Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > China Patters, Wedding Rings, and Infidelity

Animal Crackers and Birth Announcements.

by Meg2005 4 reviews

Chelsea and Brendon get to bring baby home.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-02-05 - Updated: 2007-02-06 - 961 words

Meg here again: So I have a project for you guys, when you review this story, tell me if you'd like to see (A) a sequel; (B) a Prologue; or (C) both. THANK YOU! ENJOY!

Chelsea opened her eyes coming face to face with the blonde woman who she had caught straddling her husband when she walked into the house, the same woman who pushed her into premature labor.

'Chelsea?' she said in a meek voice.

'Can I help you?' Chelsea asked pulling the blankets further up covering her self more.

'I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I know what I did was wrong and I know I shouldn't have done it but I honest didn't know you were pregnant.' She said.

'Well it's in the past now and because of you I had our son six weeks early.'

'I know, I'd give anything to take it back. Bob is just so....'

'Rude, abrasive, self centered.'

'Exactly.' Melissa smiled.

'I just came to tell you that you might be in danger, you, Brendon, and your son. I just wanted to tell you to watch your back.' She said.

'What kind of danger? What is he planning?'

'I don't know. He didn't say he just said that I didn't spend a certain amount of time in your house with Brendon he said he would have to take things into his own hands.'

'Should I be alarmed about this?'

'I don't know.'

'I'll take that as a yes.' Chelsea said as her eyes welled up with tears.

'Look I know you really don't like me and I'm sure Brendon hates me but I want to help, I honestly feel terrible so please let me help you.'

'And how do you plan to do that, I'm not sure if you know this or not but Bob Waters has been making our life a living hell since he quit Decaydance Records.'

'I've heard.'

'So I don't know how you plan to help us with that. I have more then enough stuff to worry about at the moment including Brendon's sanity and my son's safety.'

'Which is why I want to help, I can tell you what he is planning, I can find out for you so you know what to expect, so you can protect your son.'

'My son? Is he going to do something to my baby?'

'Chelsea, I honestly don't know.'

'This can't be happening to me, not again.' Chelsea said as she began crying.


'How was your nap?' Chelsea asked as Brendon sat on the bed with her while they watched ESPN, which seemed to be the only channel playing as the teams were determined for the super bowl in two weeks.

'It wasn't very good; I'm not use to sleeping with out a big stomach kicking my back.' He mumbled as he shoved a handful of animal crackers into his mouth.

'Well, I'm not pregnant anymore. You have your big stomach asleep in the nursery.'

'I know and I couldn't be happier.' Brendon said with a smile as he leant over and kissed her gently as the parents came into the room.

'Brendon Boyd; get down off that bed.' Mrs. Urie scolded.

'He's fine. He's keeping me warm.' Chelsea smiled.

'You know, I don't think you two will ever grow up.' Mrs. Reeves agreed as Brendon held an animal cracker in his mouth and Chelsea bit the other end ending it in a kiss.

'Who needs to grow up?' Chelsea smiled.


'Are you ready to go baby?' Brendon asked as he held Thomas' car seat on his arm while he held the diaper bag draped over his other arm while Mr. Reeves took Chelsea's bag.

'Yeah, do we have everything?' she asked laying a blanket over her sleeping son.

'I'm pretty sure.' Brendon said looking around the room.

'Okay the car is up.' Mr. Urie said walking into the room.

'Alright sweet pea we'll follow you over to your house to make sure you have everything settled.' Mr. Reeves said as he kissed her forehead.

Brendon and Chelsea struggled to get the car seat hooked into the car like it was suppose to be with out waking up the baby. Chelsea sat in the back seat while Brendon drove, 'Are you hungry?'

'No not really, I'm just tired and want to get him home.'

'Alright, we'll then let's go.' He said as he began the twenty minute drive home.


'Brendon Thomas Urie was welcomed at 4:03 PM on Thursday, January 18, at Summerlin Hospital in Las Vegas to the proud parents Brendon Boyd and Chelsea Elizabeth Urie, paternal grand parents Boyd and Grace Urie, and Maternal grand parents Cole and Allison Reeves. He weighed in at seven pounds; one ounce and he was twenty and a half inches long.' Brendon read as he flipped through the newspaper the next morning around 4:30 as Chelsea fed Thomas. Brendon figured he'd might as well get up with her if there was nothing else he could do.

'What are you reading?' Chelsea asked as she burped their son.

'Thomas' birth announcement.' Brendon mumbled as she walked over.

'Are you going to save it?' she asked quietly as Thomas was back asleep.

'Of course I am, though it's probably on the internet by now.' He whispered as he took the baby from her, 'You know I thought he was the cutest thing as soon as he came out of that, all bloody and gross but now he's even cuter.'

'I agree, he's pretty charming.'

'Yeah well he gets that from his dad, what can I say, I'm a born charmer.' Brendon smiled.

'Well come on born charmer. I'm tired and I want to cuddle.' Chelsea said slapping his butt as she pushed him back into the bedroom.
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