Categories > Anime/Manga > Weiss Kreuz > Schwarz Kreuz: Spawnverse

Return of the Spawn

by fey_puck 0 reviews

Schwarz. With spawn. Assasinations were the easy part.

Category: Weiss Kreuz - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Schwarz - Published: 2005-09-01 - Updated: 2005-09-01 - 564 words


Something had taken a hold of them all. Or so Crawford thought. It was the only reasonable explanation for everyone's recent behavior, which was giving him uncomfortable flashbacks of the days when Schwarzhaus had a kitten. Then, too, had this strange behavior occurred. Though not this badly.

Which meant this new enemy was even worse. Something powerful. Something crafty.

Some sort of.....force.

The oracle leaned back in his chair as a cylinder of some sort zoomed past his face and into Kirito's hand.

"Woarown...woarown....woarown..." said the Japanese boy, who stood in an defensive pose, hands grasping a...lightsaber?

Brett jumped into the scene, a lightsaber of his own in hand. "Woarown...woarown..."

Crawford watched in interest as the two clashed and made identical "Kssshhhhhhhzzzzzzzzt" sounds.


"Ptoo ptoo ptoo!"



As the epic battle raged on, the oracle took the opportunity to observe the others. Cailin was crouched down in an empty garbage can that her father had dragged in and cleaned out for her, cheerfully making beeping and whistling noises. The most recent was a low, mournful sound followed by a cheep.

Farfarello stood behind her, making growling noises and chirps. He had been informed by Cailin earlier that, should it come to it, Crawford should let her Da win. Win what, he wasn't sure, but it seemed like good advice nonetheless.



Schuldig was sitting on the couch in his robe, looking very bored and very twitchy. He seemed to be suffering the most from this new obsession that had hit Schwarzhaus. Crawford wasn't sure why, exactly, since the Princess Leia buns looked disturbingly good on him. Perhaps he could order one of those gold bikinis...

The telepath kept shooting glares at Nagi and Crawford followed those glares. The telekinetic was sitting calmly, swathed in black robes from head to toe. He hadn't moved in a while and Crawford suspected that the younger man was actually sleeping.

"I love you!" Kirito yelled in a butchered English accent.

"I hate you!" Brett yelled back.

Apparently they had a love/hate relationship.

A couple more parries, a few more whacks, and Brett was on the floor making strangled noises.

When he started yelling about being on fire, Crawford raised an eyebrow and looked around the room. No one else found this odd, though Farfarello's growl was a little confused.

Cailin beeped in agreement.

Nagi made a snoring noise, which earned him another envious glare from Schuldig.

Fight over, Brett hopped up to his feet, grinning like a maniac. "I think that was one of our better reenactments."

"Yeah. It was still missing something though." Kirito tossed his lightsaber into the air, made it float for a few seconds, then caught it again. "It lacked..."

"Pizzazz?" Cailin offered uncertainly.

"It was fine," Schuldig said quickly, sitting up. His buns bobbed a bit. "You don't have to-"

He stopped when Farfarello leaned over him menacingly and snarled. Schuldig sniffed and turned his face away, arms crossed as he sat back.

"Nnngk," said Nagi.

"Okay, so this time I get to be Anakin!" Kirito said.

"No way!" Brett scoffed. "You suck at being Anakin."

"I do not!"

Brett made a vague Jedi hand-wave motion. "You do suck at being Anakin. I should be him."

"Ch. Fine."

They assumed a fighting stance again and the battle raged on.

/Insane, they are/, thought Crawford.
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