Categories > Original > Drama > Well now, I think I'll start a weird not so private diary! OH LOOK! I DID! UH-OH SPAGETTY-O!!!!!

My crazy is showing

by lizards_love 0 reviews

This is from my myspace blog

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Sci-fi - Published: 2007-01-17 - Updated: 2007-01-17 - 771 words

watch the pink dots fly round and round our head while the shadows sing opera curses like tom jones. then the pink dots attach in screeching voices in to high an octive to understand, yet we all know! firey dances in the sky smoke flying into your brain clouding all you see because living is easy with eyes closed misunderstanding all you see. but you will soon see why wrighthing pain is YOUR desting oh so devine and prolonged, because your fear of the worms and the dirt and the cold stench of death covering you in your little box of excaping oxygen. the flowing waters all around covering you and never letting go. you cant breath and thats why the smoke burns from the dancing and the pulse of every little beat grows slower and colder as the blood stops dead and no one can make it go again. why? i like the pretty red while it flows. it wont move anymore. i wish it would. it brings color. i miss it. i miss the pulse and the color. but now it doesnt move, and the color drains away with every second. NO! i want my color back. make it move again! please someone make it move! the shadows know who did it but they wont tell you because you scare them. they wont talk to you. but they talk to me sometimes. they know. they know. i can hear the pulse again. but the pretty color isnt here anymore. the shadows tell me why and i dont like it. im scared. they say that i wont be able to here them for much longer, and pretty soon my color will stop and i wont be able to here the pretty noises any more. can you bring the color back. i miss it. the shadows are telling me to tell you to go away now. they want you to leave. dont leave me. please? Blindfolded sitting in a circle. people whispring in a repetative drone. lies! "it'll all be alright" sitting here oblivious to natural humanity. natural evil lies to the sky telling you how much you hate the world and all its lies and you cry to the night in your plight to make them stay far away you cant tell how deep you are or how steep till you fall. hot to the touch evil rust. eating away at my skin eating away my sin so that it can win its evil victory that is sometimes good and not. eating at the hollow tree that i see every night in the dark whispering to me about how it'll all be all right! the hate that rushes throught the veins of everyone who has ever murdered or been murdered. kill or be killed the end is coming closer. it is never that far away chasing you and never ending screams as you thrust your head against the wall repeatedly hoping to forget all the mistakes and that you made and all the people that you've killed with your lies. blood sprinkles on the white walls of your memories. little red dots dont mean much when youve spilled so much more! you never know of the people youve hurt untill your in their possition! you can never tell why the primordial being always lies beneath your cool human exterier. lurking waiting to be released at the first sign of anger till you bleed and choke on your own lies. it hates you and you know it. its in the shadows of your mind lurking, waiting, watching. the excape route is not always what it seems and thats why you must not shoot with only one eye open you beasts contolled by your human urges. sin lurks in your soul, and i can see it with my eyes. i can see it in my own soul. you can tell when your eyes hit the light of the dancing darkened moon. waning and waxing in its silver glory shines your soul throught the dark of your eyes. can you see it now?!? CAN YOU?!?

And in the end the fire swept over the county and proclaimed that butterfinger toast comes to the table. and the city of stars became a butterfly and it flew to san diego to see corvallys and the table became a chair with no legs and no bakc and was named "PLANK" . where he ate good dental floss and had dancing lighters fade to darkness in a carage drawn by crabs, and the clouds were sad and cried when you died for plank and his concubine of roses
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