Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Our Success Story

C is for Conceited

by indie_chicky 0 reviews

Success has made Brendon Urie conceited.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-02-14 - Updated: 2007-02-14 - 379 words

Success has made Brendon Urie conceited.

"God, I look hot today."

"Brendon, if I hear those words come out of your mouth one more time, I'm going to get up and make you the ugliest you've ever been."

"And just how do you plan on accomplishing that, Ryan?"

"I'm going to punch you so hard, make-up won't even hope to cover up the bruise I leave you with."

"Your chicken arms? Those threats don't faze me."

Ryan was about to reply, but upon realizing that Brendon was right, he shut his mouth and turned back to his laptop. Brendon took one last, long glance at the mirror and plopped down on the sofa next to Ryan. They were on an 8 hour tour bus drive, they had started an hour ago, and Brendon was already bored. Spencer and Jon were napping in their bunks, and so, the only person Brendon had to bother was Ryan.

"Whatcha working on?" He scooted closer, so he could look over Ryan's shoulder at the words on the screen.

Ryan found himself distracted by Brendon's hot breath on his neck. He gulped and tried to focus, but all he could think of was turning and pouncing on Brendon, attacking his lips until they were rough and sore. But he knew that he couldn't do that, so he just stayed absolutely still and prayed that Brendon wouldn't notice his stiffness. He came back down to reality when he heard Brendon speak again.

"Skin like the peaches they were so famous for. Georgia from Georgia, ashes to ashes. Nothing will come, she'll never leave. Bruises stay, like his habits. It never fades, only blends." Brendon nodded satisfactorily, he turned to face Ryan, and now Ryan could feel that same hot breath on his lips. "New song?"

"Work in progress," Ryan corrected, shutting the laptop with a thud louder than he had intended. Brendon backed off a little, and Ryan stood up completely.

"I'm gonna go take a nap. some Guitar Hero or something. I know you haven't been able to play in like...45 minutes."

"This is true," Brendon said with a laugh, "All right. Sweet dreams."

Ryan knew they would be because he knew exactly what, or more specifically, who, he would be dreaming of.
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