Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Im Not OK ... It's A Thing Called HIGH SCHOOL

Chapter 7

by leitchy 1 review

a new character comes in. who falls for her?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-02-16 - Updated: 2007-02-16 - 785 words

I sat at the table listening to AFI on my I-pod when I saw a girl sitting by herself. She's in my year. I'm sure she's in a few of my classes, but I'd never really talked to her. Gerard was off doing some random thing and the others hadn't turned up yet, so I decided I'd go over and say hi.

"Hey, I'm Amy. How are you?" I said, sitting down opposite the girl on the wiry white seat. She looked at me, her dark eyes staring into me. "Hi. I'm Ayisha. [for all those people who don't know how that is said, it's pronounced AY-EE-SHA] Yeah, I'm good I guess. You?" She replied. Her hair was dark and curly. I found myself wishing my hair went into ringlets like that. "Hmm, I'm good thanks. I saw you sitting over here all by yourself and thought I might come and say hi." She smiled warmly at me and said a quick thanks. "I thought you were going to pester me or something." She said, laughing. "Huh?" I asked. "Well, it's just that your group seem to be in trouble a lot. I dunno. Not many of the others want to associate with you. I don't see what's wrong with you. You seem nice. Although I heard that Gerard guy is on drugs and that, I think his name is Frank, he is always in trouble with teachers." She answered my question, and I honestly was quite shocked. "Well, About Gerard. He did that a while ago, and it was only once. He is not on drugs anymore. Frank is very ... err, out there. Even for us. Are people really like that towards us?" I told her, worried about other rumors floating around about Gee. "Yeah. I think it's mainly the clothes. All so dark and scary. And Frank with those earrings." "Oh." I realized that this girl was really nice. "You guys aren't the only ones doing the judging though!" I said, and we both laughed. "I never liked a lot of the girls because they all seemed so shallow and into crap music and magazines. They all seemed the same. But I like you. Your cool." I admitted, actually feeling quite foolish. She laughed. "Thanks. Trust me. I'm not like them either!" We were both laughing and I saw Mikey walk into the school grounds. "Hey Mikes! Come over here!" I called out to him. "Oh! I know him. One of the girls in my group thinks he is cute! Oh, shit. Don't tell anyone I told you that." Ayisha said, covering her mouth as she realized she had let out a secret. "Don't worry. I won't." Mikey sat down next to me. "Ok. What did you do to my brother? I don't see him here. Should I be worried? Maybe call the Police?" He asked. "Oh don't be so paranoid. That's my job!" I grinned. "Well?" He pestered. "He's off talking to one of the science teachers. He got into trouble for passing notes." I gave in. "By the way. This is Ayisha. Ayisha, this is Mikey." I thought I'd introduce them sooner rather than later. Maybe I can find out who likes Mikey. That's all Mikey needs. A girl that actually likes him, and he may gain some self confidence!
"Fuck!" Gerard said, sitting forcefully into the chair. "What?" Mikey asked. "I have two detentions for that stupid note. Frank was in on it too! He has to go see her tomorrow. Man, she was pissed!" He replied. "And, fucking detention is on the

same day as band prac! I nearly died when she told me." He added. "Oh Gee. I'm sure we can survive without you for two days." Mikey said, laughing. "Hi. I'm Gerard. You are?" Gerard said as he finally noticed Ayisha. "I'm Ayisha." She replied, shaking his hand. This is good. We may actually have a friend outside the group. "Oh, I just saw some of my friends. I'll talk to you later! Bye!" She said, waving to us as she walked over to a large group of girls, no doubt talking about their new favourite lip gloss.
"Who was that girl?" Frank asked as he casually sat down, slipping his bag under the chair. "Her name is Ayisha. She's in another group. Amy came and chatted to her. She seems really nice." Mikey answered him. "Hmm. She's hot!" Frank said. "Ooh! Frank has a crush!" Gerard teased. "Why don't you do something for her for Valentines Day. It's only a week away!" I said. Frank seemed to consider this. Now all we had to do was help him. It would be something pathetic if he didn't.
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