Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 2: my heart is like my car, destroyed beyond belief

by gerardlover17 2 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-01-10 - Updated: 2007-01-10 - 523 words

We were waiting on the bus when mikey came over to me and tried repeatedly to apologize. i kept telling him it was okay but finally he annoyed me and my temper flew out (it does this quite frequently)"Mikey! Damn it!! I told you it's okay. I fuckin understand. So please shut the fuck up!!"
"No...It's just..."
"No. Please tell me"
"I loose my temper alot...especially since..."
"Three months parents and baby brothers died in a plane crash. My fiancee left me because i greaved for them. Since then my friends have left...and everyone i let close hurts me." i look at my wrecked car and give a dry laugh,"My heart is like my car, destoyed beyond belief"
Mikey looked over at Gerard and saw that he was looking at me and knowing that look, Mikey turned to me and said, "But your car can be fixed. With enough time and a good mechanic, it can be as good as new. Maybe your heart is the same."
"Right...Look...forget about paying for the damages...i got the money...i just need a ride home"
Mikey noticed i wasn't very happy about the aspect of going home so he told me he'd be right back. After he had gone, I sat alone and thought about how my life has gone. I drank, was what my friends used to call a pill popper, partied to much and then worked to hard. I had many lovers but no one to love. I did what ever I could to not realize how horrible my life really was.
'God, can i be any more emo' i thought to myself in disgust. Just then i noticed the bus showing up. i called out to the guys and they walked over to me. Gerard looked at me and said, "we got to talk it over with our manager and the other guys, but we'd like to know if you wanna come one tour with us for a while?"
"well if it won't intrefer with your job we want know...apologize for your car. and whats a better apology."
"well it won't intrefer with my know the SHARD label," They all nodded, "well your looking at Shard"
It was funny to watch all of their mouths drop open. Suddenly Frank yells out, "Oh My God. I love your clothes. All i own is either your label, mine or gap!!"
Laughing i said, "thanks I guess"
Suddenly Ray and bob walk over and said that they wanted the whole story. So mikey told them and then told them of the suggestion. They quickly agreed. As we got on the bus i told them i needed to go to my house and get some stuff. They got directions and as Gerard went to give them to the drivers i couldn't help but wonder what the future would bring
Okay...Now i want your opinion...honest and brutal (if need Be) i've had to many stories start off good only to dive bomb as the chapter continued
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