Categories > Original > Drama > On the Outside Looking In

Chapter 9- Out of the Box

by Lizzerriffic2137 0 reviews

first chapter of my first story! HI ELENA!

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-01-24 - Updated: 2007-01-25 - 379 words

Chapter 9

It was now exactly 5:45. Damn, I was gonna miss the bus! I ran as fast as my legs could take me, but it wasn't fast enough. Could this day get any worse?
As soon as I approached the bus, the doors closed.
"Hey! Lemme in! Come on! Dude! I know you can hear me!"
"Sorry kid, no more space! Next bus leaves at a quarter after!"
We were screaming at each other thorough the plexi-glass doors of the bus. I tried to run after it, waving my hands frantically. Just then, the bus sped up, and splattered mud all over me. I had just then realized that it was pouring, and I was drenched. I spit some mud out of my mouth. Not to mention being covered in mud, I liked rain.
I cussed back at the bus driver as he drove away, even though I knew he couldn't hear me. I just needed to get that out I guess.
I wiped the mud from my face with growing frustration as I sat on the curb, waiting for the next bus. I closed my eyes. I remembered the events of a few minutes ago. When I ran, looking through the windows of the bus, watching the rain drops slide down. When I pressed my face against the cold, smooth plexi-glass, and my hand slid down as it raced away. It was like I was locked in a display at the zoo, and the visitors left me. Like I was outside of the world, and everyone was just staring at me.
I tried to understand that for quite a while. Then I thought of myself as one tiny star- and I looked on to the earth. On the outside, looking in at everything, and everyone, and everyone thinking I'm different.
The weird thought of how it would be if i didn't exsist popped into my head. Like i'd still be a soul or sumthin, looking from heaven at all the people. That creeped me out.
I didn't like thinking of that stuff. It made me feel alone. So I decided to walk across the street and get myself a sandwich from the deli. But a familiar voice greeted me.
"Why Mr. Matthews, I haven't seem you in a while!"

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