Categories > Books > Cirque du Freak > The Paper Game

Lets play a game

by lassy101 1 review

Okay so now they play the game and things get funny. R&R

Category: Cirque du Freak - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Darren Shan, Other - Published: 2007-02-06 - Updated: 2007-02-06 - 770 words

Disclaimer: Same as last chapter. I don't own it.

Arra, Gavner and Larten were having a little discussion at their end of the table. Kurda, Darren and Vanez were all in a separate conversasion but Darren kept dropping into the other one because it seemed more intresting. After a while the fun started dying out. Even some of the hardcore partiers were heading off to bed with broken bones and other injuries. And Arra and Larten were thinking about going to bed too (together or not). This is when Darren thought he should let them hear the master plan.
"Have you ever heard of the drinking game called The Paper Game?" Darren asked knowing that they wouldn't have much knowledge of human games.
"No. But knowing you it is probably something humiliating and silly." Arra said already not liking the idea of playing a game in her state.
"It's not that humiliating. It is silly. But it's a real laugh and you'll have fun."
"I'm up for it!" Said Gavner and Arra knew she'd have to play. Everyone else agreed.
"I guess I'll have to join in too." Arra sighed but she wanted to play really. Her drunken mind couldn't say no.
"Okay so here's how you play." Darren started and he got out a small piece of paper. "So you get a piece of paper and put it to your mouth. Then you breathe in. Simple I know. But then you have to give it to the person next to you with your mouths and if you drop it you have to take a drink and it starts again."
"Sounds simple enough" Said Gavner looking confident but drunken confidence doesn't count for much.
"Okay we'll start at me then I'll pass to Gavner who passes to Arra, who then passes to Mr. Crepsley who gives it to Vanez and then it goes to Kurda and back to me."
"How do you know who wins?" Larten asked excited that he'll get Arra passing to him.
"Well when you get to having three drinks or you puke you're out."
"That sounds rather easy." Larten said.
"It is. Usually it has things added to it to make it more difficult but the state you lot are in it should be quite difficult. And plus if you laugh it'll drop." Arra was screwed because when she gets drunk she tends to have little giggle fits. But no one (except Darren) would find it easy. Due to the amount of alcohol consumption their mouths were dry and that helped a lot with the paper sticking to your mouth bit.
Darren was ready so he put the paper to his mouth and took a deep breath. He moved over to Gavner who had to tilt his head to the side to get in a good position to get it off Darren. Of course looking on at the pair was rather amusing as it looked like they were about to have some tongue action. Arra was the first to start laugh as she was sitting oppostite Gavner. And then when everyone else started laughing Gavner did too. Even though he couldn't see what was funny. Well when the paper dropped Darren laughed and pushed the mug of ale up to Gavner. They weren't off to a good start.

The second go was better, it wasn't as bad. It got all the way round to Kurda. Then Darren dropped it. So it had to start again. Darren got it to Gavner. Gavner got it to Arra (but it took like five minutes for Gavner to let go of it properly and Larten was getting a little jealous of how close Arra and his best friend were getting.) Then when it came to Arra passing it on to Larten the paper fell off at the right moment and they ended up kissing. They stayed kissing a little longer than 'accidentally'. When they pulled apart they saw everyone staring at them. Larten blushed furiously but Arra just giggled, took a drink and handed the paper back to Darren. The next turn it got round to Larten who dropped it giving it to Vanez. Around nine in the morning more vampires started entering the Hall and soon the game had got a large audience. Amongst the drunken vampires stood a very solemn looking vampire prince who didn't look very pleased at a particular female vampire getting that close to her ex-mate.

There you go. I would like to take the time to give a spesho mension to my fab reviewer Bex. She rox my sox. Thanking you XD Christine x
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