Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Im Not OK ... It's A Thing Called HIGH SCHOOL

Chapter 18

by leitchy 0 reviews

wise words

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-03-02 - Updated: 2007-03-03 - 470 words

I sat in the seat next to Gerard's bed. He was getting better every day. The doctor's said that if he had come in any later, some of his organs may have been destroyed. They also said he was making a good recovery. I was so tired. I had sat up with him ever since he had been put in this room, leaving only when Frank convinced me it was ok for me to go to the bathroom and get changed after a nice shower. I laid my head on the mattress next to him, still holding his hand.

"Hey. Wake up." I heard a voice telling me to do something, and I was tempted to ignore it. Then a hand, that I suppose belonged to the voice started to poke me. "What!" I yelled, sitting up quite violently. "Oh." I muttered as I saw Ray's 'friend' Emily standing next to me. "Hey, I bought you some coffee." She said nervously. I gave her a warm smile. "Thanks. I'm sorry about earlier. I'm usually grumpy when I wake." I said, letting out a laugh. She smiled. "How are you going Amy?" She asked, concern in her voice. I looked down at my shoes. "I'm confused." I started. I looked up and saw her nod. "I don't know what I should be doing. We had a fight, and I hated him. But now I don't want to leave him. I think I love him again." I finished saying, sipping at my coffee. She thought for a moment. "I think that maybe you never hated him. You were angry at him, and left, hoping that he would see your side, maybe even change. I also think that he thought you genuinely did hate him, and it made him more depressed. Hence this." She said, nodding towards Gerard who was still sleeping in the hospital bed. I nodded grimly. "Maybe just give it time. Stay with him if you feel like it. Then talk to him when he wakes. You never know, you both may have forgotten about it all." She said, giving me a hug. I smiled and hugged her back. "Thanks."

Next time I awoke, Mikey was sitting by my side. "Am's, do you know where all these flowers are coming from?" He asked, seeing that I had opened my eyes. I shook my head. The room was filled with some of the most beautiful colours I had ever seen. "They don't have tags or anything on them." I said. "Oh." I leant forward and took Gerard's hand again. "How are you going Mikes?" I ask him. "I dunno. I'm so angry at him for doing this, but I want to stay with him. What do you think?" He said. "I think you need to talk to Emily." I replied, grinning.
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