Categories > Cartoons > Biker Mice from Mars > Red Planet - Part Four: City of the Red Tower

The Senate

by siriusfanatic 0 reviews

Stoker and Lucas meet with the Martian Senate, but things don't go as planned when Stoker decides to change their plans!

Category: Biker Mice from Mars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Published: 2007-01-23 - Updated: 2007-01-23 - 2744 words

Chapter Two: "The Senate"

Stoker drove the jeep though the abandoned streets of the outlying suburban areas of Brimstone City. In the north, the tip of Red Tower was beginning to be become visible. A few mountains prevented them a clear view of the city, but it didn't matter, they were almost there.
Cody noted that the barrage on the mountain had stopped, as there were no more explosions echoing in the air. The neighborhood they were driving through had apparently been evacuated because no one--NO ONE--had been seen since they entered the city limits.
"How much longer?" asked Throttle.
"Not much." Tawny replied before returning her attention to a notepad she had been writing in ever since she was freed.
"What are you working on?" asked Stoker.
Tawny giggled. "I'm naming our fighting moves," she said with a grin.
"You're what?"
"Yeah. That way, of we have a situation where a high kick is needed, we won't yell 'high kick.' We'll yell something like, oh, 'Left Leg Up # 1"
Stoker perked an eyebrow. "Oooookay. That seems a bit insane, but whatever."
"It'll work good in battle," Tawny attempted. "Trust me. If you're telling us what to do and what to maneuver to use, you don't want the enemy knowing it, do you?"
"I...suppose not."
"Well there you go!"
Cody smiled. "Works for me!"


And so it went. They drove further towards a pair of smaller mountain ranges which, in between, Red Tower poked out of. Cody, of course, made a dirty joke. Which of course, did the majority of the jeep ignore. Except Vinnie, who had a good chuckle out of it.
Stoker suddenly realized just how much these kids have changed in the time they had been separated from their parents. How would they react to their children wanting to fight in this war? How would they feel about their budding need for freedom against these invaders?
He knew all of them for a good long time. Since high school, really. How would they react to him, allowing these kids to fight in a war? To kill? To become soldiers? Part of him cringed at the reactions and comments he knew he would receive. Relena have his head for it, and most likely Vinnie's. Poor Rose wouldn't know how to react to this, and she'd probably beg him not to do this.
Stoker felt sad suddenly when he thought of Throttle. Axle had gone off on his own, trying to find Smoke. Jewel was dead, on top of that. No doubt that Rose would take him in, but who would get on Throttle's case about the war? There was no one for Throttle to reunited with here.
Stoker sighed as he pulled up between the mountains. And there it was. A huge bridge that sat above a ravine linked the mountains and suburban areas to the city itself. It sat there, large and impressive, with Red Tower in it's center.
The tower served as the home for the Martian government, as it had for the past two-hundred years. It was built after the city had been won back from the Sand Raiders before then. This was it, the capital of Mars. The symbol of it's strength and power.
It had been generally split into four different areas. The northeast was the entertainment district, where most movies and television shows were produced. The northwest was uptown, filled with apartments, museums, and BCU (Brimstone City University). Southwest was the financial district, with banks and stock trades. The southwest, where they were entering, was where most of the markets and shopping malls were located. Running through the center of the city was Unger River, and it split right around the Red Tower and City Hall before leaving city towards the south.
Entering the city, Stoker felt both safe and afraid. Safe, because it would be easier to hide amongst all these other mice. Afraid, because this was indeed the capital of Mars and an easy target for the Plutarkians. He pulled out his communicator and sent for Lucas.
"Lucas here. Is that you, Stoke?"
"Loud and clear, Lucas. We just arrived in Brimstone. Where are you?"
"The Ashton Hotel, off of third and Sun Blvd. Where have you been? Why didn't you contact us?"
"Couldn't risk the Plutarkians tapping in our signal. We'll be there in ten. Stoker out."

Coming across the bridge, Stoker weaved through traffic and amongst roads, heading towards the Ashton Hotel, which was probably booked up with Freedom Fighters. When they finally arrived at the hotel, Lucas was standing outside the lobby waiting for them.
"Stoke!" Lucas hailed. "You made it! Good!"
"Of course, of course."
"Modo!" cried Rose. Modo saw his grey-furred mama run out of the lobby and swing her arms around her son. "I'm so glad you're here! I was so worried about you, boy!"
"Oh, I'm just fine. I'm okay."
"Hello, Vincent." said Relena, stepping out then. Her face was unreadable and cold. She looked up at Stoker bitterly. "What have you been doing with my boy, Stoker? Teaching him the ways of war and destruction?"
Stoker perked an eyebrow. "Huh?"
Lucas put a hand on Stoker's shoulder. "We need to talk."
"BROS!" yelled Alexis cheerfully. She ran forward and hugged them all in one ferocious move. "What are you guy's doin? Having fun without me?"
"Ah, Al, you know it's never fun without you, right?" replied Throttle, finally glad to have someone to hug.
She smiled at them, then lead the whole group into the hotel.
Stoker, Cody, and Tawny were practically dragged up to Lucas' room, where the tan-furred mouse had set up as sort of planning area. It was filled up with maps, lists, notebooks, papers, two computers, and some artillery. Cassie, Lucas' daughter, was sitting in front of one of the computers, typing something out.
"Pretty fancy digs you got here, Lucas." Stoker observed. "Things going well for you?"
"Stoker, you have no idea just how big of an impact we're having."
"What do you mean?" asked Tawny.
Lucas grinned. "Our liberation of the prison camp. The attacks we've countered. Even some of the things you've done. They're spreading like wildfire, and I've got scores of Martians joining our ranks."
"How many?"
"At the moment, nearly one-hundred and fifty. But I've got even bigger news that that," Lucas continued, his smile growing.
"What's that?"
"The Martian Senate wants us to meet with them on Friday."
"Really?" Stoker stammered.
"Yeah. In two days, we can present our evidence to them regarding which Martians are on the Plutarkian payroll!"
Stoker smiled, this news seemed very good to his hears. But then, almost immediately, he started to doubt it. This might not be such a good idea after all. He wasn't sure why, really, only that something about this nagged him. Something wasn't quite right here.


For the bros, the hotel was quite a nice change from what they were used to. After spending so much time roughing-it in the woods and to finally come in to warm beds and real food was very comforting. Rose dotted after Modo and Throttle, making sure the boys were comfortable and got enough to eat. Relena actually brought herself to hug Vincent, but that was about it. Jessie, on the other hand, was more than happy to see her twin brother alive. As was Alexis, who lingered around the boys for as long as she could.
All of them were fed big meals and took multiple baths and shower, just to wash away the accumulative dirt and grime that had built up in the past month when they had been bathing in rivers and streams.
There wasn't much talk about the war--nor about the fact that Relena and Rose suspected that they boys had something to do with all these attacks Stoker was involved in on their way here.
What was known was that the Plutarkians were building forces outside the city and an attack could and would happen any day now. There were reports of Plutarkian and Sand Raider troops beating out the Army, which always seemed to be in the wrong spot. But no one spoke about it.
Warm beds were appreciated, and the night before the Senate meeting, Stoker found himself in a state of extreme nervousness. Something was definitely amiss with all of this.
He sat up in his bed, exhausted, but with a racing mind. Stoker felt the sudden need for comfort and he knew who to seek it from. He walked out of his room and across the hall. Knocking on the door, he heard a quick movement and the words "Come in."
The door opened and Tawny stood there, in a pair of boxers and a tank top. Her dark hair was a mess, but she didn't seem to care once she was the look on Stoker's face. Stressed, tired, and needing some serious emotional release.
"Stoke? Come in. Are you okay?" asked the white-furred young woman.
"I couldn't sleep," he replied with a yawn. "Too much going through my mind."
Tawny sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to her. "Have a seat, and let's talk about it."
He gave her a smile and sat down. "I guess I'm just feeling like there's something not quiet right about this Senate meeting tomorrow. I can't put my finger on it, but it feels like we're being set-up somehow."
"Set-up how?" she asked curiously.
"I'm not sure. I think there's trouble brewing, though. We might being about this the wrong way."
"What do you mean?"
"Lucas wants us to barge in there and show them evidence that Martian Generals and Colonels are on Plutarkian payroll. But doesn't that mean that there are Martian Senators on the payroll too? Or Vice President Kane?"
"I guess. What's your point?"
"I would be very easy for them to point fingers at us and accuse us of making this information up, putting us into the position of looking like WE work for the Plutarkians."
Tawny nodded, now fully understanding. "I see."
"And so I don't know how to change that."
"Stoke," Tawny said, throwing her arms around his neck, "you need to relax. You'll think of something by tomorrow."
"But I can't relax!" attempted Stoker.
Tawny pulled his face over to her, then kissed him deeply. When they finally broke, she grinned. "Are you sure you can't relax?"
"Well, when you do something like that..." Stoker grinned.
She giggled as they kissed again, and then went tumbling backwards onto the bed.


The next day, everyone woke early began making preparations for the big meeting. Relena and Rose were surprised when they found that the kids wanted to attend the meeting as well. They were allowed to, but this seemed very strange. And as long as this was going to happen, the kids were going to at least look decent.
After arriving at Red Tower, the civilians were all herded to a large auditorium that sat below the main stage. The Senate Chamber was huge, with a raised platform on the floor, where presenters would make their statements. The Senators, gathered from all across Mars, were seated in balconies above the platform, which served as a main stage.
Sitting right below the main stage, the mice watched as the other side of the civilian area filled with Freedom Fighters in camouflage gear. Relena sighed, feeling ashamed to even be part of this. Vinnie didn't say anything when she mentioned how moronic it was.
The Senate was brought into session then, with rings of loud bells as the top of the tower resounding throughout. As the bells rang, the majestic chamber fell silent as it always did at the opening and closing bells. It was to honor the passing and the honor of those fallen in battles in the past and those that will fall in the future; and to the guidance that this body of government will hold for Mars.
"This session of the Martian Senate is called to order," announced Kane, formerly the Vice President and now acting in Dorlin's stead. "First on the agenda, as you will note, is the case of Stoker BlackRuby and Lucas Bing, of the so-called, self-named 'Freedom Fighters'. Stoker BlackRuby, Lucas Bing, if you will both stand before the Senate and present yourselves."
Stately marching into the room and onto the main stage, Stoker and Lucas walked towards the podium in the center of the stage. "Stoker BlackRuby and Lucas Bing here, Senators."
"Present your case."
Lucas opened up a file folder he was carrying. "President, Senators, I have in this file folder the names of generals, admirals, and colonels who are all on--"
Stoker put his hand immediately on Lucas's shoulder. "Wait," he stated. "One minute, Senators."
Lucas turned to Stoker with shock in his eyes. "What's going on?" he questioned in a hushed tone.
"This is a set-up, Lucas."
"Trust me."
"I do."
"Good," Stoker replied. He turned once more to the Senate. "Senators, my apologies. But what we're going to do today is probably something different than what you had in mind."
"Oh?" President Kane asked. "How so?"
Stoker picked up the file folder. "There are names in this file folder. Names of people in the Martian government that are being paid off by the Plutarkians to divert military efforts away from the enemy. Loyal Martians soldiers are following these orders blindly, and that's why this war is going to Hell.
"But, we're not going to tell you who you are. Those of you that are on the payroll already know who you are. So, we're not going to waste your time. Besides, it would be too easy for you to come out and tell us that we're making this up, that it's us who are being paid off.
"You can say that of course, but look at the maps. Look at the deployment of troops. The Martian Army is being sent away from areas that Plutarkians and Sand Raiders are congregating. And trust me, that's not going to cut it here.
"No words on papers or files are going to prevent anyone from changing their minds. None of it. So, that's why I decided to do something about it. Tell them about the Freedom Fighters, Lucas."
Lucas grinned and stood up to the podium. "The Freedom Fighters are a group of Martians that have had it with the way the military is being paid off. We're the ones that are going to fight this war and we're the ones that are going to win it. If there's anyone--anyone--out there that has lost someone or is afraid of losing someone, come to us. We'll help you. Fight with us, and win this war with us!"
Stoker smiled. "He's right. The Freedom Fighters are what is going to end this. Not the army, not as long as it's under Plutark's thumb, it's not! Who's with us? Who!?"
The crowd of Freedom Fighters began to explode in roars and howlers. The bros stood up and clapped and joined in. Both Rose and Relena glanced at each other, concerned by this behavior.
"Order! Order!" President Kane bellowed.
"We're outta here!" Stoker shouted then as he and Lucas marched out. The Freedom Fighters followed suit.


Newly appointed President Kane walked into his office and wasn't surprised when he saw a blinking light on his comm-unit. He pressed it and went through a few secure lines before connecting with the Plutarkian Commander Carrier. He was expecting, though, only Stilton to be addressing him.
"I assume you saw that," Kane stated quickly.
"Everyone on Mars say that, Kane," Camembert replied swiftly. "But of course, we have plans. Don't we Stilton?"
"Yes," answered Stilton. "Tonight, we'll launch an attack on Brimstone City from the mountain base outside the city."
"I thought we pulverized it, sirs."
"Idiot! Of course not!" Stilton yelled. He quickly calmed himself. "We'll be launching the attack, in which yours and our air forces will defeat our own ships. We'll be forced to retreat, showing the Martians just how strong your military still is. The Freedom Fighters will be lessened in the eyes of the world for their criticisms."
"And then we'll kill them?" questioned Kane.
"No. They'll lose followers quickly, and when they finally do go up against a strong enough force, they'll be killed. Hence, there will no more Freedom Fighters."
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