Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Im Not OK ... It's A Thing Called HIGH SCHOOL

Chapter 8

by leitchy 0 reviews

art class, and whats that frank?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-02-16 - Updated: 2007-02-17 - 457 words

"Do you think Frank really likes Ayisha?" Gerard asked me as we walked into art class. "Hmm. I'm not sure. Maybe we can leave him for a bit and see what happens. Then, if he does like her, we can help with something to get her to notice him!" I replied, hunting through the draws for my work. As I found it, I cringed. Definitely not my best. "Jack's looking pretty good." Gerard commented. "Yeah, well, I think it needs a lot more work." I looked at what was in front of me. It was a scene with Jack and Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas. I sighed, thinking of how I can make it better. Sitting down next to Gerard, I watched him do his own work. When he drew he was in his own little world, it was quite sweet actually. He did this thing with his mouth as he worked. He's put his tongue in his cheek, as if thinking hard. I was annoyed though. I could watch him work, but I couldn't see what he was working on. He kept hiding it from me.
"Gee." I said in my sweetest voice. "Yes?" He said imitating me. Laughing, I said. "Can I see what you are drawing?" I asked politely. He smirked. "Remember that song? Well, this is like that. No." I pulled a face and got back to Jack and Sally, desperately trying to sneak a glance at his work. But he was too damn good! Then, the bell went, and I knew I would not get a look, not at least until our next lesson.

"What the hell is Frank doing?" I asked as we saw Frank peering out at something from behind a pillar. "Umm. I don't know if I want to know." Gerard replied. We walked up behind Frank, and were about to say hi when he felt our presence and turned around. "Ohmygod! Iwasn'tdoinganything! Iswear!" He squeaked, really fast. So, that was very suspicious. "Frank. Spill!" I said. He just stood there. That was when I noticed Ayisha sitting under a tree with her friends. I nodded knowingly. Gerard followed my gaze and smiled. "Frankie's got a crush!" He teased. "Shut up!" It just so happened that Ayisha got up and headed our direction to her locker. As she passed, she smiled and waved, catching Frank's gaze for a moment. Maybe she liked him too. "Frank, if you really do like her that much. I have an idea for you to do. I think it will be cute, and she'll like it. You will have to hear me out." I said, grabbing his arm and pulling him back to our usual table, Gerard running behind us to keep up.
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