Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Hidden Memories
Hidden Memories
(#) peteisamazing 2007-02-14
are you shitting me with this? HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME HANGING LIKE THAT!!!!! gaaaaaaah. please tell me joe really didn't die. pleaseeeeeeeeee.Hidden Memories
(#) sing4me09 2007-02-14
you're a douche!
sorry I haven't reviewed in a while...I haven't been on in a while :)Hidden Memories
(#) itsdynomite 2007-02-14
you can't just kill joe and then leave us hanging like that
please don't tell me that hes really dead thats just not rightHidden Memories
(#) ViolaMonster 2007-02-14
no fucking way!
there better be a good explaination for this commingHidden Memories
(#) patrickdance4me 2007-02-14
oh my god. if my little cousin wasnt in here i would definitely be crying :[ awww. ok you have to update NOW. you cant leave me hanging like that. still wondering why the hell you'd kill him. it makes me sad. but of course i love your stories soooo update soon!Author's response
Laura is updating now! lol i have a reason for my madness i promise!! the real reason i made that twist was so we could get our readers/reviewers back!! :)Hidden Memories
(#) cnharp 2007-03-06
wtf!!!!! How could you??? i'm totally going to start crying!!! oh well, i guess you know best, it IS your story. I can't wait to see what happens.
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