Categories > Cartoons > Avatar: The Last Airbender > Forced

Chapter 3

by Zuppi 0 reviews

After the Dai Li capture Sokka, Zuko concocts a plan to free his uncle from Azula's clutches. With honor and duty at stake can Zuko and Sokka set their differences aside for the sake of the common ...

Category: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Erotica, Romance - Characters: Sokka, Zuko - Warnings: [!!!] [X] - Published: 2007-01-05 - Updated: 2007-01-05 - 3555 words

Sokka flipped to his feet and fell into a defensive stance as he heard a large crashing through the trees. He could hear Zuko coughing and sputtering behind him but he could not spare the other boy a thought as he turned to face the danger. Without his weapons he felt naked and vulnerable, but he prepared himself for a fight nonetheless.


Sokka was taken aback as instead of the attack continuing, Iroh erupted from the tree line and raced as fast as his robust form could carry him to Zuko's side.

"What is going on?" Toph followed directly behind him. She ran to Sokka's side, her unseeing eyes staring into the distance.

"Sokka!" Before Sokka could answer Toph, Katara and Aang ran to his side. Katara grabbed him around the neck and hugged him tight. "Oh I've been so worried. Iroh said you both fell from Appa." She stood back to look at him. "What happened to you?" She winkled her nose in disgust and dusted off her dress as she looked over his disheveled state.

"Eh, nothing." Sokka pulled his pants up higher on his hips blushing furiously. "Or... I was injured. We were attacked." He babbled incoherently, hoping Katara wouldn't notice the questionable stains on his shirt and pants.

Katara arched her eyebrow in confusion but any further questioning was prevented by Iroh.

"Please!" He called to Toph. "He's injured, this is hurting him." He indicated to the tomb of rock surrounding Zuko. The prince appeared to be struggling to breathe. His eyes were tightly closed and his teeth were clenched.

"He was attacking Sokka!" Toph crossed her arms and stood resolved.

"No, not really." Sokka's cheeks burned. He bit his lip and avoided their eyes. "It was a misunderstanding."

Toph's rigid stance eased a little. "I don't know..."

"Well, it's not like he can take us all on anyway." Sokka shrugged. "And he's pretty beat up from the fall..."

"Ok." Toph raised he foot. "But if he tries anything I'm putting him right back where he started." Her foot fell to the ground and the rock tomb fell away.

Zuko crumbled to the ground, an arm wrapped around his chest and coughing harshly. Iroh knelt beside him and laid a hand on his back. He looked to Katara. "Please help him."

Glancing at Aang for a second, she got to her knees and guided some of the nearby water over Zuko's prone form.

"No!" Zuko pushed himself up. "I don't need your help." He glared at Katara and backed away from her. With one arm still cradling his injured ribs, he leaned against a nearby tree for support. "We need to get away from here." He addressed Iroh only. "Azula has sent troops after us. Earthbenders and firebenders." He coughed, grimacing against the pain.

Katara scowled at him. "We know that. That's why we've been looking for you." She snorted. "Well, for Sokka at least."

Iroh stepped between them. "We all need to calm down, we don't have time to argue. I suggest we get away from here and sort out what to do in a safer location."

"That sounds like a good idea." Aang was glad to have Iroh help defuse the situation. "Appa's hiding in a clearing back this way." He looked to Zuko and Sokka.

The group turned to leave but Zuko stayed leaning against the tree. "I'm not going anywhere with /you/."

"Prince Zuko! We do not have time for past grievances. You can decide your path at a safer location. Azula is searching these very woods for us. We must leave." Iroh frowned sternly at his young nephew.

"I don't need their help." Zuko cast his eyes down.

"Your pride will be your downfall, nephew." Iroh gripped Zuko by the shoulder.

Zuko sighed, wincing as he inflated his chest. "Fine. But I'm leaving as soon as we land. I'm not traveling with the Avatar."

Iroh smiled sadly and nodded his head. He stood back to allow Zuko follow the others. The prince stepped away from the supporting tree and immediately stumbled, falling to his knees. Iroh knelt by his side and took his left shoulder in his hands. "If I may bother you." He looked to Sokka, inclining his head in Zuko's direction. Sokka worried his lip for a second before cautiously moving to Zuko's right side.

As Sokka took the older boy's elbow gently, Zuko wrenched his arm from Sokka's grip. "I don't need your help especially." He snarled, composing himself as well as possible and stalking after the others.

Sokka stared after him, his fists clenched in frustration.

"I am sorry." Iroh stood frowning by his side. "He is a very proud young man."

Sokka glanced at the older man before looking back at Zuko's retreating form. "No." He began to walk after Zuko. "He's just an asshole."

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Sokka glared at Zuko as he gingerly climbed into Appa's saddle. The prince winced and grimaced with even small movements and Sokka found he was taking perverse pleasure in the older boy's suffering. Once Zuko had settled himself, Sokka took a position as far from the young firebender as possible. He scowled and crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at nothing. With Iroh settled next to Zuko, Aang flicked the reins, called the obligatory 'yip yip' and they were airborne.

The tension hung heavy in the air. Zuko and Iroh whispered amongst themselves, Zuko resolutely ignoring everyone else. Sokka continued to glare at all and sundry.

Katara sighed. "Why are you in such a bad mood?" She poked Sokka in the shoulder.

"Lay off." Sokka pulled away from her.

"Sorry!" She rolled her eyes skyward. "I would have thought you'd be happy to see us." Her voice was quiet and Sokka winced as he detected a hint of hurt in her tone.

He sighed. "No, I'm sorry, Katara. I'm just..." He shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno, tired, I guess. And hungry. And in want of a bath." He looked away from her. "It's been a rough few days."

Katara frowned at her brother's uncharacteristically somber demeanor. "You really do need a bath, Sokka." She sniggered, attempting to lighten the mood. Sokka's mouth fell open in mock outrage. "What is that all over you?" She indicated the stains on Sokka's pants and torn shirt.

Sokka blushed crimson, pulling his knees to his chest and hiding his discolored clothing from view. "Nothing!"

"Ok..." Katara arched an eyebrow at his unusual behavior. "Your bag is here if you want to change into something clean."

"I'm not changing in front of /you/!" He replied in outrage.

"Sokka calm down!" Katara sniggered. "It never bothered you before. What's up with you? No-one's cares about your underpants."

"Yeah, well, it's a little something called modesty, Katara!" Sokka resumed his previous sulk. He folded his arms over his chest and once more began glaring at the scenery whizzing below them. After a few minutes he allowed himself to steal a glance at Zuko. Zuko was staring right at him, although his eyes were glazed over slightly. Sokka wasn't sure if Zuko was even aware of his intense gaze. After a second, Zuko seemed to realize that Sokka was looking back at him. With a snarl, he changed his view to the forests below them, Sokka following suit a few seconds later.

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

After what seemed like hours in the air, Aang called back to them, his voice dancing on the wind. He had caught view of a large volcanic island. They had followed the river from Ba Sing Se southeast to the sea. "We'll do a fly over and see if it's inhabited." Aang called back. "But even if it is, Appa needs to rest."

"Some part of it must be uninhabited Aang. Just land there." Katara reasoned.

Aang guided Appa to an apparently deserted peninsula. One by one they descended Appa's tail, Zuko being helped by Iroh. Once everyone was clear, Appa let out a loud groan before collapsing to the ground. Aang patted him fondly on the head, while Momo scurried onto his back and settled down.

Iroh guided Zuko to lean against a tree before attempting to inspect his nephew's injuries. Katara and Sokka watched them for a minute before she turned to him. "We better start collecting fire wood."

"No way." Sokka strolled over to where they had bundled their belongs and grabbed his own bag. "I'm cleaning up first."

Katara looked as if she was going to argue but after a second she seemed to reconsider. "Maybe that's not such a bad idea." She wrinkled her nose, observing his stained clothing.

"Shut up." Sokka chastised her half-heartedly as he began walking in the direction of the water. He strolled close to where Zuko was brushing off his uncle but pointedly ignored the older boy.

Sokka found himself having to walk some way in order to find fresh water to bathe in. He did not let his mind wander onto the subject of Zuko for even a second. He finally came across a trickling stream about half a mile from where they had set up camp. He followed it up stream a little to where it was a somewhat deeper and enabled him to wash with greater ease. Sokka stripped his stained clothing from his body until he was naked, then plunged into the freezing pool. He emerged spluttering against the cold. He loosened his hair and ran his hands through it a few times in an effort to dislodge any dirt. Quickly, he scrubbed his body before emerging from the frigid waters. He decided to wash his dirty clothes while his skin dried. Inspecting his shirt, Sokka gave it up for lost. The right side was almost burnt through, and there were quite a few questionable stains on the lower portion. Scowling, he threw it behind him. He had liked that shirt. Sighing, he submerged his grubby pants in the stream and began harshly washing them.

Almost imperceptibly his thoughts turned to Zuko... What was his problem anyway? It wasn't like Sokka had forced himself on him... well, not completely. Sokka had given Zuko the opportunity to stop and it was Zuko who had taken the initiative. If anyone was to blame it was him. And what did he mean 'I don't need your help especially'? As if Sokka was scum. Sokka berated himself for ever giving the arrogant bastard a chance. He was a self serving asshole and Sokka needed to remember that always. Frowning, Sokka wrung out his pants before letting them hang from a tree branch as he dressed. Once warm and comfortable, he re-tied his hair, picked up his belongs and took off in the direction of the camp.

He marched past Zuko, pointedly ignoring him, and deposited his bag next to Katara. He picked up his destroyed shirt and dropped it on the small camp fire before slumping next to Katara, Toph and Aang.

"What you do that for?" Aang inquired.

"It's ruined." Sokka crossed his arms and resumed sulking.

"Sokka, what's wrong with you?" Katara confronted him. "You've been in a bad mood since we found you. What happened between you and Zuko?"

"Nothing! Nothing happened, I told you!" Sokka flushed in embarrassment.

"Then what's wrong?" She probed.

"I...I" Sokka knew Katara would keep asking until he gave he a satisfactory answer. "I was injured by a firebender. My burn hurts. It's putting me in a bad mood." He prayed desperately she would accept his explanation.

"Oh," Katara appeared to relax. "Is that all? Why didn't you say? Let me heal it." She pulled her water pouch into her lap in preparation.

Sokka sighed before removing his shirt. Zuko caught his eye for a second before Sokka looked away.

Katara frowned as she inspected the wound. "Oh. It's not too bad." She poked the healing flesh.

"Ow! Stop that!" Sokka shielded his chest from her, a distant part of his mind telling him that Zuko was far more gentle.

"Don't be such a baby. It's barely a flesh wound." She pushed his hands from the wound and then guided the water over it. "It looks well healed, in fact. When did you get it?"

"Yesterday." Sokka pouted.

"And it healed this much? It can't have been that bad."

"Well it was, ok?" Sokka mumbled into his chest. "Zuko healed it."

"What?!" Katara lost her concentration momentarily and the water fell unguided into Sokka's lap, soaking his pants.

"Katara!" Sokka jumped to his feet, his lap completely sodden through.

Aang began laughing unashamedly. "It looks like you wet your pants!" He giggled.

"Shut up, Aang." Sokka frowned at the young airbender.

"How did Zuko heal you?" Katara demanded, getting to her feet.

Sokka blushed, looking away from her. "I dunno. Ask him yourself." He turned from the inquiring gazes and rushed to his pack, intent on retrieving a towel to dry himself and avoid further questions.

"How did you heal him?" Katara turned her attention on Zuko.

"None of your business, peasant." Zuko sneered back.

"Prince Zuko! Remember your manners." Iroh chastised him as he turned to Katara. "All firebenders can heal burns somewhat. While we never reach the skill of a waterbender with healing abilities, we can speed up the healing process and remove most of the pain."

"Oh." Katara slumped against a tree, deep in thought.

"It is a fact little known outside of the Fire Nation." Iroh explained. "Few, beyond actual firebenders, have actually been subjected to it." Sokka could not help but steal a glance at Zuko, but the other boy was resolutely glaring at the ground. Sokka could not be sure, but he thought he detected a hint of pink in the pale boys cheeks.

"Well..." Katara's brow was furrowed with thought. "I guess we owe you one, Zuko." She looked to the young firebender, but he continued scowling and avoided her eyes. "I can heal your injuries, if you want."

Iroh silenced any protests on Zuko's part with a fierce glare. "Thank you. That would be very much appreciated."

Katara picked up one of the drinking water pouches and gingerly approached the firebenders.

Zuko glared at her but a look from Iroh quelled any further protests. With a sigh, he uncrossed his arms, wordlessly giving Katara permission to approach.

Sokka watched out of the corner of his eye as he pretended to concentrate on stoking the fire. Katara guided the water from her pouch to hover before Zuko's chest. She frowned and he could see her address the stubborn prince. With a sigh and a roll of his eyes, Zuko opened his shirt and exposed his chest to her scrutiny. Sokka felt something a kin to jealously twist his stomach as he observed Katara's hand brushing lightly over Zuko's bruised ribs. She guided the water over his injures and concentrated on the healing, causing the liquid to glow. After a few seconds the water retreated and Katara looked over Zuko's chest with satisfaction. She smiled at him, a smile he failed to return, although Sokka could see him mumble something. He did not realize he was staring until Zuko's eyes fell on him. The pale boy blinked in surprise, blushing a little. Sokka quickly turned his eyes away, cursing himself for staring.

"What's up with you?"

Sokka nearly jumped out of his skin as Toph questioned him. "Nothing! Why?"

"You're heart is racing." Her brow was furrowed as she tapped her foot on the ground.

"Stop that." Sokka jumped onto a nearby log. "It's rude to... do whatever it is you are doing."

"Sorry." Toph smirked. "I didn't realize he got to you this much." Sokka gaped at her. How did she know...? "Just get over it Sokka. Iroh's not leaving and without him I don't think Zuko is going anywhere. There's no point in fighting him, he's way stronger than you are."

Sokka eyed her in confusion before he realized how she was interpreting his wild pulse. She thought he was angry with Zuko. "Yeah, well... he's still an jerk." Sokka stormed away from her. He was going to have to keep his emotions in check, something he suspected he would not be terribly good at. Either that or avoid Toph and her highly tuned earthbending.

With a sigh, he flopped down next to Aang. "Hey."

"Do you think Zuko's going to hang around?" Aang's cheeks were flushed slightly.

Sokka followed his line of vision and found him to be observing Zuko and Katara keenly. Sokka snorted bitterly. "I don't think you have to worry about him ."

----------- ----------- ------------- ----------

Zuko had him pushed up against a tree, his arms pinned out to his sides. He smirked evilly at Sokka before slowly running his tongue up the tanned boy's neck. Sokka shivered in response, arching against Zuko.

"I've been watching you." He hissed in Sokka's ear as his hands ran down Sokka's chest before teasing them along the top of the younger teen's trousers.

"Oh God!" Sokka breathed, his eyes falling closed.

Zuko slipped his hand inside Sokka's pants, as he moved to kiss the pinned boy. Sokka opened his mouth willing to Zuko, moaning loudly as the other boy began to lightly caress his aching cock.

Sokka cried out as Zuko took his erection firmly in his hand. Zuko chuckled, kissing Sokka's collarbone as he slipped another hand into Sokka's pants. Sokka pushed his pelvis forward as Zuko cupped his balls. He clenched his eyes shut as the older teen began to speed up his stroking. Sokka clutched at Zuko as he felt the pressure building in his groin. The bark of the tree dug into his back as Zuko pushed him firmly against it, kissing him passionately. Sokka felt his orgasm building as Zuko firmly caressed his cock. He bit his lips in an effort to keep quite as he felt his muscles tense... he was so close.

"Zuko!" He called, teetering on the threshold of coming.

"Sokka." Zuko's hands melted away and his voice was harsh.

Confused, Sokka opened his eyes... Zuko was standing back from him. His face was contorted in hate. "Zuko what-"

Zuko screamed in rage, raising a sword and swinging it behind him. He smirked, his eyes dark and emotionless before he charged at Sokka.

Sokka had no time to escape. He fruitlessly raised his hands to shield his face as Zuko swung the sword at his neck-

Sokka started into consciousness. He panted as he instinctively reached for his neck, still disbelieving that a dream could feel so real. He sighed and took deep breaths in order to slow his heart rate. He could really have done without that bizarre and confusing dream. And to add insult to injury he was still aroused.

He sighed, closing his eyes and attempting to dispel any images of Zuko from his mind. It had been a long time since he had dreamt, even longer since he'd had such an intense dream. Most days he was so tired he simply crawled into his sleeping bag and immediately feel into a deep sleep.

This business with Zuko had him shaken, thrown completely off balance. He didn't know what to say to the other boy or how to act around him. Zuko's harsh reaction was all he could think about. The grounds had shifted beneath them and Sokka did not know where he stood.

Frowning in frustration, he turned his head in an attempt to observe the other sleeping forms. His eyes opened widely and his breath caught in his throat when he found Zuko crouched over Aang's sleeping form.

As quietly as possible Sokka slipped out of his sleeping bag and cautiously approached the young firebender.

"I'm not going to hurt him." Zuko spoke barely above a whisper.

Sokka froze, unsure how to proceed.

"If I was going to do something I'd have done it by now. You've all been asleep for hours."

Sokka finally observed Zuko's defeated stature, his broken voice. "What are you doing?" He remained standing a few feet behind Zuko.

Zuko sighed, his eyes firmly fixed on Aang. "I could have done it. You were all asleep... I could have taken the Avatar and been long gone." He sat back on his knees and stared into the dying embers of the campfire. "But what's the point?" He glanced at Sokka momentarily before looking away once more.

Sokka knew Zuko wanted reassurance, guidance or even just a kind word but the younger teen didn't know what to say, and so he said nothing. He closed the few feet between them and slumped down next to Zuko. And so they sat in silence, Zuko, with so much to say, yet unable to express himself, and Sokka, bewildered, confused and speechless.

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God, this chapter is killing me! This is only half of the chapter to be honest, but it was evolving into a monster and so I decided to post it in two halves. I'm hoping to blitz the remaining half over the weekend, seen as I'm injured and off work! Hurrah for time to write fics... boo for slippery floors and dodgy knees...

As always reviews greatly appreciated, constructive criticism is very greatly appreciated and will be reciprocated with the very last of the festive cookies. They may be a little stale.
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