Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Baby Sister

Baby Joy...con't

by pinkkissypetefreak 9 reviews

the second part.. i hope *kicks ficwad in shin*

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-02-09 - Updated: 2007-02-09 - 502 words

First off, he wasn't being honest with her. He still hadn't mentioned anything about what transpired in London. But Mikey did. And it bothered her. A lot.

And no, Alicia didn't murder Simone. But she did lay into her pretty good. Making both her and Steph cry in the process. The were all over it these days, and the three of them, plus Amber (during times she wasn't seeing Davis) were together just about every weekend. Steph was nervous about the baby, giving birth and the whole nine, and Gerard's childishness was not helping at all. In fact, it was stressing her out. In the past four weeks she'd lost 3 and a half pounds. Let's just say Dr. MacDonald was less than pleased. She'd upped her vitamins and increase her visits, to make sure everything was going smoothly.

Ray shrugged and hung am arm loosely around Steph's shoulder, but was immediately removing it, as his mother's arms wrapped around his slim waist.

"Oh, honey. Come. Time to eat something. You're wasting away. Did you eat at all while you were gone?" Mrs. Toro shook her head. "Mom..." Ray began, but he knew there was no arguing with his mother. He followed her like a little lost puppy, and Steph trailed after, giggling at Ray's frown.

Later, as Ray decided to catch up on some lost Christa time, Stephanie headed over to Alicia and Mikey's. She waltzed right in once she arrived, using the key Alicia had given her.

"Hello?" She called out. Little Bunny Marie greeted her first, wrapping her furry body around Steph's leg. "Well hello to you too Bunny." She took off her coat, hanging it on the back of a chair, and heard someone bounding down the hall.

"Stephie!" Mikey smiled, pulling her into his arms briefly before checking out her baby bump. He brushed one hand over it. "Wow..."

"Yeah, I know." She replied.

"Holy shit! She kicked! OH MY GOD! HEY, HONEY GET OUT HERE! My niece loves me!" Mikey gushed obviously excited. Alicia then came stumbling out of the back bedroom, a towel covering her head.

"Hey babes." She said and Steph gestured at the towel as Mikey continuously tried anything he could to get the baby to move again.

"Another dye job?"

Alicia smiled. You know it. I'ts kind of violet-red this time." Steph playfully rolled her eyes while still standing, allowing Mikey to poke and rub her belly.

Alicia gave him a gentle love tap on his behind. "Baby! Leave poor Stephie alone! Let her sit down."

"It's ok. He's allowed. She's his namesake after all." Stephanie grinned. Alicia rolled her eyes. "Don't remind me. He's been going on and on about it ever since I told him."

"This is just so fucking amazing...I mean, there's a little person in there. A little Way." Mikey sighed. As he did, and as if on cue, the front door knob began to jiggle. They all knew it was Gerard.

But he wasn't alone.

an update!
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