Categories > Original > Drama > On the Outside Looking In

Chapter 12 - The Dark Side

by Lizzerriffic2137 2 reviews

first chapter of my first story! HI ELENA!

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-01-31 - Updated: 2007-01-31 - 430 words

Chapter 12
I looked at my watch. I rubbed of the dry mud, and revealed that it was 6:20! I was supposed to be home 5:00!
"When's the next bus?"
Mr. Flores checked his watch.
"In 5...4...3...2...1...Oh good, right on time!"
As soon as he got to 1 I saw the bus pull up in front of me. Wow, that was weird...the bus is never on time. I laughed to myself as I gave the driver my metro card. I read his name card-"Bob the Bus Driver". How corny is that? Luckily, "Bob" didn't see how I "waved" at him. If it weren't for him I woulda never been in this mess. He deserved it.
I grabbed a seat in the middle of the bus, and called Mr. Flores to sit next to me before the seat was taken. We talked though the whole ride, mostly about music. He said that he still loves rock, but he got more into Broadway when he got accepted as the drama teacher at Maser. Mr. Davis wasn't going to accept him because of his interview.
"I came dressed in the same clothes you were wearing, and that's the impression he got. He didn't think I was fit to be a drama teacher, and I don't blame him."
I was psyched that a guy like Flowers liked the same music as I did. That's crazy.
"Why didn't you like my song then?"
"I can't act like I like it in front of Mr. Davis. When I applied for the job I was going to turn 20 in a week, and he got the impression of a rowdy teen just trying to get some cash."
"Don't teachers gotta have a license or sumthin?"
"No not in this situation. Maser was just starting an after school drama program, so Mr. Davis wasn't concerned about me having a teacher's license, but I'm sure it would have helped. I had to go back for another interview after college, that's how bad it was."
This was freaking me out... really.
"You went for your teacher's thingy?"
"Yup. I went back to Maser High in a suit and tie, fully prepared, and with a great résumé to back it up."
"You'll learn about that later."
"How bad was your first interview?"
"Wow, Lenny, your full of questions today aren't you?"
He flashed a friendly grin toward me. I returned the smile, and laid back in my chair. I'm not the only one that noticed I'm thinking more than usual today! I knew I was on to something...and I was.
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