Frank peered through the glass in confusion, it wasn't exactly normal to have this much fog in L.A., in fact it wasn't normal to have this much fog anywhere he reckoned. It rolled over the mansion grounds, as thick as cotton wool, making it impossible to see past a couple of metres up or down. Frank shivered and snapped the curtains back shut, the fog was too unnatural and it was slightly freaking him out. He walked back to the door quickly, slamming it behind him and stepping out into the hall where Mikey had stopped to yawn widely before beginning to make his way into the darkness of the hall.
"Oh hey Frank," He yawned as he noticed the guitarist "You remember where the light switch was down there?"
Frank shook his head as he peered over the banister into the blackness "Hang on a sec," He told Mikey "Gee brought a torch I'll go see if he can find it." He added and disappeared into Gerard's room just as a tired looking Ray came out.
"Gee?" Frank asked, Gerard was sitting on his bed with his back to Frank, he yawned widely as Frank got closer.
"Yeah?" He asked, still in mid-yawn, his long black hair untidily shoved back from his face.
"Me an Mikey were wondering if you still had that torch, cos it's bleeding pitch black down there." Frank sighed, running a hand through his own dark hair.
Gerard nodded and pointed vaguely to somewhere near the table by the curtains "S'over there." He murmured "Oh yeah and Frank could you do me a favour and open the curtains while you're over there."
Frank nodded "If you want but the fogs as thick as cotton wool out there, that's why it's so dark. I couldn't believe it when I opened mine this morning, you can't see a foot in front of you."
Gerard screwed his nose up in the cute way he did when he was confused and shook his head "That's freaked, didn't think they got much fog in L.A."
"Neither did I." Frank told him; grabbing the torch from the table and throwing back the heavy velvet curtains "But have a look for yourself."
Gerard stretched slightly before getting to his feet and blinking back the light as he wandered over to the window. He leant his head against the frozen cold glass and stared out "Hell you're right Frankie." He sighed, misting up the glass "Oh well, least it'll give us more reason to write and less reason to go out."


Breakfast down in the little kitchen, its white walls still haunted by shadows was a quiet affair. Everyone had been contemplating the fog that had descended on the mansion thicker than ever as Bob and Gerard had been cooking the bacon and eggs. Frank sat, at the end of the small wooden table that only just seated all of them, chasing his bacon around his plate for a while before declaring he wasn't hungry and after taking his plate to the sink and through the thoughtful silence of the others wandered out of the kitchen into the huge living room. It was only as he pulled back the thick curtains to peer out into the fog that he finally realised what was wrong...and why the weather was so weird when L.A. never had any fog.

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