Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Fallen White Roses

Unfamilure Yet, Familure

by lunar_neko 1 review

"St-stay away," Kagome spoke the small command softly, making it sound like more of a request. [Do not be afraid], a masculine voice spoke softly to her.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Horror - Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-02-28 - Updated: 2007-02-28 - 1513 words


Hey guys, sorry that I'm so late updating but I was busy pulling up my grades and this weekend I went out with my boyfriend to see "The Messengers." It was okay. I will only be able to update at least once a week and if you have any ideas on this story, please, don't hesitate to e-mail me with them, it would be so helpful! Any who ... here's the next chapter, hope you enjoy!

Last time:
'Those aren't ordinary bats!' Her heart rate increased and she tried to runaway from the tree, only managing a couple of steps before collapsing. The bats seized there chance and took flight, circling Kagome before swooping down to attack.


At hearing a low growl, Kagome turned her head to the left and saw a large silver wolf leap out of the bushes and run gracefully over to Kagome, stepping over her body so that his body covered hers, partly.

'Protect her at all costs!' his instincts screamed at him. He growled menacingly, curling his lips into a snarl. The silver wolf tore off a wing of one of the bats when it came into range and too close to the girl for comfort.

[A werewolf? Should I go for back up or will we be retreating?], a younger vampire questioned an elder one.

[Stay until one of us hits the mark], he answered patiently as he watched Quin being torn into pieces by the wolf; her blood stained his muzzle as he finished the job. The younger vampire took the opportunity to strike and swooped down to the unsuspecting mermaid.

"Stay away from me! Creepy crawly rat thing with wings!" Kagome tried to shoo it away, her hand connecting with its body. The bat fell from the air and into her lap, Kagome froze as it looked up at her with a sinister glare before crawling up her flesh (a/n: she's in her b-day suit after all) and stopped on her chest.

[Calm yourself, you will feel no pain], a dark voice cooed as its owner's body tried to bite at the delicate flesh of her neck as Kagome quieted down and relaxed. The bat sensed her pain from her human life and again spoke.

[I will make you forget your human life in time...] images flashed through Kagome's mind of InuYasha, her family and friends, of InuYasha driving fast, images of a brick wall, the merciless rain, InuYasha's mangled body.

'InuYasha...' images of a gleaming motorbike, a crowd, a pool of blood, hospitals, white walls, a bridge, a piece of paper dancing in the wind, cold water.

'INUYASHA!' Kagome screamed inside of her head.

The silver wolf bounded back into the clearing with more blood staining its fur, he had just chased and killed the other bat, and another voice entered her head, though it was sterner than the first.

[Stay still!] the wolf clamped its jaws around the bats body before ripping it away from Kagome before the bat could inflict damage. Its deed done, the wolf trotted into the foliage and headed for a lagoon that shone brightly in the moonlight.

After sitting there for awhile, Kagome got up and stumbled after the wolf. She came into the clearing and spotted a beckoning lagoon that shone eerily in the moonlight.

"He-hello?" she glanced around nervously, sensing a presence behind her, Kagome dashed toward the lagoon, only to trip and fall about half of the way there. She yelped in pain as her forehead collided with a rock.

Kagome sat up quickly and placed a careful finger to her forehead. 'Blood?' Images of InuYasha's mangled body entered her head causing a sob to escape her lips, only causing an onset of tears to flow freely from her eyes.

'Her scent is so ... familure, she's familure. Where-' he watched from a distance as she fell and hit her head on a rock. The scent of familure blood hit his nose and he immediately felt guilty for some reason. Quickly, he closed the distance between them and stood on all fours before her. She turned her head around to come face to face with him and immediately began to backpedal.

"St-stay away," Kagome spoke the small command softly, making it sound like more of a request.

[Do not be afraid], a masculine voice spoke softly to her.

"Why should I trust you?" Somehow, she knew it was the wolf speaking to her.

[Because, I have no reason to harm you.]

"That's convincing," Kagome replied sarcastically. The wolf suddenly advanced and was upon her before she could move away. He stretched his neck out and before she knew what was happening, felt something warm and slightly wet run across the cut on her forehead.

"Did you just ... did you just lick me???" Kagome was in disbelief. She felt a tingling on her forehead and reached up with a hand to touch it softly. Feeling only smooth skin, she gave him a questioning look.

[My kind has healing properties in our saliva.]

"What exactly are you?" He pondered for a moment and blocked his thoughts from her.

'Does she know that I'm the enemy?'

"Well, if you can't say then, answer me with a nod or something," she tried. The wolf looked at her and she knew that he was listening, even more so when he sat down in front of her and cocked his head to one side.

"Do you have a human form?" The wolf stared at her, before snuffing and then nodded.

"The-n, you're a werewolf."

[I prefer the term, lycan.]

"Why didn't you kill me? Why did you help me?"

The wolf averted its liquid golden gaze to the full moon behind the girl and pondered the questions.

[It is not your time to die. As for the other question ... I don't know,] he lied, listening to distant squeaks.

[Come, there's a cave on the other side of the lake. We can use it as protection.] He took the lead and headed towards the cave with a reluctant Kagome following his lead. She adverted her gaze to the lagoon and got a mischievous glint to her eyes. Kagome made a mad dash to the water and didn't even hesitate before jumping into the once perfectly still water.

'What the ...' the silver wolf turned around and stared at the lagoon as ripples spread out over the surface. When the girl didn't surface, he trotted over to the waters edge and peered into the murky depths.

Kagome lunged out of the water and wrapped her arms around the wolf's neck, burying her fingers into his fur, bringing him with her as she fell back into the water. Her eyes gleamed as she pulled him further down and glanced up towards the surface. Glancing up, he saw the bats circle the water before flying off into the night.

He suddenly felt the need to breath and swam quickly to the surface gasping for air when it filled his lungs. Realizing he hadn't broken the surface yet he cocked his head in the girl's direction. She stifled a giggle.

[What is this?]

[It's and air bubble, what else?]

[Release me!] the wolf growled dangerously, bearing his fangs.

[Nuh-uh, they're still up there in the trees,] she swam up to the bubble, [you wouldn't want me to bust this, would you?] She batted her eyes at him and when she received no response, she pointed her finger and held it dangerously close to the bubble.


[I thought so,] she giggled at his reluctance before swimming to the surface, the air bubble close behind and popping as it drew closer to the surface. The wolf immediately swam up and broke the surface, only to find the girl bolting out of the water and dashing towards the cave.

"Catch me if you can!" was the only thing he heard as he heaved himself out of the water and sprinted after her. His instincts kicking in, he picked up speed to lose distance between his potential mate and himself.

'Wait, potential mate??? Definitely NOT!' when he neared the cave, he noticed that it was completely silent inside.

[Do not enter, if you value your life.] He heard her warning inside his head.

[And just why the hell not? I don't listen to bitches, especially not human bitches.] When she didn't answer, he took a step closer only to be nearly run over by the girl running in a blind panic. Hearing squeaks, he took off after her.

[What is wrong?!] She gave him no answer but simply kept running. The wind changed directions bringing the scent of salt and water, not only from her tears but, from the sea.

'Shit! She's going to run straight off of the Devil's Shoulder (cliff, REALLY big cliff!)!'

[Stop, NOW!] He tried in vain but her running from him, tears streaming down her cheeks and not listening triggered something in his mind. She's ...

I'm totally evil, I know. Hope you enjoyed now give a review and receive a shout-out!
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