Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Division Bell


by horsie890 0 reviews

A Great Day For Freedom: Chapter 6

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-02-25 - Updated: 2007-02-26 - 305 words

This morning I felt like I was still in a dream when I awoke. I heard a drum riff being played softly, as though it were a march in the distance. It took me almost a minute to recognize it. It was from one of my own songs.
I opened my eyes. The riff was still being played. Bob stood there with just a snare drum, rattling it off with a huge smile. Sunlight streamed in through the blinds. I felt like a new person as I stood. Bob finished the riff from Welcome to the Black Parade with a flourish I wish we would have used on the album.
"You made it, G. You're okay now." I nodded and followed him out of Frank's room, finding Mikey outside. I gave him a huge hug.
"You have no idea how much you mean to me," I said, on the verge of tears. "I would die without you." He returned the hug.
"Me too." I went and stood by the sunny window, turning back to look at him. I searched his face for any signs of hatred or regret, but found none. I was thankful. I could still taste the once-intoxicating darkness. Now it merely seemed bitter, and I knew it wouldn't last.
I am finally free of it all. The dark and morose will forever be a part of me; it is ingrained in my soul, in my mind, and can never be removed. But never have I felt so alive as I do now.
I feel different. I feel like a new person. I
"What a great day for freedom."
I woke to the sound of drums
The music played, the morning sun streamed in
I turned and I looked at you
And all but the bitter residues slipped away...slipped away...
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