Categories > Original > Drama > On the Outside Looking In

Chapter 7 - Proven Wrong

by Lizzerriffic2137 0 reviews


Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-01-22 - Updated: 2007-01-23 - 326 words

Chapter 7

I'd show him. You bet. I took a deep breath and felt confidence rush through me. I grabbed the guitar that Mr. Davis kept in the corner of his room and tuned it up. It ain't that bad, for an acoustic. I began strumming, and the room grew silent.
"It may seem
As if everything's ok
But u should no better
Who I am today
I'm smiling out here
Like a mask covered my face
I'm crying on the inside-"
I was interrupted by Flowers hysterical laughing. I looked at Mr. Loser and the principal, and their mouths gaped open.
"What Flowers that ain't what you wanna hear buddy?"
"I wouldn't even call that music!"
"Shut your trap big shot I make my own music if you have a problem-"
"I believe I'm entitled to my own opinion..."
"I'll scream inside!
Till my anger subsides!
U can't put me down
If u can't see
I couldn't take the laughing anymore. That was it. I stopped and started a new song that may be more familiar to a drama obsessed 33 year old.

"Your Eyes
As We Said Our Goodbyes
Can't Get Them Out Of My Mind
And I Find I Can't Hide (From)
Your Eyes
The Ones That Took Me By Surprise
The Night You Came Into My Life
Where There's Moonlight
I See Your Eyes

How'd I Let You Slip Away
When I'm Longing So To Hold You
Now I'd Die For One More Day
'Cause There's Something I Should
Have Told You
Yes There's Something I Should Have
Told You

When I Looked Into Your Eyes
Why Does Distance Make Us Wise?
You Were The Song All Along
And Before The Song Dies

I Should Tell You I Should Tell You
I Have Always Loved You
You Can See It In My Eyes"

I grinned when I saw Mr. Flores' face. He was stunned. No- he was beyond stunned. He was proven wrong.
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