Categories > Original > Drama > Well now, I think I'll start a weird not so private diary! OH LOOK! I DID! UH-OH SPAGETTY-O!!!!!

Barbas - Hope, Fear, and the almost death of Wyatt

by lizards_love 0 reviews

Ya, thats right. I went there.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Horror - Published: 2007-01-17 - Updated: 2007-01-17 - 181 words

Yep, I watch charmed. I must add that i cant believe that...uh....You-Know-Who....Dies. I was sad forever and all of eternity. Someone should be sewed...ya, were back to the spelling not alot changes i guess. I had to take photos for a crime scene! ya! Not a murder thing. My friend fell in a pond, and i had to take pictures to prove it wasnt safe. And guess what! IT WAS AN ICY POND!!!! Big Fun, Right! Its gotten to the point where you cant even call a guy a girls name without them claiming you got that from scrubs! Now ill admit, Scrubs is the best thing to happen to tv ever in this fantastical aroma therapy lab that we call life, but people flip! Why you ask? I dont know, i reply. I dislike safari toads and monkey milk. Their not a good mixture. And that is why you all will lie in a death defy-ing tie! Thats right, i said death defying tie! Wanna fight about it? Ya, thats what i thought. Bitch.
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