Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Good Enough

I Should Tell You...

by -Angel-May- 1 review

How long does it take for the two love-birds to realise they were made for one another?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-02-02 - Updated: 2007-02-03 - 1205 words

Chapter 5

Amy was released from hospital the day after and she had already collected her AZT and a beeper telling when to take it. She knew everybody was wondering how she had got this murderous disease, but she wasn't ready to tell them what had happened.
Gerard was walking slightly behind Amy and though he was talking to Frank and Mikey, he was watching every move that Amy took, paranoid that she was still feeling weak and might collapse at any time. He knew in himself that the fear was irrational but it was there none-the-less and he felt the need to protect Amy against whatever might be troubling her. He decided to leave the guys for and a bit a see what was on her mind and so he jogged a bit to catch up with her,
"Amy?" he asked, realizing that she hadn't noticed him beside her,
"Huh?" she replied looking at him suddenly, almost as though she was woken up from a dream,
"I just wanted to know whether you were okay or not?" He asked, concern laced with his words and Amy felt her heart melt, knowing that there was someone who cared for her,
"I'm getting there," she said truthfully, sighing and wrapping her arms around her body, trying to shield her body against the cold December wind, "I just don't know what to do anymore"
Gerard gave her a small, sad smile, unable to answer her question as he had no answers to give that would be of any help. Suddenly he came up with an idea, "Hey, how would you like to come to a little get-together, involving both of our bands, a bit later on?"
Amy looked up into his eyes and smiled, nodding her head, "Sure!" she exclaimed happily.


It was 8.00pm and they had grouped into My Chemical Romance's dressing room/trailer. They were all having a great time and it made Gerard happy to see Amy laughing and joking about with everyone, however he hadn't really talked to her much, he didn't know how to function around her at the moment and he was scared that he might say something incredibly stupid, so he kept away and watched everything that Amy was doing.
She looked amazing as well, he thought to himself, she was dressed quite casually in just a plain black skirt and strap top. Unfortunately he had been ignoring her all night and now she was beginning to get slightly annoyed and so she walked up to him (A/N if anyone's seen RENT then you'll know where I got my inspiration for this part)
"Excuse me!" She said, tapping his shoulder lightly, "Did I do something to make you angry at me?" she asked, Gerard sighed, having a feeling that this was what it was about as she continued, "I mean you invite me and yet ignore me all night long" she finished, crossing her arms over her chest,
"I've been trying, believe me, I have, but no ones perfect" Gerard said, grabbing hold of her shoulders and looking deep into her crystal blue orbs, before sighing and turning away. Amy grabbed his shoulder to make him face her again,
"Life's too short to care about imperfections," she insisted, "Time's flying and I've got baggage!"
Gerard sighed "I should tell you..." but he was cut off by Amy's beeper sounding at her waist and this time it was her who sighed,
"AZT break" she said simply, popping one tablet into her mouth. Gerard looked down as Amy swallowed it; the AZT was a constant reminder of the disease that was slowly killing her perfect body and with this thought in his mind he led her outside in the snow by the hand. Mikey was watching the entire thing and smiled slightly before being dragged back into a game of 'Lick, Drink and Suck'.

Amy looked at Gerard curiously when they got outside, wondering what he was thinking about as he squeezed her hand gently,
"Amy, I've been meaning to tell you something for the past 24 hours" Gerard said slowly, "I really should tell you, I just dunno how" Amy smiled at how nervous he was, it was something she had never experienced with other men and it made her feel better,
"I should tell you that the first time I collapsed was one of the best moment in my life, because you had your arms around me" Amy said, giggling as Gerard turned away, a slight blush had risen on his cheeks,
"I should tell you that when I saw you at the side of the stage I felt like it was the best show ever" Gerard said as Amy looked down, tears gathering in her eyes from sheer happiness, "Well, now I should..." And he paused again and Amy sighed,
"Oh no" she said quietly, wondering if either of them would work up enough courage to say something,
"I know this 'something' is... well... here goes..."
"Here goes" Amy repeated, looking into Gerard's eyes as they walked through the snow together, her once pure black hair was littered with drops of white,
"Guess so... It's starting to..." Gerard sighed again, his heart thumping madly in his chest, "Who knows" finished,
"Who knows" clarified Amy, ceasing their walking so that they could look at each other; she could see Gerard was close to telling her,
"You touched my hand, I knew you loved me then" she sang quietly, Gerard looked at her, surprised that she had figured it out, and decided that just telling her wouldn't be enough. Instead he kissed her, ever so softly on the lips and pulled back after a couple of seconds, but it was enough as tears welled up in Amy's eyes and she bit her lip, a smile still planted on her face as Gerard put his arm around her shoulder and led her back into the trailer.

Mikey looked at the door when at heard it open and he saw Amy brushing snow off of Gerard's shoulders and out of his hair then they both engaged in a passionate lip-lock. Frank looked at where Mikey was looking and pointed them to the other's in the room and Kirsty began clapping, soon enough the whole trailer was cheering as Amy buried her face in Gerard chest to hide her blushing cheeks when she was suddenly pulled to the side by Kirsty,
"You go girlfriend!" She exclaimed, giving Amy a massive hug in congratulations.
The party lasted long into the night; the only person who wasn't drunk was Gerard who had obeyed his 'no touching alcohol' rule. Amy had long since passed out on his chest and he had taken her into the only room with a bed, however she refused to let go of his waist (she had a lot of strength for someone so small and half-unconscious) so he stayed with her, for the second night in a row, looking at her beautiful round face as she softly breathed on chest, her own rising as she did so while she cuddled closer to the warmth of his body. So there he stayed, for the rest of the night, cuddling Amy's body against his own.
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