Categories > Anime/Manga > Pet Shop of Horrors > D is for...

Eat Your Heart Out

by Eternatis 0 reviews

T-chan couldn't really answer Chris' question, because 'weird' for him was completely off the scale for Chris.

Category: Pet Shop of Horrors - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Chris, Q-Chan, Other - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-01-14 - Updated: 2007-01-14 - 273 words

"Hey, T-chan?" Chris was sat on a worktop, at a safe distance but still close enough to pass the toutesu things.

"Yeah?" Today, he was making cakes for the Count, all chocolate and cream swirls, dotted with strawberries. Q-chan had been trying to sneak pieces until T-chan smacked him with a spatula. The babbit had gone off to fuss over D - or at least to complain about how maltreated he was. Now the only one T-chan had to worry about was Pon-chan; the raccoon was eyeing up the bowl of melted chocolate.

"What's the weirdest thing you ever ate?"

"The weirdest -?"

T-chan was a man-eating toutetsu. Weird could be used to describe his entire diet, as Chris' big brother knew. Unborn children, teenage runaways, anything with enough meat on its bones... None of it seemed weird to him, but...

The one thing that ranked as unusual, even to him? A once-in-a-lifetime taste. Literally.

His own heart.

There wasn't any way he could describe it. He's eaten other people's hearts before, sure, but his own? Technically, it should have been the same - apart from the fact that his body had died mid-bite, of course. A heart was a heart was a heart. But... It had been his. It had been...

There wasn't any way in hell he could say any of that to the kid, let alone would.

Pon-chan had taken advantage of his distraction and stolen the bowl of chocolate. T-chan glared at her, raising the spatula that had vanquished Q-chan.

Chris didn't get the significance of "A fat racoon dipped in chocolate," but laughed at him chasing Pon-chan round the kitchen anyway.
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