Categories > Original > Drama > On the Outside Looking In

Chapter 8- The Devil's Heir

by Lizzerriffic2137 0 reviews

first chapter of my first story! HI ELENA!

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-01-24 - Updated: 2007-01-25 - 206 words

Chapter 8

The Silence in the room was broken by me clearing my throat and putting the guitar back in the corner. I put on a Mr. Lucio pop quiz smile, and stretched myself out on the black couch like I owned it. I looked at my watch, and saw it was 5:30... I had to go. Now.
"You've got it!"
"Sir... what are you-"
"Come to the auditions on Wednesday and you'll see!"
Mr. Loser looked impressed, but all the same, snickered. He knew that this was gonna happen. I bet you he planned it all out. I'm tellin you he's one evil dude- you can ask any kid round here and they all tell you the same story. He's like a legend at Maser High. Some guys say he got these special powers that like can burn you or sumthin. Sounds corny I know, but over here people believe everything. And I'm not one to disagree, specially when I've been a victim. I know his evil doings. And yes. They are evil.
Maybe he ain't got powers to burn things, but he sure do got sumthin. I just got to figure out what it is. I'll let you know when I do. I sure will...
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