Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 5: Shannon's Story

by gerardlover17 3 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-01-12 - Updated: 2007-01-12 - 496 words

(A.N. thanks to popular demand [Mainly from safefromrobotsDamn!] i have decided to tell shannon's story of why she is so troubled)

Chapter 5

The next day shannon did her best to avoid gerard. That night after they all went to bed she sat by the window and thought about all that she told gerard

Flash Back

"It all started when i was 12. I was developing faster than all my friends. Me and my friends hung out all the time at an abandoned ware house. One night katie brought her older brother, Zane, to the warehouse. He had gotten some alcohol and we all got drunk. Before i knew what was happening Zane was pulling me off into an empty room. He started kissing me and then he.....r-r-raped. I never told any one and i guess since then i have never felt fully worthy of anyone love. Yet my parents and brother still did. So i continued to try to prove myself in everyones eyes. I was the prettiest, the smartest, the friendliest, and the easiest. To gain the guys approval i went so far as to sleep with them within minutes of meeting them. To gain my friends approval i got involved in drugs as well as alcohol. i finally thought i was happy until a few months ago when my parents died. My boyfriend couldn't handle my grieving so he dumped me. Then one by ones my friends left me. Now i have no friends i use drug and liquor to keep me calm and keep me from remembering my real failure. I now have no one close and i have lost the ability to love and be loved.

End Flash Back

i could tell by watching his eyes the moment he went from just caring to loving me for struggling yet still surviving, though my methods weren't the best i still keep living.
"But i'm not really living." i whisper to myself. 'i can't drag him down. he deserves someone who can really live and love.' i think. It was then i decide to leave and head back home. 'i shouldn't have come in the first place'i tell myself as i go to tell the driver to drop me off at the next gas station.

*10 minutes later at a randon gas station*

I am about to get off when i think, 'i should leave gerard a note. i go to the table and quickly write:


thank you for showing me that i can be loved. But i can't return the feeling. i need to leave. Don't follow me. Just stay away. I don't want to see you again.
Leaving it on the table i quickly run off the bus. Just as the bus was leaving i looked back to see Gerard looking at me holding the note. i look away and go to the phone to call the only one still there for me that i trusted.


okay well review
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