Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Diaries Of A Werewolf

Hospital? Okay, Just Don't Check My DNA.

by GeeDeexx 3 reviews

Raine's at the hospital, having the dream that she had been having ever since she got shot- about her mother... and a little about her human father.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Other - Published: 2007-02-18 - Updated: 2007-02-18 - 602 words

((Thanks for the positive reviews, everyone!))

I awoke with a start, but before I could sit up a gentle hand pressed me back down on the bed.
"Calm down, before you hurt yourself. You just got shot in the shoulder." Instantly, the memories flooded my head, but just of sliding on my clothes once the bullet was in me, and I smelled the man again- I opened my eyes to see him standing there.
"Have we met?" I asked, looking around me.
"Sort of. My name's Gerard. Gerard Way." I smiled slightly, looking at my hoodie next to my other clothes.
"Yep, you're the guy on that hoodie." I paused, looking around. "Um, could you maybe tell me who shot me?" I asked, sitting up more and almost wincing as the pain seared through my body.
"We don't entirely know." He said, sitting down. "And that reminds me, the hospital can't verify you as a person around here. What's your last name?" I cringed slightly, looking away.
"I-I don't exactly, um," I pasued, sitting up fully. "I don't really have a last name. Well the story was that my mother got pregnant with a man when she was young, so once she had me she gave me over to the orphanage and I kind of... Ran away." I didn't mean to sound dramatic, but that was how it was playing out. There was this name lingering in my mind- something like the last name of Wayne or something, but I couldn't remember, so I didn't say anything. Gerard sat down next to his brother, Mikey, and seemed to be thinking about something, but I didn't think much of it and instead shifted positions by sitting pretzel-legged.
I noticed his brother was asleep then, and I fell asleep also, having the weirdest dream ever.
It was of a woman, late at night, at a bar. She was some sort of a witch; often she would take advantage of a human with her sharp features and flirty remarks. She happened to land on one boy, about fifteen years old, and instantly she put him in a trance. He had long black hair that fell almost to his shoulders, and she twirled it in her fingers. The woman didn't expect to have a baby that night; actually, she would have preferred to kill him and used him in some witchcraft. But she had taken a liking to him somehow.
9 months later, a baby girl was sitting in her arms, her pretty hazel eyes that matched her father's exactly blinking around. She didn't cry, instead she looked around her in wonder. When the baby yawned, her teeth sharpened slightly, and the woman laughed who had been holding her.
"Lycanthrope," She had said. "I've made a lycan with a boy- what was his name? Was it-"

I awoke with a start and sat up straight, the wound almost completely healed thanks to my wolven blood. I looked around me to see it was night, the lights were out, and that the boy was still there- what had his name been? Of course, it was Gerard Way, sleeping across two of the visiting chairs. Why was he still here? I shook my head and leaned back in the hospital bed, feeling almost completely naked wearing only that stupid hospital dress with pink and purple flowers on it. There was a faint light shining through the window- I recognized it as the moon and felt my calling to it.
"No," I whispered, looking down. Tomorrow was the full moon. I would have to leave before nightfall, no questions asked.
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