Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Need A Friend?

Gah! English!

by ThePatient 0 reviews

Told you i might add another one tonight! Anyways! This is the english lesson!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-01-31 - Updated: 2007-01-31 - 876 words

"No Miss Colins. We were not late cause we were smoking! Gerard here is a new student and got lost so Sir sent me to find him! Honestly thats the truth!" God was Frank good at lying! We had acctualy went for a smoke near F Block. I was just dieing for one so we had one! No biggie. Anyways. Miss Colins gave up and introduced me the sme way that the Art teacher had. She told me to go sit next to a boy called Ray. The first thing i noticed about Ray was his hair. It was a mass of brown curly...well curls i suppose! I've got to say it was one hell of a fro! He looked up at me with chocolate brown eyes. His big lips were a bit off putting though. He was wearing a...OMG!! A IRON MAIDEN TEE!!! Ok! play it cool Gee! It's only a tee. Remember you also have that tee. Its not a big deal. I went and sat next to him. He turned to look at me.
"Hi I'm Ray Toro! How do you do?" He asked patting his hair.
"Hi! I'm Gerard. And i'm very well thankyou!" I smiled.
"So you friends with Frank?" He asked.
"Umm.. I dunno! He's invited me to join his lunch table..." I trailed off.
"Well thats a good start! franks one of the friendliest people in this school! He's great!" I was tacken aback! Frank? Friendliest? God he must have been right when he said not everyone was as nice as him! I looked at Ray and saw he was looking at me waiting for an answer.
"Umm..yea he is." I quickly looked away and got out my writing kit. Miss Colins had set us a task to write about our lives at home for that days lesson. Here's what i wrote.

My name is Gerard way but at home my parents and little brother Mikey [who has also just started this school] call me Gee. My usuall routine at home is to get up, Have my coffee, watch telly, read my comics, draw for a bit till i get so frustrated due to the fact my drawings NEVER turn out how i want them too and lie on my bad thinking anbout my life and other stuff [i also do other stuff that i'm not telling you] till i fall asleep. I sometimes stick a horror movie in to watch. And i am attempting to play in a band called Ragun Jones at the moment to so that keeps my mind off things. My mum does alot of charity work so sometimes i have to go to stupid charity partys or something! Its not that i don't like charity work or anything but the people that go to these parties are all posh and stuck-up! It's like they look down on me cause i'm just a kid AND only middle - lower class unlike them! I'm sorry but not all of us are as well off as them and not all of us can grow up in big mansions in the country side and stuff! sheesh! Oh! Theres you telling us to stop writing! See you soon!


I heard the bell and got up to walk out the class with Frank.

Charlies Point of view

I finished writing and put my books in my overshoulder bag. Mica caught up with me and we walked to the cafateria.
"Did you see that new student today? Have you seen his hair? You'd think he'd have it cut or even washed!" She sneered.
"Yea i know! And his clothes! Don't even get my started!" Said Cady as she run up next to us.
"Leave him alone guys! He might turn out to be nice!" I said defending him.
"ooooooh has Charlie got herself a crush?" Asked Leanne.
"Nooooo but Leanne will have one less friend if she doesn't shut it right now!" I retorted!
"Don't get you panties in a twist for gods sake! I was noly asking!" She said.
"Whatever!" I said and walked off. I saw Gerard go round the corner with a boy i believe called frank. I ran to catch up with them.
"Hey! HEY!Wait up!" I shouted. Frank turned around and stood there gaping! "Hi!" I said to him.
" yea! Hi!!" He replied.
"Gerard i was wondering if you'd like to join me for lunch?" I asked him. He sighed.
"Thanks but no thanks! Frank has already offered and i accepted." He replied.
"oh i'm sure Frank wouldn't mind right Frankie?" Frank just stood and slowly shook his head, no.
"Like i said! I accepted and i'm not going to go back on my word just to waste my lunch with you so you can try and get into my pants! Understood?" He said. I stared at him.
"Who the fuck said that's all i wanted? Hey! So maybe i do have a tiny little crush on you but who gives a shit? All i want is to get to know that newboy Kay?" I nearly shouted. He just looked at me.
"Yeah? Well I don't wanna know you!" He said and walked off with Frank following him.
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