Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Silver and Cold

You Will Outlast My Love

by Cerediwen 4 reviews

Sandra makes a life changing desicion and a flash back into Gerard and Melaina's relationship

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-01-15 - Updated: 2007-01-15 - 1088 words

Chapter 16
You Will Outlast My Love

Sandra raced down the rickety stairs, her blonde hair flowing like a mane after her as she burst, panting into the living room.
"Get out!" She basically screamed at the band, who had only just woken up as she'd pounded down the stairs. Bob and Ray who obviously hadn't got any sleep sprang to their feet immediately and pulled the member's nearest to them to their feet.
"Why?" Gerard asked groggily, brushing his black hair back from his sleep filled green eyes, looking around at the rest of the room worriedly.
"Just go!" She growled, running through the room to the back door. "Get out, through the door and over the fence and out of this damn place. Get out." She turned to Gerard. "She's coming and she's going to kill you and your daughter."
The rest of the band didn't have time to wonder as Gerard's eye flashed with fear and he shoved the back door away from him and with one nod to Sandra grabbed onto Mikey and Frank who looked completely fazed and dashed out into the garden and began to climb the fence. Mikey and Frank exchanged confused glances before both vaulting over after Gerard, Mikey helping Frank up as soon as he reached the top. Bob looked back at Ray and then followed them, but the guitarist didn't move, he just stood and held his hand out to her.
"They're gonna kill you." He whispered, looking down at her.
"I've got nothing left to live for." She shrugged "You have the world. Now go! Please Ray I mean it."
There was a fierce knocking at the front door and Sandra blanched. "Please Ray! Get out."
He looked down at her and there was a tear sparkling in the corner of his eye. "I'm sorry." He murmured before he ran. The word seemed to go in slow motion as he vaulted the fence, looking back at her once before she disappeared behind the wood and the moss. Sprinting after the others he heard her scream pierce the night sky just as he caught up to Bob and then time stood still as he realised what he'd done.


"Gerard?" Melaina asked slowly looking down at him from where she sat on the crest of the hill over looking Newark park, he lay next to her on the wet grass, staring up at the night sky, uncountable millions of stars high above them. Lifting his head he turned to face her, his dark hair wet with the rain.
"Yeah?" He answered quietly.
She stared for a second into the lantern that lit up the hill for them with its warm, yellow glow, banishing the darkness into shadows in the eves of the trees. "If...if you had a daughter what would you call her?"
Gerard looked confused, screwing up his nose as he thought. "I don't know, never really thought about it." He stopped "I think I'd probably call her Lee, after Nan. She's helped me so much and I have to go and see her again tomorrow." He smiled slightly at the mention of his grandmother.
She sighed and shook her head "All the way back to New Jersey again Gee? You'll have to be back at college at 9 the next day."
Gerard smiled "She's my Nan." He told her quietly "And Mom was worried about me so I'll go see her and Dad as well." He noticed the pain that flashed across her face every time he mentioned family "You can come with me if you want..." He murmured, secretly hoping she would.
She shook her head "I can't my tutor gave me yet more course work." She sighed, then glanced across at him "You've got some too haven't you Gee? You really ought to..."
He cut her off "I know but it's classical and I don't do classical. He knocks marks every time it's vaguely warped." He moaned.
She laughed and gently ran her hand across his cheek "You, Gerard Arthur Way, are impossible."
He batted her hand away and sat up so their faces were inches away "Yeah," He whispered "But you love me."
She smiled as he closed the gap "Course," She murmured against his lips "I love you."


Melaina stood at the doorway to Sandra's house, her cold hands clasping the girl's shoulders. "What did I tell you?" She asked acidly.
Sandra looked up at her, blood running down her cheek from the cut above her left eye. She'd screamed in pain and annoyance when the burly solider had hit her with the butt of his rifle but now she regretted it as it seemed to have only angered Melaina further.
"You told me my family would be ripped apart in front of my eyes, Empress." She spat, just as venomously as Melaina.
"Well I'm afraid I lied. You're family are cold in their graves child." She whispered "I knew you would betray me and I needed the entertainment that slitting their throats gave me." She laughed, smiling cruelly down at her.
Sandra's breath caught in her throat and the next thing Melaina knew the girl's hand collided with her cheek, her nails leaving slashes in her white skin. The guard standing behind Sandra grabbed both her arms a split second too late and the girl's nails ripped across Melaina's other cheek as well before they were finally tied behind her.
"I hate you." Sandra whispered, her black eyes shining with hate and tears.
Melaina scowled as she felt warm blood trickling down her cheeks "Well to be honest Miss. White I don't like you much either." Then turning to the guard she spat "Take her away, both of you will hang tomorrow for betraying me and not being quick enough at your jobs." She hissed at him as he blanched "Oh and Sandra, you're friend will hang tomorrow as well...Ray? Yes that was it." She smiled like a cat who'd just caught their mouse. "Enjoy." She whispered into the girl's ear as she was dragged away. Then, as all the guards dispersed she turned and stared towards the city walls where her hawk like eyes caught a glimpse of five figures disappearing into the woods and as she lost them from view she could swear one turned around and stared straight back at her.
"Live life long." She whispered to him, the still beating part of her iron heart promised as it reached out to him "Live long and prosper Gerard Way."

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