Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Dental Issues Much?
Dental Issues Much?
(#) greektitan 2007-01-21
LMAO!! SHE HAD TO DO CPR LMAO!! i wish i were in her place :P:P! well,i wonder what her plan is!! and i love the part when she pretended Archie was Jay so she could do his the CPR!Luv it and ya!Dental Issues Much?
(#) DoReMi_05 2007-01-21
Doe: HA HA! Theresa did CPR on Archie! But he didn't need it! Update soon! I love this story! What's Theresa's plan?!
iPod: Whatever Theresa's plan is, I hope it fails.
Zoey: Seriously! Why are you so mean?! Well I hope that Theresa's plan works. I support it 100%!
Charm #1: Me too!
Doe: Oh I do too!
iPod: You girls are such idiots!
Doe: Smarter than you! And besides I wouldn't talk to me like that if I was you. I made you, remember?
* Jess:)
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