Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Magnolia Hair Dye [2]

Tripping over Converse Amongst Other things

by Silvana 5 reviews

Does what it says on the packet. Tripping over Converse Amongst Other things. [Mild language]

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-01-19 - Updated: 2007-01-19 - 737 words

"This is dedicated to Kat, whereever she decided to be tonight," Gerard said into the mike before launching into Teenagers and a girl somewhere near the front blushed before muttering, "Glad I made a memory Gee." Then she melted into the crowd. As the band finished the concert, suddenly a packet of magnolia hair dye hit the stage. As they bounded off, Gerard scooped it up and snatched the note attached to it.

Thanks for the dedication and I promise I paid to get in here this evening. No disappearing tonight.

Gerard grinned then reliably went to meet the fans. After meeting a couple, a girl came up to meet him holding a copy of the black parade. "I love your music. Hate some of the lyrics but the music's awesome," she said with an infectious grin. Well, it would have been if she hadn't just dissed his lyrics. "What's wrong with the lyrics?" he demanded hotly.
"House of wolves I hate. Smacks too much of a dig at Christianity and mama. Depressing much?" Her blue eyes were sparkling with mischief, but she meant every word she said. He was about to retort with something fierce when something inside his mind clicked. "I said one teenager scares the living-" he began to sing.
"Thanks," she grinned, cutting him off, holding out the CD. "Would you sign it?" He complied and was about to speak when a security person told her to move along. "Willpower, Mr Way, all it takes is will power," she said, as she moved on to meet Frank.


The next night in the tour bus Frank could be heard muttering to himself and clicking his fingers. As Gerard walked towards him he understood the mutters.

"I want to go home."


"I want to go home."


"I do want to go home."


"Frankie, it's not going to work," Gerard drawled, sitting down next to him.
"Worked for her," Frank said adamantly, "She told me. She was at the gig. All it take sis will power."
"Oh Frankie," Gerard sighed, "I know she was there, but stuff like that doesn't happen." He clicked his fingers to demonstrate. BIG mistake.
"I hate you Gerard," Frank muttered to the space where the singer had been.


Where he appeared was dark. Very dark. So dark in fact that as soon as he tried to take a step he tripped over something unrecognisable and fell with a loud thump onto the floor. There was a mini scream, definitely a girl, from somewhere in the darkness, and suddenly there was a bright light shining in his eyes. He closed his eyes so he didn't blind himself as the girl panicked.
"Emo gothic dude, what the hell are you doing in my room? Get the hell away from me. I've got a pillow and- Oh it's you." The light was removed from his eyes, and when he opened his eyes he could see a girl sitting up in bed. A familiar looking girl. A very familiar looking girl. In fact, he could even tell you her name.
"Kat?" he asked hesitantly.
"The one and only," she grinned, "And what are you doing on my bedroom floor?"
"Wondering what the fuck I tripped over," he replied seriously. She scanned the floor around him and shrugged. "It was either one of the pile of books, my converse or my music stand," she supplied, pulling the duvet closer around her. He nodded slowly, still in an ungainly heap on the floor. "I should go, " he said. She nodded at him. "I swear this time it wasn't my fault though. I haven't used the clickiness for ages. Well," she paused, "since last week. At the gig where we met." He stood up, trying to avoid standing on any of the mess that was on the floor. "See you."
"Or not," she replied, as he clicked his fingers. And went absolutely nowhere. He frowned and clicked his fingers again. And still went nowhere.
"What the fuck?" he started, looking at Kat.
"a, Stop swearing and b, I don't know," she replied, worry creeping into her eyes.
"You mean, I'm stuck here?" he asked, "Where ever here is."
She nodded slightly. "Till you can catch the train back to London."
He sighed. "I hate magic."


AN: Beth was bugging me to write so I did. Not the best chapter I've ever done...
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