Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Silver and Cold

Here It's December Everyday

by Cerediwen 2 reviews

We're not in L.A. anymore

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-01-04 - Updated: 2007-01-04 - 959 words

A/N: Welcome back to the madhouse. sings along to Aiden I'm discovering so many bands at the mo...shakes head Anyway...on with the disclaimer

Disclaimer: Okay I have been warned by the U.N now so I have to be good and not promote my power anymore sighs I don't own any of the guys or the song...sighs

Chapter 5
Here it's December everyday

Bob scooped up the last piece of bacon from his plate five minutes later and leaning back on his wooden chair, looked around at the others. Gerard was leaning against his hand, his black hair falling over his eyes as he chased the last few pieces of bacon around his plate. Ray was still eating, sitting in thoughtful silence next to Mikey, who had finished and was gazing somewhere far off against the white tiles. It was probably the quietest breakfast they'd ever had, but Bob reasoned that was probably because of the lack of Frank. Pushing his chair back, he stood up, winching as it screeched against the tiles.
"Guys, I'm gonna start getting the instruments out the trailer kay?" He told them, getting only nods in return till Gerard yawned and stood up.
"I'll come help. You know where we put the coats cos it looks kinda cold out there." He added, staring down at his thin, cotton pyjamas.
Bob nodded as he walked out of the kitchen, glad he'd had the common sense to have a shower before coming down. "Yeah they were on the banister cos Frank said he couldn't be assed to take them up."
Gerard yawned again and followed him out into the living room but they both noticed Frank before either had time to do anything else. The guitarist was standing stock still and staring out of the window into the fog, one had pressed up against the glass; he looked petrified.
"Frank?" Gerard asked, walking quickly over to where the younger man stood. "Frankie!"
Bob looked across at him then his eyes found the window and he froze, his face also a mix of shock and fright. Gerard spun around to look at his frozen form and did the only thing he figured would help. He slammed the curtains shut.
The result was pretty impressive - Bob and Frank's frozen forms seemed to melt, like snow in the heat and in seconds they were both kneeling on the floor, doubled over as if they were in pain.
"Bob?" Gerard asked "Frankie?"
Bob swore quietly and got painfully to his feet, then staggered to the sofa and sat down but Frank remained doubled over, whimpering in pain.
Gerard knelt down next to him, "Frank?" He whispered "You okay?"
Frank shook as a silver tear ran down his cheek "Gee help's's coming to kill us..."
"What Frank? There was nothing there." At least I didn't see anything there.
Frank shook his head violently, a cascade of tears rolling down his cheeks. "No, there was...Gee I was gonna get in and kill us..." He coughed, still shaking.
Gerard didn't know what to say and the arrival of Mikey and Ray several seconds later didn't help much.
"Crap Gee what the hell happened?" Mikey asked, looking over at Frank and Bob, who were still white pale and terrified.
"I don't fucking know!" Gerard almost yelled, making the rest of the room jump. Frank looked up at him and began to cry yet more. "Crap I'm sorry Frank..." He muttered, turning to Ray and Mikey he told them "Mikey get Bob a drink and Ray go check if the fog's cleared yet."
"Why don't we just open the curtains?" Ray asked, looking confused.
Bob's yell of "No!" sent the room jumping out of their skins again. "Just don't k?" He muttered, glaring at Ray.
"Cool it man." Ray told him, "I'll go check at the front door kay?" And he was out of the room before anyone could stop him.
Gerard looked back down at Frank "Frankie what ever was out there it can't hurt you okay?" He told him quietly "Now look, if you tell us what you saw we can help."
Frank sniffed and nodded as Gerard glanced back towards where Mikey stood holding a glass of water and looking helpless.
Gerard sighed and shook his head, wondering why the hell it seemed to always be left to him "Bob you okay?" He asked the drummer, who was still sitting on the sofa, staring down at his feet.
Bob nodded, and looked up at Gerard "Yeah...yeah I'll be okay."
Gerard half smiled "Good," He agreed "Will you and Mikey go and start getting the stuff from the van...that's if you'll be okay with going out...?"
Bob raised an eyebrow "What we saw wasn't out there Gee." He said quietly "It was in here." And with that he stood up and gestured to Mikey that they should go. The bassist nodded and put the drink down on a side table before following Bob into the hall.
Gerard looked back down at Frank "You gonna tell me?" He asked quietly.
Frank nodded, and sniffing slightly sat back up, leaning against the armchair behind him. "Bob...Bob was right was in here and it talked to me..." He shivered at the memory "And I was so threatened to kill us all if I didn't come with it..." Frank shook his head and lapsed back into silence.
"What was it Frank?" Gerard asked him gently.
But Frank was interrupted as the others came running in; they all looked completely terrified. "Gee..." Mikey started but Ray finished for him, glancing across at Bob. "We don't think we're in L.A. anymore."

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