Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 3: My Problems, My Life, Stay Out of it!!

by gerardlover17 1 review

Lots of drama

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-01-10 - Updated: 2007-01-10 - 466 words

*10 Minutes later at my apartment**

Walking in to my apartment, i have a deep sense that i am about to be free. I look back at Gerard, Ray, and Bob. they insisted on coming up and helping with any heavy lifting. I go into my living room and grab the boxes from my last move and start piling all my books into it. Looking at Ray and Bob (gerard went off to explore the apartment)and their stares i simply say, "only the esssentials" i watch as they laugh. Sudden'y i notice gerard walk into my room. I wait a few minutes then follow him in. I look around my room and see he's standing at my dresser. I walk over and say, "Whacha lookin' at" he holds up the pill bottles i had left out in my rush this morning. He turns around and says "so Whats these about."
"nothing" i grab them and throw them in one of my duffle bag.
"Gerard leave it please."
"alright...Do you need help"
"Ummmmm...yeah...go into my closet and grab my jeans and shirts and the converse shoes....the high tops."
I remeber to late that i had gotten drunk the other night and in an attempt to clean up quickly the next morning i tossed all the empty bottle in to my closet. Gerard brings out the clothes but he has an extremely troubled look on his face.
I finish packing but as i walk towards the door, Gerard grabs the bags hands them to Ray and Bob and tells them to go ahead to the bus. He waits till they're gone before turning to me and saying, "Shannon....I'm worried about you."
Him saying this threw me off balance. I had expected him to call me stupid, to degrade me for my choices. But this obvious caring unnerved me. I turn from him and work on putting up my sheild. I already like him but i couldn't let myself care for him. turning back to him i simply say, "So. It's my Choice. Leave it be."
"shannon...I've been through this i can help."
"Shannon you have a real problem."
"SO WHAT!! It's my problems, my life. Stay the Fuck out of it."
"hey maybe it's not such a hot i dead that i go with ya'll"
" really want you to come with us."
My head snapped up. he was looking at the ground. 'Did that mean what i think' "sure...okay....well they're waiting."
I walk out the door before he can say anything else. we get on the tour bus and i thought 'this is where the adventure begins.'
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