Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemically Crazed Life Starring MCR

Diner 2

by smokeyozzy 2 reviews

just read it

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-03-01 - Updated: 2007-03-01 - 1673 words

Okay, the thing with my friend typing this up, so i have a nice new long chapter for you! It starts right after Kaitlin told Frank, so if ur confused, go back and read the last chapter again. Sorry if there are any grammar or punctuation errors, we arent all perfect, plus, she typed a lot up really quickly, so i cant complain. Oh, and i only got like 1 review after the last chapter, it made me sad, please review!
"Oh my god!" Frank squealed like a girl, dropping the candle he had in his hand. It fell to the ground, the red glass container it was inshattred upon impact. "Why didn't he tell me?!" He asked, still smiling.

"Because you do that." Ellie said, pointing to the shattered glass. "Clean it up, then get back to work."


"Wow, thats the best dinner I've had in years," said Mikey.

"I know, the baby liked it," Veronica said patting her stomache.

"I love you so much Veronica"

"I love you too, Mikey."

"I wanna spend the rest of my life with you."

"Me too, mikey."

"No, I mean it."

"I know you do."

Mikey stood up, then got down on one knee. Veronica's hand went to her mouth, her eyes started watering.

"Veronica Harold, I love you with all my heart. I dream of the future, our band getting big, our child growing up, and every time I think about it, you're there. Vee, will you marry me?" mikey asked her, he pulled out a small velvet box and opened it up. Inside, a diamond glinted in the light.

Veronica covered her eyes as the tears started to flow.

Mikey looked worried.

Frank, Kaitlin,Ellie

"Whats taking them so long?" Frank whined.

"Frank, give it time," Ellie said, picking at her red nail polish.

"But we're almost done, and I'm bored." Frank continued to whine.

"Then go, nothing's keeping you here," Ellie said.

"I don't wanna," Frank said.

"Then shut up!" Ellie snapped.

"Leave him alone Ellie, he didn't do anything to you. You're just mad because this room looks romantic and you don't have a boyfriend," Kaitlin said smugly to her sister, Frank just watched them, nervous about the fight he knew was about to break out.

"Why are you defending him?!" Ellie yelled, pointing at frank, he looked sad, "He is just another freak like you anyway!" Now frank was angry.

"She is not a freak," Frank said stepping into the middle of the fight. He gulped, realizing he had just commited suicide.

"Frank isn't a freak either," Kaitlin said, defending her friend as he had defended her.

"Yes, he is, you both are. And don't don't bring boyfriends into this, because you don't have one either," Ellie countered, then stomprd out of the hotel room and slammed the door.

"Wow, now how are we going to finnish setting up the suite if we don't know what to do?" Kaitlin asked, sitting on the bed.

"You didn't have to stick up for me, it kinda started the fight," Frank said, feeling guilty.

"It wasn't a problem Frankie. You're my friend, plus, she's been in a pissy mood lately," Kaitlin said.

"Fine, whatever," Frank said.

Mikey and Veronica

"Oh my god," Veronica said, crying.

Mikey stood up from where he was kneeling. He closed the ring box and put it in his pocket. "I'm sorry, I thought you felt the same way I do," He said sadly.

"Wait, you don't want to marry me?" Veronica asked, and sobbed.

"No, I really do. I just proposed to you and you didn't answer me, so I figured--" Mikey started.

"Don't figure things, you didn't wait for me to answer," Veronica said laughing, she wiped her tear stained face.

Mikey got back on one knee. "Lets do this again. Veronica Harold, will you marry me?" he pulled out the small box again.

Veronica nodded, "Of course Mikey." Mikey took her hand and slipped the ring on her finger.

"I'm going to use the bathroom, then we can get out of here," Mikey said, then dissapeared into the bathroom.

Frank and Kaitlin(Ellie left, remember?)

Frank and Kaitlin were watching Spongebob (I don't know why I always have them watching spongebob, I don't even have cable) when Ellie's cell phone started to ring.

"Hello," Frank said, picking up the phone.

"Hey frank. Is Ellie there?" Mikey asked.

"Um, no actually, she isn't," Frank said hesitantly.

"Why not?" Mikey asked, he started to panic.

"Long story, but me and Kaitlin have everything under control," Frank said.

"Okay, we're on our way back, be done and out of there in 10 minutes," Mikey said and hung up.

Frank shut Ellie's phone and set it on the table next to the bed. "Kaitlin, we have to be out of here in 10 minutes," he said.

"Okay. You light the candles, and I'll make sure everything else is set up," Kaitlin said and Frank pulled out his lighter and lit all the little candle wicks. They were almost done when they herd Mikey slip his keycard into the lock.

"Holy shit! He said 10 minutes, it's been, like, 5," Frank said nervously. "What do we do?"

"Here," Kaitlin said, grabed Ellie's phone and shoved Frank into the closet, she slipped in beside him and shut the door. There wasn't much room left in the little closet with both of them in there.

"I'll be right back, Baby," Veronica said.

"Sure thing, I'll put these coats in the closet," Mikey said, Frank gasped, Kaitlin's hands were stuck at her sides so she silenced him by kissing him.

"Just be quiet, okay?" Kaitlin asked in a whisper, Frank nodded and held his breath.

"He's going to kill me," Frank said quietly, as Mikey's foot steps drew nearer to the closet.

Mikey slid the door of the closet open and gasped when he saw his two friends hiding in there. "What the hell are you idiots doing in my closet? I thought you had everything under control," he growled.

"Hey Mikey, didn't expect to see you here," Kaitlin laughed nervously.

"Get out now!" Mikey fumed, "We'll talk later." He grabbed their arms and dragged them to the door and quickly pushed them out into the hall.

"Mikey?" Veronica called.

"Over here, Babe," Mikey said, she came over to him.

"Who were you talking to?"

"Oh, the front desk called," Mikey lied.

"Okay, now where were we in the limo?" Veronica asked slyly.

"Hmm, I don't remember, can you remind me?" Mikey asked, grinning.

"Your such a cornball," Veronica laughed then kissed him.

"But I'm your cornball, Babe," Mikey laughed.

"I suppose," Veronica said and kissed him again.

Out in the hall, Frank and Kaitlin were still at the door.

"Geez, that was a little rude," Kaitlin laughed.

"Yea," Frank said, he was confused about the kiss. The two headed towards Kaitlin's room.

"You wanna get something to eat?" Kaitlin asked when they were outside of her and Ellie's room.

"Sure," Frank said.

"Okay, one sec, I'm gonna get my coat. If I don't come out in less than five minutes then call the cops and tell them Ellie killed me," Kaitlin laughed, then dissapeared into the hotel room.

Frank heard yelling from inside the room. "Bitch," Kaitlin muttered as she exited the room, her coat in her hands. "Okay, let's go."

"Okay," Frank said, they headed downstairs, then outside. "Um, Kaitlin, can we walk somewhere. I kinda want to talk to you about something," He said, Kaitlin dropped the arm she was trying to hail a cab with and nodded. "About that kiss, did you mean it. Erm, well, do you have feelings for me?"

"Uh," Kaitlin started, embarassed, "Yea, I do. But I didn't mean it, you probably don't like me, and I probably just complicated our friendship, I'm so sor--"

She was cut off by Frank's lips pressing against hers.


Veroncia was woken up rather rudely by someone knocking on the door of her and mikey's suite.

"Mikes, baby, wake up." Veronica tried to shake her fiance awake. The person at the door kept pounding, "Hold on!" VEronica yelled. She slipped on what was closest to her which happened to be a pair of mikey's boxers and his t-shirt.She flipped the latch on the door and pulled it open.

"Hey Veronica, is mikey in?" GErard asked looking at what veronica was wearing, "Oopsie, did I interrupt something?" Veronica blushed.

"Yes, sleep. Now what do you want Mikey for?" Veronica asked him.

"Breakfast," Gerard replied.

"He's sleeping, you can go wake him up. I'm gonna take a shower," Veronica said, then headed into the bathroom.

Gerard walked up to the bed and jumped on it. "Micheal Way, get out of bed right now," he screamed.

"Gerard, what the hell is wrong with you?" Mikey asked, getting out of bed with a sheet wraped around him.

"Many things, but thats not the point right now," Gerard said, "Did she say yes?" Mikey nodded. "Yay!" Now we are going to breakfast to congratulate you two, get ready then come to my room so we can go," Gerard said, then left.

"Babe, are you in the shower yet?" Mikey asked Veronica.

"Yea, I'm already done," Veronica said opening the bathroom door, she had a towel wrapped around her pregnant belly. "I'm going to get dressed, Gerard said something about breakfast," Veronica said, the white gold engagment ring on her finger glinted in the light.

"Okay, I'm going to take a quick shower. Oh, and that looks good on you," Mikey said.

"You pervert, I'm not wearing anything." Veronica slapped him.

"I was talking about the ring," Mikey laughed, then went to take a shower.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mikey knocked on the door to his brother and Frank's hotel room. The door opened and everyone inside yelled 'Congratulations!'.

"Gerard, I wanted to tell them!" Mikey punched his brother.
Okay, thanks to my friend Chloe, that was typed up way quicker than i type. Please review and ill post more!-SMOKEY
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