Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Division Bell

Frank's Story: What Do You Want From Me?: I

by horsie890 0 reviews

What Do You Want From Me?: Chapter 1

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Horror - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-02-25 - Updated: 2007-02-26 - 583 words

I woke suddenly, but refused to open my eyes. These nightmares always left me with an intense feeling of fear, though I never remembered precisely what they were about. My breath came in short, hollow gasps, and I felt my heart racing. Whatever the dream had been about, it was terrifying.
I finally chanced to open my eyes. Darkness flooded my vision, but it was a welcome relief. At least I knew there was nothing that could hurt me. I glanced at the glowing numbers of the digital clock and sighed. There was no way I'd be able to go back to sleep now, so I stood and walked over to my window. I opened it just enough to let in a cooling breeze and walked over to the mirror on my wall. There was just enough light for me to see my own face in its silvered surface. I glared at my own reflection.
My eyes were raw and red from lack of sleep, almost starting to gather tears to keep me awake. Hair covered the right side of my face, contrasting with my pale skin. I looked like I was dead, or soon to be so.
There was movement. I blinked a few times, trying to figure out where it came from. I turned and looked around my room, but I couldn't see anything in the darkness. I looked back at the shining surface of the mirror and saw something.
Someone was staring at me.
My breathing stopped entirely. The moon crept overhead and shined into my room with silver light, partially illuminating the mirror. I froze completely, trying to see the person's face more clearly, but my eyes had not fully adjusted to the darkness.
"That won't be necessary," said a smooth, dark voice that seemed to circulate around me. It brought an icy wave of air with it. And it terrified me.
"For soon," it said slowly. "You will be a part of the darkness."
I felt like I should back away, or better yet, run away, but I could not move. I was curious.
"What do you mean?" I asked. My voice was barely above a whisper. He laughed darkly.
"That is precisely what I mean. I only need you to let me out." I was now thoroughly confused. No one could come out of a mirror. Then again, I hadn't even thought anyone could be in a mirror in the first place.
I stepped backward a few steps. He smirked, and his dark eyes glinted red in the black shadows. Suddenly, the mirror began to grow and stretch, reaching the floor and widening until it was the size and shape of a door. I could see him completely now. He wore a black suit edged with red, with his hands clasped behind his back. He was the same height as me.
He took a step forward- and walked right through the glass as though it wasn't even there. For a second I believed it wasn't. But here he was, standing in front of me with a sinister smile and blood-colored eyes. A shock ran through me as I realized he looked exactly like me. It was as though I was standing right there, but it couldn't have been me. There was no possible way.
I heard his breathing. It was slow and calm, as though this was an everyday occurrence for him. I knew it couldn't be my own breaths because I had forgotten how to breathe.
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