Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Baby Sister

Baby Joy

by pinkkissypetefreak 3 reviews

This is SO dumb! I have a whole chapter written here, but it won't post it! I guess you can have this snippet until I get it worked out.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-02-09 - Updated: 2007-02-09 - 286 words

Stephanie locked her returning brother in a tight embrace as soon as he stepped through their mother's front door.

"So...It's official, huh? A little girl?"

"Yup. 100 percent confirmed. You've got yourself a niece."

"Awesome. My own personal little metalhead. What's her name? I know you've picked one."

"As a matter of fact, I have." Stephanie smiled before almost panicing. Should she lie?...Make up a name? But then again, this was Ray, who was so sugary sweet it made him oblivious most of the time. "Well?..." He pressed.

"It's Jaimee. Jaimee Manuela...Toro-Ortiz." She added quickly, realizing she'd almost used her daughter's real last name. Way.


"What?" She asked slow and hesitant. Had he figured it out? No...Hell no....

"I love you!" Ray told her with a huge grin. He was extra psyched and proud that Steph chose to name her firstborn after him (Ray+Government name=Raymond Manuel Toro-Ortiz). Stephanie smiled a genuine smile back, cherishing the expression on his face, one of pride, joy and lots of love. While she swallowed her guilt. What would he do when he found out Jaimee was named after her other uncle too (Mikey+Government name=Michael James Way)?

"I love you too big brother." He gazed at her adoringly. "You know, you've grown so much since we've been gone. I can't wait for the boys to see you. Frank is going to flip. This is really trippy." Ray said and gently poked at her now 6 months pregnant stomach. She sighed. "Yeah." "What's wrong?" She stared into Ray's concerned brown eyes and shook her head.

"Nothing. I'm fine Ray-Ray." She smiled weakly. But in all truth, she wasn't. She and Gerard were having problems. Again.
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