Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemically Crazed Life Starring MCR

The Escape

by smokeyozzy 2 reviews

um, they escape the hospital, lol

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-02-11 - Updated: 2007-02-11 - 1068 words

So sorry I havent updated in awhile. I've been caught up with homework and planning my new story with my friend. If I havent mentioned before, she's really picky, it took all I had to convince her that I didnt want Brendon Urie to be gay and in love with Justin Timberlake, and recently she's gotten this obsession with making all her characters die, we almost had a dead Ryan Ross in our first chapter. Anyways, on with the chapter, and just so you know, a couple of my friends said this chapter is lame. YOU GUYS ROCK (readers, lol)
"They werent there before." Dean Butterworth said, refering to the crowd that had gathered outside the hospital doors.

"I know, we just came in like an hour ago." Ray said, his big afro shaking as he talked.

"Isnt there like a back door or something we can sneak out of?" Veronica asked, looking around.

"There should be. Most likely an employee exit thingy." Joel looked around for someone to ask. "Excuse me." Joel asked a nurse when he spotted one. "We were wondering if there was an employee exit or something that we could leave out of. Our friend just had surgery, they have to get to Paris, and she's not quite ready to take the crowd just yet." he explained.

"Oh my god, arent you that dude from Good Charlotte?" the nurse squealed excitedly.

"Yea, now can you please help us?" Benji asked annoyed.

"Sure, but can you sign my clipboard? Anyway, you can follow me, the exits this way." she said, leading the way across the hospital.

"We can all sign it, you are helping us and all. If you didnt know, these guys are My Chemical Romance." Joel said as he followed her, then he pointed to Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Ray, and Bob.

"Oh, I knew, I just didnt want to mention it, you guys would probably think I was some crazy fan or something." she laughed nervously. Then she stopped when they made it to a skywalk. "Okay, this is connected to a library, and then a dorm thing for the workers at the hospital. Just go through here, then take the elevator down to the ground floor. If someone stops you, just tell them Linda sent you."

"Okay, thanks. Are you Linda?" Joel asked her, she nodded. "Okay, now let us sign the clipboard." She handed it to him. "Here guys, you sign it first, you have to get to the plane." Joel passed the clipboard to Bob.

"I wanna sign it too!" Veronica whined as Ray tried to pass it the clipboard to Billy after the MCR guys had signed it.

"Fine." Ray said, Veronica took the sharpie Mikey had (they all carry one in their pockets in case they are attacked with fans, lol) and scrawled her name on the neon yellow clipboard.

"This is such a pretty color." Veronica said, then handed the clipboard to Billy and slipped the sharpie into Mikey's pocket.

"Thanks, I had to talk my boss into letting me use it. The other nurses' clipboards are so ugly. He said it would be a distraction." Linda said.

"Oh, cool that you didnt give up. Yellow is my favorite color. There are so many pretty things that are yellow." Veronica said

"Yea okay, I bet there are, but we have to go. Thanks Linda, bye guys." Gerard said, the rest of MCR and Veronica waved.

"Bye." Good Charlotte all said in unicen with Linda, then Frank picked up Veronica and they all dashed towards the exit so their private jet.


Veronica, Gerard, Bob, Frank, Ray, and Mikey snuck out of the library no problem. They ran to their bus and laughed as they headed to the airport.

"I cant belive we got out of there in one piece. I wonder how long they'll wait until they realize we're not coming out." Gerard laughed.

"Im going to go pack my stuff up before we get to the airport." Veronica said, going into the bunk room.

She started grabbing her things from around the room and placing them in a bag. She finished packing and sat on her bunk. Suddenly, she just got the urge to cry. She cried over anything and anything. The lost baby, her mom, Mikey, Ellie, and just other dumb things were running through her head as she bawled.

It started out just a few tears, but by the time Bob walked in to tell her they had made it, she was full blown sobbing.

"Veronica, we're- Wait, are you okay?" Bob asked, worried.

"Yea, im okay." she nodded. "Just hormones I think. I just got the urge to cry, so I did." Veronica laughed, then wiped her eyes on her hoodie sleeve. "Shit, Mikey's gonna be pissed."

The hoodie was one of Mikey's, one of his few that werent black. Her black eyeliner stained the sleeve. It was his favorite hoodie.

"I doubt it, its his fault, he got you pregnant." Bob laughed. "Anyway, we're at the airport." Bob grabbed Veronica's bags for her.

"Whatever. Bob, I can carry my own bags." Veronica playfully hit him, laughing. "You have your own bags to carry." She took the bags from him.

"Fine, but if Mikey yells at me, im telling him that you wouldnt let me carry them." Bob walked out into the main part of the bus, grabbed his bags from the couch, then walked off the bus, Veronica followed him.

"Where are Bert and the rest of the guys?" Veronica asked as they all walked into the airport.

"They're already on the jet, Bert called me to tell me about how "totally fricken awsome" the jet they got us was." Gerard said, mocking Bert's voice.

They checked their bags, then headed for the security line. They walked through the metal detector, then were ushered to a special terminal to get on their private jet.

Handing the steward their tickets, they walked onto the jet to head to the next stop in their tour.

"Watch out Paris! Here we come!" Frank shouted as he made his way on to the jet.
Okay, that was a kinda long one to make up for the wait. Im gonna post another chapter for you dudes! Oh, and imaybewatching, please dont quit reviewing, I have fallen upon hard times at the moment and your reviews brighten my day.
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