Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Jay and the Golden Fleece

An Offer

by twiinklestar 4 reviews

Jay's list of Pro's and Con's.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-01-13 - Updated: 2007-01-13 - 505 words

Chapter 7 :

Jay couldn't decide who to pick but he would wait until morning. It was 1:20 in the morning. He needed to rest if he was getting the golden fleece later that day.

Jay woke up at 9:00 and he went downstairs to make breakfast. He grabbed his coffee and a pen and paper. He had to make a pro's and con's list. The list read:

Pro's: Good fighter, knows his mythology, strong, smart, determined, competitive
Con's: Bad ankle, only works well with Atlanta, argues to much, afraid of water

Pro's: Good fighter, fast, strong, smart, good at brainstorming, determined, competitive
Con's: Only works well with Archie, a bit to competitive

Pro's: Strong, good fighter,
Con's: Not so smart, doesn't know much Greek mythology, needs lots of food

Pro's: Smart, knows his mythology, can brainstorm well, plans well
Con's: Cannot fight, needs his laptop

Now that he had that, he needed to decide which qualities he needed. His next list read:

Push the boat off of the shore: Herry

Fighting giant: Herry, Archie, Atlanta

Making plans: Odie, Archie, Atlanta

Fighting Amazons: Archie, Herry, Atlanta

Rowing boat fast: Archie, Herry, Atlanta

Fighting dragon: Archie, Herry Atlanta

Fighting Harpies: Archie, Atlanta, Herry

Next he added up the points.

Herry had six, Archie had six, Atlanta had six and Odie had one.

He thought some more. Maybe just maybe, Cronus would let him bring two people. Jay went up to his room.

"Cronus!" he called out.

Cronus, who had been watching from his magic pool, appeared from his portal.

"Yes young Jason?"

"I want to make an offer,"

"What would that be?"

"If I can bring two friends, instead of one, you can add one more challenge,"

Cronus thought. 'Hmm...if there are three of them then three will die because I know that they will not be able to survive and then I can kill Theresa and there will only be two three left,'

"Okay Jay. You can have your two friends." said Cronus as he disappeared.

It was now 9:30 and everybody was starting to wake up. Soon all of them arrived in the living room and ate and cooked breakfast.

"Everybody, I know how to get Theresa back," he announced.

Everybody starred at him instantly.

"How?" asked Archie.

"Cronus visited me last night. He told me how to get Theresa back. He said that I have to bring him the Golden Fleece. I can take two people with me but he will add one more challenge. The three left behind can watch but they cannot contact us. Neither can the gods. If the gods help us, he will," Jay gulped. "kill Theresa. But the gods may watch,"

At 12:00, Cronus came and everybody stood in their battle stances. Cronus ignored them.

"Who do you choose Jay?"

"Don't feel bad if I didn't choose you. You are all great but-" Cronus cut him off.

"Skip the pity speech,"

Jay sighed.

"I choose..."

[A/N: Give me an idea for the extra challange]

Brittany McMillan - 2007 -©
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