Categories > Anime/Manga > Pet Shop of Horrors > D is for...

Diamonds are Forever

by Eternatis 0 reviews

Diamonds are forever, but those who annoy Leon Orcot aren't.

Category: Pet Shop of Horrors - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Jill, Leon - Published: 2007-01-14 - Updated: 2007-01-14 - 195 words

It was the diamond that got Leon's attention - or at least the sparkle on Jill's third finger.

He caught her hand as she walked past, turning in his chair and holding her hand up to his face and raising an eyebrow. He was no expert, but even he could tell it was quality - a diamond in a delicate gold band.

Jill was blushing slightly, but managed to glare at him over her glasses and inform him "Before you ask, no it's not what you think. It was just a present."

"Pretty fancy for 'just a present.'"

Jill's colour rose a little more. "Not all men are as cheap as y-"

Phil walked in, shouting something back over his shoulder, something that died as he turned and looked at the tableau before him. Leon twisted around in his office chair, holding Jill's hand, and both of them looking at the damn ring, Jill blushing like a new bride.

Phil dropped his coffee. Muttered "Jesus Christ." Bolted down the corridor. Failed miserably to muffle his laughter.

Jill and Leon looked at each other, then chased after him.


"Dammit, you asshole, it wasn't what it looked like!"
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