Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 6: My Escape

by gerardlover17 1 review

Just read

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-01-16 - Updated: 2007-01-16 - 380 words

(A.N. SafeFromRobotsDAMN!, you may hate me after these chapter.)

******Two months Later******

Looking out my window at my brand new car, i wondered how i got here. 'it was talking to gerard.' Since i left him, i back miserable. If i hadn't known i was incapable of true love i would have thought that was the reason. 'it's just cause he's the only one who knows my true story.' Turning on my stereo, i grabbed the phone and called Cody. He answered on the second ring. "Hello??"
"hey cody"
"Hey Shannon."
"How are you feeling."
"Same as usual Since i got back"
"that bad, huh??"
"Yea....Umm...Hey thanks again for comin to get me."
"yea that's cool"
"And for not asking questions"
Suddenly i got really depressed. I went into my room and grabbed my bottle of Triple C's and decided to end it all. I tilt my head back and swallow all of the pills. Suddenly i wanted to talk to gerard. "cody...."
"Call The number i gave you and tell gerard to get to my apartment."
"Cody just do it!!!"
I hang up on cody and thank god that gerard and the guys were doing a concert in town tonight. My final thought before i passed out was 'God! i do love him.'

**20 minutes later in gerard's p.o.v.***

Arriving at shannon's apartment, i hope to god shannon didn't do what i think she did. Getting the call from cody i ran out of the concert and headed straight over. i get to the door and walk in. i search the whole apartment and can't find her. Finally i check her room and find her unconscience on the floor. a pill bottle was on the floor next to her. running up i grab her and shake her yelling "Shannon Wake up!!!"
Finally she opens her eyes and looks at me. "Gerard??"
"I love you...i want you to know that"
"Shannon You'll Manke it"
"Maybe...But i can never love myself so it doesn't matter."
"No i'm calling an ambulance"
"okay....Just If i do die....Don't say Goodbye cause i'll never leave you again"
I watch as she looses conscience again. I call 911. i hope i'm not to late.
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