Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Im Not OK ... It's A Thing Called HIGH SCHOOL

Chapter 17

by leitchy 2 reviews

hospitals are horrible things

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-02-27 - Updated: 2007-02-27 - 1045 words

"It's in the blood, it's in the blood ..." Grr. As much as I love AFI, I do not appreciate their ring tone waking me up at 1am. Huh? My phone.

"Hello?" I asked groggily, still half asleep. "Ohmygod! Amy!Getherenow!" Mikey yelled into my ear via electronics. "Mikey, I can't understand you. Speak slowly." I said. "Amy. You need to get here. Gerard is out cold. I found him in the bathroom. He has taken some drugs and I think he slit his wrist." He said, sobbing. But this time it was clearer. "Oh my God. I'll be right there." I said, pulling my jeans and a hoodie on. "No. Meet me at the hospital. An ambulance is coming. It will be here soon." Mikey replied. "Ok." I said, and then hung up. Shit. I knew he would get himself into trouble. I drove myself to the hospital, thanking God that I had passed my P's test.

"Where is Gerard Way?" I asked the nurse at the front desk. I could hear the anxiousness in my voice. She gave me directions to his room with a tired smile. I had forgotten it was 1am. Shit. Gerard is sick. My Gerard. 'Mikey!" I called, running up to him and enveloping him in a hug. "How's he doing?" I asked. He removed his glasses and wiped his eyes. I could see tear streaks that were mixed with eye liner in his cheeks. "I dunno. They haven't said anything yet. And they won't let me in." He sobbed. I wrapped him into another hug and pulled him to the lounge, where we sat cuddling up to each other for the next 30 minutes. "I'll call the others, Ok?" I said, getting up and walking to the cafeteria, which was shut. I called the boys, and told them what was happening, and that they should come to the hospital at 9am.

When I walked back, there was a nurse sitting next to Mikey. He looked up and smiled. "Amy, this is the nurse looking after Gerard. Her name is Angela." I gave her a sad smile. "How's he going? Can we go in yet?" I asked her. "Well, Mr. Way has lost a lot of blood. He had cuts on his wrists. Some that have formed scars already, but there were two fresh ones. He had downed a bottle of vodka - that's the amount we are guessing from the amount of alcohol in his system - and has taken 15 pain killers. He is not in a very good condition, but he will be ok. He may need to talk to someone; it seems as if he has depression." She finished sadly. I glanced at Mikey, who was trying not to cry. "Do you know anything that could have caused this?" Angela asked. "I broke up with him about 3 weeks ago. He seemed upset by that, but anytime I tried to talk to him about his drug and alcohol use, he would tell me to 'fuck off'." I said softly. Had I been the cause of this? "The cuts are definitely self-inflicted." Mikey added. Angela shook her head. "Poor boy." She replied. "I feel really bad now, I broke up with him because he wouldn't stop drinking, and he lied to me about it. That's when the drugs started too." I said, resting my head on Mikey's shoulder. She nodded glumly. "Well, he won't be awake, but you can go in and stay with him." Angela said as she got up and left. I looked at Mikey. He took my hand and we walked through the doors to his room. I could have never prepared myself for the sight that I saw. Gerard was lying in the bed, dressed in a white hospital gown. He was attached to IV monitors and he looked so pale. He had oxygen pipes in his nose and his arms were all bandaged up. I let out a sob, and Mikey tightened his grip on my hand. "It's ok Amy. He will be fine." He said. We sat next to him, one of us on either side of the bed. I took Gerard's hand and just held it, wishing for him to be awake. I rested my head on the mattress. "Oh Gerard, I still love you." I whispered, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

I woke up to someone gently shaking my shoulder. "Sorry Miss. You are going to have to leave now." A rather cute male nurse said. No, stop. Bad Amy. You are here because of your sick boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend. Another part of my mind said. I shook my head and rolled down the sleeves of my hoodie. It was cold. I walked out to the waiting room, and the whole band was there. Well, except for Ray. I burst into tears again. I couldn't help it. I was breaking down again. Frank walked over to me and pulled me into his arms. "It's ok. Gerard is going to be just fine." He whispered, rubbing my back. I sobbed into his chest. "I still love him." I mumbled. Frank kissed me on the top of my head. "I know." He replied. I heard Bob laugh. "Hey Ray. Hey mystery chick!" He said. I looked up and saw Ray standing in the doorway, holding hands with a girl from school. "Hey. I'm Emily." She said. We all smiled and said our hellos. "I'm going to go and check on Gee." I said to Frank, who nodded.

It broke my heart to see him lying there like that. I definitely still love him, and I wasn't sure how he was going to take that. I had abandoned him when he most needed me. And I felt like crap. I watched his chest move up and down as he took in oxygen. Then I remembered a machine was doing that for him, and I was saddened once again. I sat by the bed and took his hand once again. I watched him. He looked as if he was sleeping. My poor Gerard is sick, and no one is able to do anything. We just have to wait. I leant down and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "I'm never going to leave you again. I promise."
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