Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Silver and Cold

Your Arrogance Will Suit You Well

by Cerediwen 2 reviews

Ray confronts Melaina and Kaela finds a favourite song

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-01-17 - Updated: 2007-01-17 - 1086 words

Chapter 18
Your Arrogance Will Suit You Well

Gerard stirred slightly in his sleep and was greeted by Frank's yell of "He's awake!" and someone muttering finally. Moaning in protest he opened his eyes, blinded by even the small amount of sunlight that pierced the heavy canopy above him.
"Hey..." Mikey smiled from where he sat next to his brother but the smile didn't reach his eyes and Gerard could tell.
"You okay Mikey?" He asked quietly as he stretched and looked up at Frank who was sitting a little bit too close to him "Frank shift!" He muttered to him and to his surprise instead of grinning cheekily Frank moved.
It was Bob who spoke first, sat beside what was the fire with a dirty scrap of yellow paper grasped in his left hand. "Ray's gone Gerard." He told him quietly, passing the note over to where Gerard now sat.
As his eyes scanned the paper Gerard felt bile rising in his throat.

Guys I know I'll probably be
hated for this but I've gone to help
Sandra, I'm sorry but I had to.
Tell mom I'm sorry if you get back

"Crap..." He whispered "What time is it?"
Mikey shrugged "My watch says about 8 in the morning, sounds right but I don't know for sure."
Gerard nodded but it was Frank who piped up next "There's footprints leading back towards the city but it's not just Ray's, there's another set as well."
Gerard swore again and bit his lip. "We have to go find him." He decided "I don't care what happens, he's our best friend. He's...he's like our brother. We need to go find him."
The rest of the band nodded their approval all but Mikey who bit his lip "But Gerard...She's gonna kill us." He said bluntly, but without looking at his older brother.
"Yeah." Gerard nodded "She might but maybe she won't." He shrugged "You wanna come or not?" He asked slowly, getting to his feet.
Mikey sighed but smiled up at his brother as he too stood up "I s'pose." He murmured quietly "You better be right though." He told him, grinning slightly.
"I'm always right." Gerard told them all, looking offended "You should know that."


Melaina stood on her balcony, the wind blowing her dark hair back from her face as she turned away from the silent city to face the man behind her. His american accent and afro making it harder for her to take him seriously but his face was so sincere and so truthful she almost pitied him.
"Why are you here?" She asked him quietly, no trace of her normally dark smile flitting across her ebony painted lips.
"To stop you killing Sandra." He told her simply, he could feel his companion's breathing on his neck and he involuntarily shivered.
"Come out Marcus." Melaina muttered, her eyes darting to the figure of the stooped old man that was materialising by Ray's shoulder. "You're scaring him, and you can leave now, you've done your job."
Marcus looked up at her with his hollow eyes and sighed a sigh like the wind on a bleak winter's morning. "If I may say ma'am I agree with the boy." He told her slowly.
Melaina's forehead creased in confusion and slight anger. "Why?" She whispered.
"You should know better now than to tear two lovers apart...shouldn't you?" He asked her coldly, tilting his head to one side.
Melaina's eyes flashed and she took a step towards the old man, shoving Ray to one side easily "You're time is closing old man." She spat, as a ball of orange light began to form in her ashen palm.
He smiled gently "I know, that's why I asked you to think Melaina. I've known you for six years now and I know who you could be if you had a heart." He told her, almost kindly. "I hope you think before it's too late." And before Melaina could do anything he had gone, disappeared with nothing to show his existence but the flakes of ash that were slowly forming a pile on the marble tiling.
She turned to Ray "You've come to save her?" She hissed, all traces of pity lost from her voice "You'll die beside her." She told him as behind her two burly, armour clad guards appeared from the shadows, grasping him by his shoulders.
Ray didn't say a word instead he looked at her with cold eyes that may as well have been lifeless already. "What did you do to Gerard?"


'I've lost all doubt in a chemical romance'

Kaela stood, staring out of her window at the manor grounds far below her, it was tipping it down with rain and her black hair still glistened with raindrops from her and her mother's mad dash for the cover of the mansion as the sky had began to cry. Her small hand was pressed against the glass as she stood and watched the creatures slink out of the forest onto the long drive way below her, sweeping up the ash with their long handled brooms and piling it in the eves of the forest. They were all vaguely human looking and wore cloaks of grey, brown and black and as they finished their jobs they raised their coal black eyes to the house and bowed before literally melting back into the forest from where they'd come.
Melaina came and stood next to her as she watched them disappearing and as normal the wisps of music from the kitchen followed her as she came. This time the Used 'I Caught Fire' floated with her and made Kaela smile.
"I love this song mama." She told Melaina with grin "Can I go and listen?"
Melaina nodded and smiled at her little girl as she rushed off down the corridor to perch on a stool in the kitchen and sway to the song on the radio, singing the words she knew.
Melaina pressed her hand to the glass above where her daughter's handprint sat and sighed to herself as the chords of the rock single blared out at her. She had always found herself wondering what Gerard would have thought about all of these songs that she loved...she wondered what he would think of that fact she knew every word to every song he'd ever screamed. She wondered what he would think if he knew she'd been crying but then again he thought she was dead...dead and gone.

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